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安卓版本:8.7.11 蘋果版本:8.7.11






來源: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 編輯: 2011/04/29 09:17:19  字體:

  How much further can the dollar plummet?


  Even as the tired mantra of a U.S. strong-dollar policy was repeated by Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner this week and Ben Bernanke on Wednesday, the greenback continued plumbing new depths. The ICE dollar index is at its lowest since 2008. This year the dollar has hit record lows against the yen, the Australian dollar, the Swiss franc and the Singapore dollar, J.P. Morgan notes. All the forces look negative. But investors should weigh the risks carefully.

  美國財政部長蓋特納(Timothy Geithner)在本周、美聯(lián)儲主席貝南克(Ben Bernanke)在周三又念叨著美國奉行強勢美元政策這個讓人生厭的咒語,同一時間,美元卻在繼續(xù)跌向新的深度。洲際交易所(ICE)美元指數(shù)處于2008年以來的最低水平。摩根大通(J.P. Morgan)指出,今年美元已經(jīng)對日圓、澳大利亞元、瑞士法郎和新加坡元創(chuàng)下紀(jì)錄新低。所有因素看起來都不利于美元。但投資者應(yīng)當(dāng)仔細權(quán)衡風(fēng)險。

  Most obviously, the dollar is suffering from ultraloose U.S. monetary policy. The Federal Reserve continues to hold rates at zero and buy bonds. While the money printing is finally scheduled to end in June, the Fed still plans an extended period of low rates. Meanwhile, central banks elsewhere are firmly in rate-raising mode, including the European Central Bank, which seems determined to burnish its inflation-busting credentials. A big yield differential between the U.S. and Europe could open up.

  最明顯的利空因素是美國的超寬松貨幣政策。美聯(lián)儲仍在將利率維持于近零水平,仍在購買國債。印鈔票之舉終于確定要在6月份結(jié)束,但美聯(lián)儲仍然打算在較長時期維持低利率。與此同時,其他央行已經(jīng)明確地進入加息狀態(tài),比如歐洲中央銀行(European Central Bank),它似乎下定了決心要提高自己的抗通脹成績。美國和歐洲之間有可能形成一個巨大的息差。

  Another negative is international capital flows. U.S. investors have been stepping up purchases of foreign stocks, and foreign central-bank reserve managers are diversifying holdings. Central banks' purchases of foreign currency added $248 billion to reserves in the first quarter. But official flows into U.S. dollar assets are far limper compared with that, according to Nomura. China, in particular, has signaled support for the euro and euro-zone bonds.


  There also is the risk of further dollar weakness if it starts to reflect fiscal concerns, as the euro did last year. Washington has shown little evidence of its ability to agree to a coherent plan to tame the runaway deficit.


  The danger is chasing the dollar down this apparent one-way street. The biggest threat to the conventional wisdom is the potential for a dip in risk appetite. That might be sparked by the end of quantitative easing, or a more serious resurgence in the euro-zone debt crisis, particularly if it threatened Spain. A risk-off trade likely would cause a dollar spike on safe-haven flows and investors closing short-dollar bets.


  But even that likely would be temporary. Even though Mr. Bernanke made clear he will act if inflation risks rise, soaring asset prices and the impact of higher commodities prices into headline inflation are likely to continue being ignored. While the bar for further money printing is getting higher, the message from Wednesday's meeting was the Fed remains committed in its experiment of superaggressive monetary policy to reduce unemployment and pull the U.S. out of its economic mess.


  The surge in gold and silver, with the SPDR Gold Trust and iShares Silver Trust ETFs up 1.9% and 6.8%, respectively, on the day, underlined the market view. Investors can expect plenty more dollar-sapping monetary policy to come.

  周三黃金和白銀價格大幅上漲,交易所買賣基金SPDR Gold Trust和iShares Silver Trust分別上漲了1.9%和6.8%。這正是市場上述觀點的反映。投資者可以期待大量不利于美元的新貨幣政策出臺。

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