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安卓版本:8.7.11 蘋果版本:8.7.11






來源: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 編輯: 2011/04/29 09:19:00  字體:

  The stock-market rebound from the depths of the financial crisis has been a boon to dozens of executives who received grants of stock and stock options at rock-bottom prices in late 2008 and early 2009.


  The market carnage coincided with the year-end season when many companies make their equity grants to executives. The result was attractively low exercise prices for options. The depressed prices at the time also prompted some boards to grant larger numbers of options or shares than usual. Both factors boosted potential gains when stocks recovered.


  In all, more than 90% of CEOs of companies in the Standard & Poor's 500-stock index received stock or options between Oct. 1, 2008 -- shortly after the Lehman Brothers collapse -- and Sept. 30 of the following year. Collectively, that CEO equity has since risen more than $3 billion above original grant valuations, a Wall Street Journal analysis of S&P data shows.

  總體來看,從2008年10月1日雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)倒閉不久到次年9月30日,標準普爾500指數(shù)成份股公司中有90%以上的首席執(zhí)行長獲得了股票或期權(quán)。據(jù)《華爾街日報》對標普數(shù)據(jù)的分析顯示,目前這些股權(quán)的總估值已經(jīng)較當初授予時增加了逾30億美元。

  These are mostly paper gains. Many shares and options granted during the crisis carry time restrictions and can't yet be cashed out. Some grants also are linked to performance hurdles, and so might never be earned.


  Not every CEO shows gains on equity grants from the crisis period. Monsanto Co. CEO Hugh Grant received stock and options in October 2008 valued at $9.6 million. Since then, Monsanto shares have fallen 25%, so for now the options wouldn't be worth exercising. His stock grant, initially valued at up to $3.7 million, is worth about $1.4 million now.

  并非所有的首席執(zhí)行長在危機時期獲得的股權(quán)都升值了。孟山都公司(Monsanto Co.)首席執(zhí)行長格蘭特(Hugh Grant)在2008年10月獲得了價值960萬美元的股票和期權(quán)。截至目前,該公司股票已經(jīng)累計跌了25%,所以目前期權(quán)還不值得行使。他的股票最初估值最高可達370萬美元,目前只有約140萬美元。

  The mostly surging values underscore a shift toward paying executives more with options and restricted shares, tying their fortunes to those of shareholders. Restricted shares are stock an executive gets free after sticking around for a set number of years and, in some cases, meeting performance tests.


  Stock options and restricted stock accounted for 53% of the stated value of pay for big-company CEOs in 2009, said Kevin Murphy of the University of Southern California's Marshall School of Business. That was up from 49% in 2005. Cash compensation declined during the recession. Brian Foley, a compensation consultant, said in many cases, executives are being rewarded for restoring share prices to 2006 levels. Large equity grants made at depressed share prices in late 2008 and early 2009 have become "lottery tickets" for some, he said.

  南加州大學(xué)(University of Southern California)馬歇爾商學(xué)院的墨菲(Kevin Murphy)說,股票期權(quán)和限制性股票占了2009年大公司首席執(zhí)行長薪酬宣稱價值的53%。這較2005年49%的比例有所上升。衰退期間現(xiàn)金薪酬減少。薪酬顧問弗利(Brian Foley)說,很多情況下,高管獲得獎金是因為他們使公司股價恢復(fù)到了2006年的水平。他說,2008年底和2009年初以低價獲得的大量股權(quán)對一些人來說成了“彩票”。

  Shareholders of many firms have benefited, too. The cumulative value of S&P-500 companies has more than doubled from its low point during the financial crisis, to $12.3 trillion. In contrast to executives with options, however, shareholders had to put money at risk for two or 2 1/2 years to achieve these gains.


  Paying executives more heavily in equity rather than salary makes their compensation more variable and poses a challenge for directors who are trying to set a proper pay level. Compensation from equity grants obviously would have proved far lower had stocks not rallied sharply from their lows.


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