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安卓版本:8.7.11 蘋(píng)果版本:8.7.11






來(lái)源: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 編輯: 2011/09/16 13:27:29  字體:

  Xing Fushan sells electric scooters in the suburbs of Beijing and understands little about high finance but has strong opinions about Chinese purchases of bonds issued by crisis-hit European countries.


  “China shouldn’t buy European bonds because the US can’t even pay their debt, so in the end, China will lose money,” the 30-year-old salesman says. “With so much money, wouldn’t it be nice if the government could do some real good things for the [Chinese] people?”


  The idea that China might be willing or even able to bail out debt-laden Europe by purchasing huge amounts of potentially worthless bonds is one that elicits disdain from most parts of Chinese society.


  “I don’t think any country can be saved by China in today’s world,” Li Daokui, a member of the monetary policy committee of China’s central bank, told a panel at the World Economic Forum in Dalian, China, on Wednesday. “Countries can only save themselves by pushing through reforms.”


  China is now the second-largest economy, with a rapidly expanding military budget and a pile of foreign exchange reserves that is growing by more than $500bn a year and now exceeds $3,200bn, by far the largest in the world.


  But China is commonly referred to as fu guo qiong min, or rich country, poor people, in which the state and its various branches are rich and strong but the average citizen remains relatively poor and often lacks access to basic social services.


  To most citizens, it is ludicrous to suggest spending the foreign reserves, which are viewed by many as the “blood and sweat money” of the masses, to bail out decadent Europeans who only a few generations ago were trying to colonise the country.


  Since the very beginning of the continent’s sovereign debt crisis, China has expressed “confidence” in Europe’s prospects repeatedly and on Wednesday, Wen Jiabao, the premier repeated this line, saying Beijing believed European economies would recover from the current turmoil eventually.


  “We have been concerned about the difficulties faced by the European economy for a long time, and we have repeated our willingness to extend a helping hand and increase our investment,” Mr Wen said at the opening of the WEF in Dalian.


  But for the first time in public he also made a direct link between China’s helpfulness and political concessions that Beijing has long demanded, not least that Europe grant China full “market economy” status.


  This is a technical definition that would benefit Chinese companies involved in trade disputes and under World Trade Organisation rules China is expected to be granted it automatically by 2016.


  “If EU nations can demonstrate their sincerity several years earlier, it would reflect our friendship,” said Mr Wen, who was hoping for a “breakthrough” on this topic at scheduled talks with EU leaders next month. “


  EU officials say China does not meet many of the criteria to be designated a market economy and that Europe is unlikely to grant China this status early.


  In what was perhaps a nod to the popular sentiment expressed by Mr Xing the scooter salesman, Mr Wen also signalled that China was not about to rush to the rescue of rich countries embroiled in debt crises of their own making.


  “Countries should fulfil their responsibilities and put their own houses in order,” Mr Wen said. “Developed countries must undertake responsible fiscal and monetary policies.”


  Mr Wen’s words will come as a disappointment to the governments of European countries battling sovereign debt crises, who have been lobbying Beijing to use some of its reserves to buy bonds that are increasingly being shunned by the market.


  On Monday, the Financial Times reported that Italian officials had met managers of the reserves and proposed significant increases of Chinese purchases of Italian bonds, as well as a number of direct investments in Italian industry.


  However, analysts and European officials say China’s actual purchases of Greek, Portuguese, Spanish and Italian bonds have been quite limited and its Euro-denominated foreign reserves are overwhelmingly invested in much safer German debt.


  “There’s a general belief in the market that China has been a big buyer of “ German bonds and less of a buyer of periphery debt,” according to Stephen Green, chief China economist at Standard Chartered bank.

  “市場(chǎng)上的普遍看法是,中國(guó)一直是德國(guó)債券的大買(mǎi)家,而對(duì)歐元區(qū)外圍國(guó)家債務(wù)的購(gòu)買(mǎi)量不那么大”渣打銀行(Standard Chartered bank)大中華區(qū)首席經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家王志浩(Stephen Green)表示。

  European officials also acknowledge that Beijing is trying to extract maximum political advantage from any bond purchases it does make.


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