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來源: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 編輯: 2011/07/13 16:43:20  字體:

  Credit booms are often followed by credit busts. For those who don’t read history, this lesson has been learnt from painful recent experience. But not as far as China is concerned. The world’s second largest economy has seen a tremendous surge in lending over the past few years. The inevitable bad loans are already turning up. Yet the markets are not unduly concerned. While other countries suffer the ill consequences of reckless lending, China’s fate is different. Or, so we are told.


  In 2009 and 2010, total credit grew respectively by 39 percent and 34 percent of GDP. At 160 percent of GDP, China’s stock of debt has climbed by 40 percentage points since early 2009. In a recent report, Credit Suisse economist Vincent Chan observes that Chinese credit growth has reached the critical level that has previously anticipated sudden downturns in other countries.* Non-bank credit instruments are also proliferating in China. A shift to this type of short-term funding is a typical indicator of rising financial fragility.

  2009年,中國(guó)信貸總額增長(zhǎng)占到國(guó)內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值(GDP)的39%;2010年,這一比率為34%。自2009年初以來,中國(guó)債務(wù)總額攀升了40個(gè)百分點(diǎn),達(dá)到GDP的160%。在最近的一份報(bào)告中,瑞信(Credit Suisse)經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家陳昌華(Vincent Chan)表示,中國(guó)信貸增長(zhǎng)已達(dá)到臨界水平,這一水平以前在其它國(guó)家預(yù)示著突然低迷的來臨。中國(guó)非銀行信貸工具也在激增。轉(zhuǎn)向這種短期融資,是金融脆弱性加大的一個(gè)典型標(biāo)志。

  Problems are appearing with loans to local government infrastructure projects, which constitute the bulk of the recent credit surge. Last month, a heavily indebted toll road operator in the south-western province of Yunnan announced it could not meet its repayment schedule. A port operator in Shanghai was reported to have illegally diverted working capital loans into real estate investments. Beijing’s Land Reserve, a levered vehicle that is used to fund public land purchases, apparently faces liquidity problems.


  Nobody knows for sure how much debt these local government funding vehicles have taken on. The highest reported figure of Rmb14,000bn ($2,165bn) exceeds one-third of China’s GDP. Nobody knows how many of these loans will default. Moody’s has warned they may drive the banks’ non-performing loan ratio to 12 percent. In any other country, this would be a cause for concern. But not in China. Stephen Roach, a former chairman of Morgan Stanley’s Asian operations, typifies the prevailing sang-froid: “it doesn’t pay,” writes Mr Roach, “to diagnose the Chinese economy by drawing inferences from the experiences of others”.

  沒有人清楚地知道,這些地方政府融資工具到底背負(fù)了多少債務(wù)?報(bào)道中出現(xiàn)的最大數(shù)字是14萬億元人民幣(合2.165萬億美元),超過中國(guó)GDP的三分之一。也沒有人知道,這些債務(wù)中有多少將會(huì)違約?穆迪(Moody's)已發(fā)出警告稱,這些債務(wù)可能會(huì)將中國(guó)銀行業(yè)的不良貸款率推升至12%。在幾乎任何國(guó)家,這都足以引起關(guān)切;但中國(guó)不在此列。摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)亞洲前董事長(zhǎng)史蒂芬·羅奇(Stephen Roach),就是當(dāng)前占主流的這類鎮(zhèn)定人物的代表。他寫道,“參照其它國(guó)家的經(jīng)歷來推斷中國(guó)經(jīng)濟(jì),是毫無意義的”。

  After all, China has experience with bad debts. At the turn of the century around 40 percent of Chinese bank loans were non-performing. Yet this mountain of bad loans did not portend an economic slowdown, undermine public finances or derail economic growth. In fact, over the following decade, China’s economy expanded rapidly. Its banks were cleaned up, listed on the world’s stock exchanges, and are today ranked among the world’s most valuable companies.


  The story of how Beijing dealt with these bad debts is told in the book Red Capitalism by Carl Walter and Fraser Howie. Non-performing loans were taken from the banks at face value and handed over to government-controlled asset management companies, which in turn issued notes that were acquired by the same banks. The central bank indirectly used foreign exchange reserves to provide banks with new equity. Some bad loans were guaranteed by the Ministry of Finance and remained on the banks’ balance sheets as “restructuring receivables”.

  卡爾·沃特(Carl Walter)和侯偉(Fraser Howie)合著的《紅色資本主義》(Red Capitalism)一書,講述了中國(guó)是如何處理上述壞賬的。不良貸款按其面值從銀行中剝離出來,轉(zhuǎn)移給政府控制的資產(chǎn)管理公司,然后資產(chǎn)管理公司發(fā)行債券,仍由這些銀行購買。中國(guó)央行間接地使用外匯儲(chǔ)備向銀行注入新的股本。部分不良貸款得到了財(cái)政部的擔(dān)保,以“重組應(yīng)收款項(xiàng)”的名義保留在銀行的資產(chǎn)負(fù)債表上。

  By such acts of, what Mr Walter and Mr Howie aptly term, “financial legerdemain” China was able over a number of years to absorb bad debts equivalent to around a quarter of GDP. Depositors also contributed to the recapitalisation of the banking system. Deposit rates were kept artificially low, thus boosting the banks’ lending margins. Robust economic expansion did the rest.


  Most commentators believe that the non-performing loans generated by the recent credit boom will be handled with similar aplomb. Yet circumstances have changed. China’s credit system is more transparent than a decade ago. This could make Beijing’s financial boot-strapping more problematic. Bank depositors may also try to avoid footing the bill. Despite capital controls, it is increasingly easy for rich Chinese to move money offshore. The proliferation of high-yielding financial products provides an alternative to bank deposits for savers.


  A decade ago, China’s economy had been restructured and enjoyed the benefits from accession to the World Trade Organisation. Exports and foreign direct investment were surging. The economy was spurred by a continuous flow of urban migrants and rising levels of fixed asset investment. These sources of growth have largely been expended. China can no longer expand its share of global trade without antagonising trading partners; migration from rural areas is slowing; and fixed asset investment at close to 50 per cent of GDP is far too high. The economy is also vulnerable to a collapse of the property bubble.


  The Chinese authorities engineered a credit boom in 2009, believing they could sweep the resulting bad loans under the carpet as they had done in the past. But both China’s economy and debts are far larger today. It will be a challenge to pull off the same trick again.


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