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來(lái)源: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 編輯: 2011/04/27 09:49:57  字體:

  China could be preparing to hit the accelerator on currency appreciation. But before we all get carried away, the yuan isn't necessarily going to go up forever.


  You can see that view in the market's ambivalence toward longer-dated yuan debt sold in Hong Kong. The tenor of most of those products is between one and three years. Investors appear confident of appreciation over that time frame, bankers say. After that, it's a crap shoot.

  Associated Press在山東臨沂一家農(nóng)村信用合作社,一位職員正在點(diǎn)人民幣。市場(chǎng)對(duì)于在香港出售的較長(zhǎng)期人民幣計(jì)價(jià)債券的態(tài)度搖擺不定,這其中就體現(xiàn)了上述觀點(diǎn)。那些人民幣產(chǎn)品中,大多數(shù)是一年至三年期。銀行業(yè)人士說(shuō),似乎投資者對(duì)這段時(shí)期內(nèi)的人民幣升值抱有信心,而超過(guò)這個(gè)時(shí)間段,就成了擲骰子的賭博游戲。

  They're right to be cautious. Most people think the government has the wherewithal to stave off a future banking crisis, but given the volume of China's lending in recent years as part of an officially sanctioned stimulus plan, the chances that things get ugly and lead to currency stasis or a selloff aren't negligible.


  In the shorter term, of course, the consensus is that the yuan (also known as the renminbi, or RMB) is a one-way bet. What's more, its gains look ready to pick up speed.


  The case for faster yuan appreciation got a boost from comments by Chinese officials, including Premier Wen Jiabao and a top official at the People's Bank of China, suggesting a stronger currency could be a weapon against inflation. China's consumer-price index rose 5.4% in March and has been gathering steam despite repeated credit tightening by the country's central bank. A stronger yuan lowers the effective cost of imported goods. Li-Gang Liu, China economist at Australia & New Zealand Banking Group, predicts pressure from rising prices for imports like oil, iron ore and soybeans will push the yuan-dollar rate 6% higher for the year.

  人民幣或?qū)⒖焖偕祻闹袊?guó)國(guó)務(wù)院總理溫家寶和中國(guó)央行行長(zhǎng)周小川等多位中國(guó)官員講話(huà)的提振,暗示人民幣升值或許是抵御通貨膨脹的有力武器。3月份中國(guó)消費(fèi)者價(jià)格指數(shù)(CPI)同比升5.4%,盡管央行一再收緊信貸政策,但CPI的升勢(shì)絲毫未減。人民幣升值可減少進(jìn)口商品的實(shí)際成本。澳新銀行(Australia & New Zealand Banking Group)研究中國(guó)問(wèn)題的經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家劉利剛預(yù)測(cè),石油、鐵礦石和大豆等進(jìn)口商品價(jià)格不斷上漲帶來(lái)的壓力將推動(dòng)人民幣兌美元今年累計(jì)升值6%。

  The one-way bet makes things challenging for Chinese policy makers. Even if they see the logic behind pushing the currency higher, they worry that speculators lured by the certainty of the bet will find their way around the country's capital controls (as they often have) and flood their economy with potentially destabilizing “hot money.”


  This is one reason some speculate China's leaders might opt for a one-time, hefty currency revaluation of, say, 10%. The idea is that such a move would eliminate appreciation pressure in one fell swoop and allow the PBOC a chance to keep the market guessing as to the yuan's future direction. However, there's no indication the idea is anything more than talk, and given the damage such a move would inflict on Chinese exporters and employment, China's penchant for gradualism is probably a safer bet.


  Expectations of yuan appreciation are the fuel that is driving rapid growth in the offshore market for China's currency, particularly in Hong Kong. International investors are piling money into offshore-yuan bonds despite yields far lower than those available to domestic investors. The reason is their conviction that a strengthening renminbi will goose their dollar-based returns to levels well beyond what they can earn with an investment in U.S. dollars, or Hong Kong dollars, which are pegged to the greenback.


  'The reason that RMB internationalization is exciting in Hong Kong, that people are playing it, is the appreciation,' says Romnesh Lamba, executive vice president and head of market development at Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd., the owner of Hong Kong's stock exchange.

  香港交易及結(jié)算所有限公司(Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd.)行政副總裁兼市場(chǎng)發(fā)展執(zhí)行總監(jiān)羅力(Romnesh Lamba)說(shuō),人民幣國(guó)際化在香港激動(dòng)人心,大家都在參與,原因就在于升值。

  HKEx is taking advantage of those expectations by launching its newest toy, the first yuan-denominated stock sold outside mainland China, which begins trading on Friday. “If you take the appreciation away, they may not play it,” he says, “and the equity product may never take off.”


  Even short term, though, appreciation may not be such a sure thing.


  Robert Reilly, co-head of flow fixed income and currencies for Asia at Société Générale, calls it a high-risk assumption. He points to the potential impact on global markets from sovereign-debt problems in Europe and mounting concerns over the outlook for U.S. government debt.

  法國(guó)興業(yè)銀行(Societe Generale)固定收益和外匯業(yè)務(wù)亞洲區(qū)聯(lián)席負(fù)責(zé)人將人民幣的升值稱(chēng)為一種高風(fēng)險(xiǎn)假設(shè)。他列舉的理由包括歐洲主權(quán)債務(wù)危機(jī)可能對(duì)全球市場(chǎng)造成的影響,以及人們對(duì)美國(guó)國(guó)債前景越來(lái)越濃重的擔(dān)憂(yōu)。

  "If we see that hit U.S. investor confidence, and that hits equities, all bets are off the table for China to appreciate the currency," he says.


  For now, underpinned by widespread confidence in the appreciation story, the yuan's internationalization marches on. Renminbi deposits in Hong Kong's banking system could reach one trillion yuan ($154 billion) by the end of the year, some economists believe, up from 407 billion yuan at the end of February. At that point, the market might be deep enough to weather a change in the currency's outlook.


  Still, "if the RMB were to be a depreciating currency, there would probably be a lack of strong demand for that," says Mr. Li, the ANZ economist. "Definitely the market would turn."


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