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QE2結(jié)束在即 美聯(lián)儲何時加息(雙語)

來源: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 編輯: 2011/04/27 09:53:21  字體:

  The Federal Reserve is likely to begin closing a wide-open credit spigot this week─but faces a major decision: when to start draining the excess credit out of the economy by raising interest rates.

  美聯(lián)儲(Federal Reserve)可能會在本周開始關(guān)緊大開的信貸龍頭,同時也面臨著一個重大決定:什么時候開始通過加息回籠經(jīng)濟體中的過量信貸資金。

  Federal Reserve officials on Wednesday are expected to signal that in June they plan to end their controversial strategy of buying $600 billion in U.S. Treasury bonds to spur the economy. That would mark a milestone in the historic efforts by the central bank to stimulate economic growth.


  While analysts and investors debate whether the end to the bond-buying effort will have a significant impact on financial markets, the Fed is contemplating when and how to begin draining the credit it pumped into the economy during and after the global financial crisis. That tightening of credit still looks at least several months off, if not longer, and could take a while to unfold.


  Most Fed officials, as well as many economists and investors, think the end of the Fed's two major bond-buying efforts─often called ”quantitative easing“ or dubbed QE and QE2─will pass without any significant disruptions to markets or the economy.


  Laurence Kantor, head of research at Barclays Capital, argues that markets already reflect the widespread understanding that the Fed will stop buying bonds and will then hang on to its portfolio for some time. Its portfolio currently amounts to more than $2 trillion of securities, when counting Treasury bonds and mortgage debt.

  巴克萊資本公司(Barclays Capital)研究部門負責人坎托(Laurence Kantor)說,從市場行情已經(jīng)可以看出,投資者普遍認為美聯(lián)儲將停止購買債券,然后其資產(chǎn)組合將有一段時間保持不變。如果將美國國債和房貸債券包括在內(nèi),目前美聯(lián)儲持有的資產(chǎn)就是超過2萬億美元的證券。

  Holding on to the securities the Fed has bought, the thinking goes, should keep markets stable. ”It's not the beginning of the Fed tightening, it's the end of the Fed easing,“ Mr. Kantor says.

  Getty Images美聯(lián)儲主席貝南克(Ben Bernanke)這種想法認為,持有美聯(lián)儲已經(jīng)購買的證券應當會讓市場保持穩(wěn)定。坎托說,這不是美聯(lián)儲收緊的開始,而是美聯(lián)儲寬松政策的結(jié)束。

  Many believe such low interest rates will keep driving investors into assets that bring higher returns than Treasurys─pushing up stocks, commodities and other riskier assets.


  But a tame market response isn't certain. Some big investors worry that interest rates will rise when the Fed stops its purchases, which have amounted to 85% of all government debt sold by Treasury since the program started in November. In this view, when such a big buyer disappears, the markets are bound to feel the absence.


  "When QE2 ends in June, then $1.5 trillion worth of check-writing per year basically disappears," says William Gross, who oversees the $1.2 trillion portfolio of Pacific Investment Management Co. "It will be a big event."

  太平洋投資管理公司(Pacific Investment Management Co.) 1.2萬億美元投資的管理人格羅斯(William Gross)說,當QE2在6月份結(jié)束時,每年價值1.5萬億美元的購買量就消失了;這將是一件大事。

  As investors adjust to the new dynamic, the transition away from the bond-buying strategy could mean an end to the roaring rally experienced by stocks, commodities and riskier bonds and currencies, and introduce a period of volatility.


  Although Fed officials are almost certain to discuss the nature and timing of what they call their "exit strategy" at this week's two-day meeting, they aren't expected to give much firm guidance in their end-of-meeting statement or in the press conference that Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke will hold Wednesday afternoon.

  雖然美聯(lián)儲官員幾乎肯定要在本周為時兩天的會議期間討論所謂“退出策略”的性質(zhì)和時間,但在會后聲明或美聯(lián)儲主席貝南克(Ben Bernanke)周三下午舉行的新聞發(fā)布會當中,預計他們不會給出多少明確的指引。

  The keys to the timing of the Fed's exit are the health of the U.S. economy and level of inflation. The Fed expects unemployment to remain high and inflation to recede, but both are uncertain right now.


  Economic forecasters expect the U.S. Commerce Department to report Friday that the economy grew less than 2% in the first quarter, on an inflation-adjusted annual rate. Most blame bad weather, higher energy costs and the effects of the Japanese earthquake and tsunami. They anticipate a rebound to 3% growth for the rest of the year.


  Inflation, meanwhile, has been pushed up by rising commodity prices. Top Fed officials have signaled that they expect this to be transitory. But if it persists, or if the public becomes more convinced inflation is on the rise, the Fed's patience could be tested.


  Fed officials on Wednesday will disclose their updated economic forecasts. They are likely to show higher 2011 inflation forecasts and could show a slight downgrade to the near-term growth outlook; the 2012 outlook might not change much.


  Some Fed officials are ready to get on with tightening credit either by raising short-term interest rates or selling off some of the Fed's portfolio of securities. But Mr. Bernanke and his closest lieutenants─Janet Yellen and William Dudley, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and vice chairman of the Federal Open Market Committee, which makes major interest-rate decisions─have indicated they aren't in a rush.

  一些聯(lián)儲官員準備通過上調(diào)短期利率或出售聯(lián)儲部分證券組合繼續(xù)收緊信貸。但貝南克及其最親密的副手耶倫(Janet Yellen)和達德利(William Dudley)已經(jīng)表示他們并不急于這樣做。達德利是紐約聯(lián)邦儲備銀行(Federal Reserve Bank of New York)行長和聯(lián)邦公開市場委員會(FOMC)副主席,而FOMC負責做出重大的利率決定。

  Markets currently anticipate the Fed will move to tighten credit at the very end of this year or early next. The economy, in other words, will remain awash in cheap credit.That view has helped to power the stock market recently.


  In the view of many Fed officials, the second round of bond-buying─QE2─ fulfilled most of its goals: It chased away the threat of deflation, or falling consumer prices, and it sent investors into stocks and other assets riskier than Treasury debt, enlarging the net worth of stock investors and cheering business executives. In addition, though the Fed wasn't explicit about this objective, it nudged down the value of the dollar, giving U.S. exports a lift by making them more affordable in foreign-currency terms.


  Critics say the Fed's actions also chased up commodities prices, draining household buying power. Fed officials counter that the commodity-price run has been driven by demand in developing countries combined with supply shortages.


  Starting essentially last year on Aug. 27─the day Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke laid the groundwork for QE2─investors have flocked to riskier investments. Since Aug. 26 the Standard & Poor's 500-stock index has gained 28%. Smaller, generally riskier stocks have done even better, with the small-company Russell 2000 Index gaining 41%. It stands just 1.15 shy of its all-time high set in 2007.


  Corporate bonds have rallied and commodity prices have risen sharply, too. Gold is up 22% since Aug. 26 and silver is up 143%, both hitting nominal record highs. Even subprime mortgage securities, which were largely blamed for causing the financial crisis, are back in demand.


  The biggest loser has been the U.S. dollar, the consequence of the Fed essentially printing more of them to buy bonds. The Fed's index of the value of the dollar against a broad basket of currencies is down 7.9% since Aug. 26.


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