
財稅實務 高薪就業(yè) 學歷教育

安卓版本:8.7.11 蘋果版本:8.7.11





觀點:上海學生考高分 美國應警醒(雙語)

來源: 互聯網 編輯: 2011/04/27 11:11:26  字體:

  Fifty-three years after Sputnik caused an earthquake in American education by giving us reason to believe that the Soviet Union had surpassed us, China has delivered another shock. On math, reading and science tests given to 15-year-olds in 65 countries last year, Shanghai's teenagers topped every other jurisdiction in all three subjects. Hong Kong also ranked in the top four on all three assessments.


  Though Hong Kong took part in earlier rounds of the OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), the 2009 test marked the first time that youngsters in mainland China participated. It was only Shanghai─the country's flagship city, on which Beijing has lavished much investment and attention, many favorable policies, and (for China) a relatively high degree of freedom. But Americans would be making a big mistake to suppose that Shanghai's result is some sort of aberration.

  AFP/Getty Images如果說2009年中國可以有一座城市出現PISA最高分獲得者,那么在2019年就可以有10座城市出現最高分獲得者。這是經濟合作與發(fā)展組織(OECD)組織的“學生能力國際評估計劃”(Programme for International Student Assessment,簡稱PISA)考試,香港已經參加前幾輪,但2009年這輪還是中國內地少年第一次參加。參加的只是上海這座中國首屈一指的城市,中央政府給了它大量投資與關注、諸多優(yōu)惠政策,以及在中國來說相對較高的自由度。但美國人如果想當然地以為上海學生的成績屬于某種形式的反常,那就是大錯特錯了。

  If China can produce top PISA scorers in one city in 2009─Shanghai's population of 20 million is larger than that of many whole countries─it can do this in 10 cities in 2019 and 50 in 2029. Or maybe faster.


  I have misgivings about PISA─about how it defines knowledge, what it tests, and how it tries to divorce itself from school curriculum. But its international rankings are widely trusted as a reliable barometer of how young people in different countries compare on core academic subjects.


  How did Shanghai accomplish this? The OECD folks offer some explanations, terming Shanghai a "leader in reform." They specifically cite the city's near universal education system, its competitiveness (measured by student admissions to universities and to the best secondary schools), a very high level of student engagement, a modern assessment system, an ambitious curriculum, and a program to intervene in weak schools.


  Today most cities and towns in China don't have these resources. But tomorrow is apt to be a very different story.


  Also near the top on PISA were five countries that should come as no surprise: Singapore, Taipei, Finland, South Korea and Japan. In reading, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and the Netherlands also did well. The United States was, once again, in the middle of the pack in reading and science and a bit below the international average in math. So we're not getting worse. But we're mostly flat, and our very modest gains were trumped by many other countries.


  Plenty of experts have been pointing out this trend for a long time. But until this week we could at least pretend that China wasn't one of those countries that was a threat. We could treat Hong Kong as a special case─the British legacy, combined with prosperity. We could allow ourselves to believe that China was only interested in building dams, buying our bonds, making fake Prada bags, underselling everybody else, and coating our kids' toys with toxic paint, while neglecting its education system.


  Yes, we knew they were exporting Chinese teachers to teach Mandarin in our schools while importing native English speakers to instruct their children in our language. But we could comfort ourselves that their curriculum emphasized discipline and rote learning, not analysis or creativity.


  Today that comfort has been stripped away. We must face the fact that China is bent on surpassing us, and everyone else, in education.


  Will this news be the wake-up call that America needs to get serious about educational achievement? Will it get us beyond excuse-making, bickering over who should do what, and prioritizing adults over children?


  I sure hope so.


我要糾錯】 責任編輯:梓墨



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