
財(cái)稅實(shí)務(wù) 高薪就業(yè) 學(xué)歷教育

安卓版本:8.7.11 蘋果版本:8.7.11






來(lái)源: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 編輯: 2011/04/22 10:22:38  字體:

  It's a question that is always on investors' minds, but rarely more so than right now: Is the market overvalued?


  Two heavyweights of financial analysis believe they hold the answer. Robert Shiller, the Yale University economist who correctly predicted the bursting of the stock market bubble in 2000 and the housing crash that started in 2006, has data that show stocks are pricey by historical measures. Getty Images.

  金融分析界的兩個(gè)重量級(jí)人物認(rèn)為他們已經(jīng)有了答案。耶魯大學(xué)(Yale University)經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家席勒(Robert Shiller)曾準(zhǔn)確預(yù)測(cè)了2000年股市泡沫破裂以及始于2006年的樓市大跌,他的分析表明,從歷史上的指標(biāo)來(lái)衡量,目前的股價(jià)是昂貴的。

  David Bianco, U.S. stock strategist at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, has been on a campaign to revise the good professor's math. Once he tweaks the calculations, he says, stocks look cheap.

  而美國(guó)銀行美林(Bank of America Merrill Lynch)的美國(guó)股票策略師比安科(David Bianco)則對(duì)這位知名教授的演算法進(jìn)行了修正。他說(shuō)他調(diào)整了計(jì)算方法后,發(fā)現(xiàn)目前的股價(jià)是便宜的。

  The issue is more than a tempest in an academic teapot. The stock market has roared back from its March 2009 lows, doubling in value on an intraday basis in less than two years. But the last leg of the rally, which began last summer, largely has been driven by the Federal Reserve, whose policy of buying Treasury bonds to inflate asset values across the economy is set to end in June. Investors want to know whether stock prices are too frothy now, or whether they are reasonable estimations of companies' underlying earnings power.

  這件事在學(xué)術(shù)界引發(fā)了軒然大波。股市從2009年3月份時(shí)的低點(diǎn)強(qiáng)力反彈,在不到兩年的時(shí)間內(nèi)單日市值上漲了一倍。但始于去年夏天的最近一輪漲勢(shì)在很大程度上是受到了美聯(lián)儲(chǔ)(Federal Reserve)的推動(dòng),其購(gòu)買美國(guó)國(guó)債的政策全面推高了資產(chǎn)價(jià)值,而這一政策將于6月份結(jié)束。投資者想知道目前的股價(jià)是否包含了大量泡沫,股價(jià)是否是公司潛在盈利能力的合理體現(xiàn)。

  Which side you take—Mr. Shiller's or Mr. Bianco's—depends partly on whether you are more comfortable with the analysis of an academic who works far from Wall Street and whose job is to test theories, or a Wall Street strategist who is paid to track the market closely and bring in business. Bloomberg News.

  耶魯大學(xué)(Yale University)經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家席勒(Robert Shiller)認(rèn)為,目前的股價(jià)是昂貴的。你認(rèn)同哪一方——席勒還是比安科——從某種程度上要取決于你是更樂(lè)于接受哪種觀點(diǎn):是一位遠(yuǎn)離華爾街工作、其任務(wù)就是對(duì)理論進(jìn)行檢驗(yàn)的學(xué)者的分析,還是一位依靠密切追蹤市場(chǎng)來(lái)掙薪水的華爾街策略師的觀點(diǎn)。

  Mr. Shiller bases his analysis on a comparison of the value of the Standard & Poor's 500-stock index to its component companies' earnings results over time. Data of this kind don't predict when stocks will start to decline. They just show when stocks are getting expensive compared with their companies' earnings, a sign they could be headed for trouble sooner or later. Mr. Shiller keeps data going back to the late 19th century on his website, at www.econ.yale.edu/·shiller/data.htm.

  席勒的分析是基于將一段時(shí)間中標(biāo)普500(Standard & Poor's 500)股指成分股的市值與其收益數(shù)據(jù)所做的比較。這類數(shù)據(jù)并不是預(yù)測(cè)股票將于何時(shí)開始下跌。它們只是說(shuō)明了相比公司的收益而言,這些股票是從什么時(shí)候變貴的,這也是預(yù)示公司可能早晚要出現(xiàn)麻煩的一種征兆。席勒分析的數(shù)據(jù)一直追溯到19世紀(jì)末,詳細(xì)信息可參見(jiàn)他的網(wǎng)站www.econ.yale.edu/•shiller/data.htm。

  The innovation of Mr. Shiller's system is that it is designed to avoid distortions from short-term profit swings. Most Wall Street analysts compare stock prices to the previous year's profits or to analysts' predictions of future profits. Mr. Shiller takes an average of corporate profits over the previous 10 years. Long favored by sophisticated investors, that method smoothes out the business cycle, producing a measure of sustainable corporate profit that investors sometimes call normalized profit.


  On that basis, Mr. Shiller's method shows the S&P 500 trading at 23 times profits, well above the historical average of 16. It doesn't necessarily mean stocks are about to fall; the S&P 500 went to a record 44 times earnings during the dot-com bubble before collapsing in 2000. But today's level isn't far from the peak of 27.5 hit before stocks fell during the financial crisis of 2007-09. At the 2009 bottom, it went down to 13 before quickly pushing higher again.


  Alternative Calculations 另一種計(jì)算方法

  Mr. Bianco, who is bullish on stocks, says Prof. Shiller's measure is inaccurate, and the Wall Street strategist has taken his criticism public. Over the past year, he has written two reports offering alternative calculations.


  Mr. Bianco says he began looking for ways to revise the Shiller numbers last year after a page-one article in The Wall Street Journal on the subject. Clients, he says, started using Mr. Shiller's data to contest his bullish thesis. Getty Images.


  Mr. Bianco's massaging shows the S&P 500 trading currently at about 14.5 times his own calculation of 10-year profits, a much more attractive level than Mr. Shiller's 23 times profits.


  Clients call it the Bianco method vs. the Shiller method,Mr. Bianco says. 'People call it Wall Street vs. the universities, or the Ivory Tower vs. the Bank of America Tower.


  Prof. Shiller says he hadn't paid attention to Mr. Bianco's work until recently, when The Journal inquired. Prof. Shiller reviewed his calculations in light of the criticism and says he likes his math the way he did it.


  'The basic analysis I have been presenting is right as is,' he said in an email message. Reuters.

  美國(guó)銀行美林的股票策略師比安科(David Bianco)看漲股市,他認(rèn)為席勒教授的計(jì)算方法是不準(zhǔn)確的。他在一封電子郵件中說(shuō),我所做的基本分析本來(lái)就是正確的。

  Mr. Bianco doesn't dispute the usefulness of a 10-year average, an idea in line with the thinking of the founders of modern stock analysis, Benjamin Graham and David Dodd. He proposes to change Prof. Shiller's numbers in three ways, however, to remove what he thinks are distortions.

  比安科并沒(méi)有對(duì)十年平均值的有效性提出質(zhì)疑,這種觀點(diǎn)與現(xiàn)代股市分析的創(chuàng)始人格拉漢姆(Benjamin Graham)以及多德(David Dodd)的看法是一致的。然而,他建議通過(guò)三種方式來(lái)修正席勒教授的數(shù)據(jù),以此消除他認(rèn)為這其中存在的失真。

  First, Mr. Bianco would adjust the way corporate earnings are calculated. Instead of the as-reported profits Mr. Shiller favors, he would use what analysts call operating earnings, which don't count some of the write-offs of the dot-com bust and the financial crisis. That change sharply boosts 10-year average earnings, making price/earnings ratios look less scary.


  Second, he would change the historical data to which today's numbers are compared. He prefers to compare today's numbers only to data since 1960 or 1980, a period during which P/E ratios have been higher than in the past, making current levels look less extreme. If long-term data are used, he wouldn't count the decade following 1914, on the grounds that corporate profits were distorted by World War I more than by any other modern event, even the Great Depression. Throwing out that decade also makes past P/E ratios higher, so that today's look better.


  Finally, he would adjust earnings figures still higher, based on the fact that companies have been retaining a higher percentage of profits and paying lower dividends for decades. When companies retain and invest more profits, he says, earnings growth is faster and reported earnings don't fully reflect the ability of retained earnings to spur growth. He calls this the Equity Time Value Adjustment, or ETVA. Bloomberg News頓商學(xué)院(Wharton Business School)的塞格爾(Jeremy Siegel).

  最后,他會(huì)進(jìn)一步調(diào)高收益數(shù)據(jù),因?yàn)閿?shù)十年來(lái)企業(yè)一直支付著較低水平的派息,同時(shí)將更大比例的利潤(rùn)予以留存。他說(shuō),當(dāng)企業(yè)將更多的利潤(rùn)留下用于進(jìn)行投資時(shí),收益會(huì)以更快的速度增長(zhǎng),收益報(bào)告中提到的收益無(wú)法完全反映出留存利潤(rùn)在刺激增長(zhǎng)方面的能力。他將其稱為股票的時(shí)間價(jià)值調(diào)整(Equity Time Value Adjustment,ETVA)。

  The debate goes well beyond Mr. Bianco and Prof. Shiller. Prof. Shiller's old friend and sometime critic, Jeremy Siegel of the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton business school, is Mr. Bianco's former professor. Mr. Siegel is siding with his student and against his friend.

  這場(chǎng)辯論所涉及的人遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)不止比安科和席勒。席勒的故友、賓夕法尼亞大學(xué)(University of Pennsylvania)沃頓商學(xué)院(Wharton Business School)的塞格爾(Jeremy Siegel)曾是一名評(píng)論家,他過(guò)去是比安科的教授。這一次塞格爾站到了他的學(xué)生一邊,與朋友意見(jiàn)相左。

  Mr. Siegel agrees that earnings should be adjusted for the ETVA, and he also would massage earnings to remove some one-time charges. Earnings recorded at the depth of the financial crisis were highly unusual figures that shouldn't be used now to project future profits and stock values, he says.


  'I respect Bob [Shiller] a lot. He is very thoughtful,' Prof. Siegel says. 'But to keep that once-in-a-75-year event in your data set, to say that is normal earnings, doesn't seem to be realistic.


  Dividends and Earnings 派息與收益

  Robert Arnott, whose firm Research Affiliates LLC manages $73 billion from Newport Beach, Calif., has done his own research on one element of the debate: the relationship between dividends and earnings.

  加州紐波特比奇(Newport Beach)Research Affiliates LLC公司董事長(zhǎng)阿諾特(Robert Arnott)對(duì)這場(chǎng)辯論中的一個(gè)問(wèn)題進(jìn)行了自己的研究:派息與收益之間的關(guān)系。Research Affiliates LLC公司管理著730億美元的資產(chǎn)。

  He says his work shows it is a fallacy to think that lower dividends lead to faster earnings growth. Lower dividends come when companies are worried about the future or may be spending cash hoards on big acquisitions, which can hold down earnings growth, he says. Bloomberg News.

  加州紐波特比奇(Newport Beach)Research Affiliates LLC公司董事長(zhǎng)阿諾特(Robert Arnott)他說(shuō)他的研究顯示,認(rèn)為低派息造成了收益高增長(zhǎng)的觀點(diǎn)是錯(cuò)誤的。他說(shuō),當(dāng)公司對(duì)未來(lái)感到擔(dān)憂或是當(dāng)公司也許是在利用現(xiàn)金儲(chǔ)備進(jìn)行大規(guī)模的收購(gòu)時(shí),派息水平會(huì)比較低,而這兩種情況均會(huì)抑制收益增長(zhǎng)。

  'It is peculiar that this thesis keeps coming up year after year when it is so demonstrably wrong,' Mr. Arnott says.


  Like Mr. Shiller, Mr. Arnott also doesn't trust operating earnings and prefers to use those reported according to generally accepted accounting principles. Such numbers tend to show lower earnings results, but are more accurate, he says.


  Mr. Arnott says he uses Shiller-style P/E calculations in his work. The figures helped persuade him to boost his U.S. stock exposure in 2009, when the 10-year P/E was low, and then cut his exposure when the P/E moved higher.


  Mr. Bianco says he will have to discuss this with Mr. Arnott. 'Rob is one of the best minds in the business,' Mr. Bianco says.


  Just to show how small the financial world can be, Mr. Arnott also has had run-ins over the years with Prof. Siegel, Mr. Bianco's former professor.


  Mr. Siegel and Mr. Shiller, who despite their differences often vacation together, have been debating these issues since they were graduate students together, 40 years ago.


  In the summer of 2009, walking on the beach on a barrier island near Atlantic City, N.J., they got so involved in a debate about stock-valuation methods that they briefly wandered away from their wives. They can accuse one another of errors without raising their voices, then thank each other for the critiques and talk about plans for the next vacation.

  2009年夏天,塞格爾和席勒在新澤西州大西洋城(Atlantic City)附近一座堰洲島的海灘上一邊漫步一邊對(duì)股價(jià)估值方法進(jìn)行爭(zhēng)論,他們太過(guò)忘我,以至于一度與妻子走散。他們指出對(duì)方的錯(cuò)誤但卻沒(méi)有大喊大嚷,然后還互相感謝彼此提出的意見(jiàn),接下來(lái)便開始暢談起下一次度假計(jì)劃了。

  Mr. Shiller did his own calculation about the impact of declining dividends on earnings growth and concluded that it is marginal at best, not meriting any adjustment. He scoffs at the idea of eliminating the decade after World War I. He says he will think about Prof. Siegel's concern about the big write-offs.


  But he is reluctant to make too many adjustments to data that he feels have painted a useful picture up to now.


  'I think I should just keep it simple,' Mr. Shiller says.


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