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安卓版本:8.7.11 蘋果版本:8.7.11





中國(guó)需求旺盛 象牙貿(mào)易死灰復(fù)燃(雙語(yǔ))

來源: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 編輯: 2011/09/21 11:18:16  字體:

  A long-dormant threat to Africa's elephant population is back with a vengeance, thanks to rising demand for ivory from newly affluent Chinese consumers.


  Reflecting this demand, ivory prices in China have soared to as high as US$7,000 a kilogram in 2011 from US$157 a kilo in 2008, according to the Environmental Investigation Agency, a nongovernmental organization based in London. Estimates from other researchers and NGOs put ivory prices in China as low as US$300 to US$750 a kilo, which nevertheless reflects at least a 100% increase in price over three years.

  據(jù)倫敦的非政府組織環(huán)境調(diào)查機(jī)構(gòu)(Environmental Investigation Agency)的統(tǒng)計(jì),中國(guó)的象牙價(jià)格已從2008年每公斤157美元飆升至2011年每公斤7,000美元,從中可以看出中國(guó)對(duì)象牙的旺盛需求。據(jù)其它研究者和非政府組織的估計(jì),中國(guó)的象牙價(jià)格最低也在每公斤300美元和750美元之間,即使按照這個(gè)數(shù)字,也說明中國(guó)的象牙價(jià)格在三年時(shí)間里至少漲了一倍。

  Official data on the extent of the ivory trade are difficult to come by, as much of the trade is illegal. From 2009 to June 2011, mainland China and Hong Kong seized more than 6,500 kilograms of illegal ivory in four large shipments, according to a report released by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, or Cites.

  由于很多象牙貿(mào)易屬違法活動(dòng),因此很難得到有關(guān)象牙貿(mào)易活躍程度的官方數(shù)據(jù)。據(jù)《瀕危野生動(dòng)植物種國(guó)際貿(mào)易公約》(Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora,簡(jiǎn)稱:Cites)發(fā)布的報(bào)告,2009年至2011年6月,中國(guó)內(nèi)地和香港查獲了四大批貨物,繳獲非法象牙6,500多公斤。

  “China has overtaken Japan as the world's largest consumer market for illegal ivory products,” the Cites report said.


  Malaysian authorities this month confiscated nearly 700 African elephant tusks destined for China from Tanzania, the third seizure of illegal ivory since July, officials and wildlife activists said, according to the Associated Press. A week earlier, Hong Kong authorities had seized $1.6 million in African ivory from a container that arrived by sea from Malaysia.

  Getty Images2011年9月12日,倫敦動(dòng)物園“瀕危物種”展覽會(huì)上展出的由非法像牙雕刻而成的大象。該展覽由“魅力行動(dòng)”(Operation Charm)主辦,該機(jī)構(gòu)是一個(gè)大都市警方合作組織,旨在打擊瀕危野生動(dòng)物非法貿(mào)易。這次活動(dòng)將歷時(shí)一個(gè)月。據(jù)美聯(lián)社(Associated Press)報(bào)道,官員和野生動(dòng)植物保護(hù)人士說,馬來西亞當(dāng)局本月沒收了近700根從坦桑尼亞運(yùn)往中國(guó)的非洲象牙,這是自今年7月以來查獲的第三批非法象牙。一周前,香港當(dāng)局查獲了一批價(jià)值160萬美元的非洲象牙,這些象牙裝在一個(gè)從馬來西亞經(jīng)海路抵達(dá)香港的集裝箱內(nèi)。

  In China, sales have been driven by ivory's appeal as a traditional symbol of wealth and status. “Lately, we've had a lot of mainland Chinese customers,” said Alice Chan, sales manager at Exquisite Crafts, an antique shop in Hong Kong filled with figurines carved from both elephant and mammoth ivory, including two enormous carved tusks on display in the shop window. “They're rich now.”

  在中國(guó),象牙歷來是財(cái)富和地位的象征,這種獨(dú)特的吸引力推動(dòng)了象牙銷售。香港古玩店Exquisite Crafts的銷售經(jīng)理Alice Chan說,最近有很多內(nèi)地客戶來我們這里,他們現(xiàn)在很有錢。店里隨處可見由大象牙和猛口象牙制成的小雕像,櫥窗里還陳列著兩根巨大的經(jīng)雕刻的象牙。

  Mammoth ivory is legal to import and export from Hong Kong, but Ms. Chan says that the Chinese typically want elephant ivory, which is considered of higher quality. Cites says almost all of the current demand for elephant ivory comes from the Chinese market, including Hong Kong and Macau. The Geneva-based Cites is an international agreement among 175 governments, including the U.S. and China, that aims to ensure that international trade in wild animals and plants doesn't threaten their survival.


  Outlets that legally sell elephant ivory from old stocks in China are supposed to be licensed and monitored by the government, with certificates accompanying all legal ivory. Taking ivory out of China or importing it into most other countries, including the U.S., is illegal.


  “More than 90% of wildlife seizures made by the Chinese Customs in recent years have involved elephant tusks and ivory carvings,” said Wan Ziming, a Chinese government employee and director of Cites Enforcement Coordination for China.


  Since the late 1970s, Africa's elephant population has fallen by more than half, from about 1.2 million to between 472,000 and 690,000 today, according to the 2007 African Elephant Status Report, which is sponsored by a network of multiple governments, NGOs, and volunteers.

  據(jù)2007年《非洲象狀態(tài)報(bào)告》(African Elephant Status Report),20世紀(jì)70年代末以來,非洲大象種群數(shù)量已經(jīng)從120萬頭左右下降到今天的47.2萬頭到69萬頭。《非洲象狀態(tài)報(bào)告》是在多個(gè)政府、NGO和志愿者資助下完成的。

  In 1989, Cites banned the international ivory trade to try to curb the rapid decline in Africa's elephant population. For years, experts considered that ban, to which China is one of the 175 signatories, a success in reducing the poaching of elephants, as the number of illegally killed elephants fell drastically and the total population became stable, albeit at a much lower volume than before the rampant poaching of the 1970s and 80s. But newfound interest in ivory from China is reversing those gains, researchers and NGOs say.


  “Looks like now that we've had almost 20 years of cease-fire, people have become complacent, and we need renewed interest,” said Iain Douglas-Hamilton, founder and chief executive officer of Save the Elephants, an independent research organization based in Kenya.

  肯尼亞獨(dú)立研究機(jī)構(gòu)“拯救大象”(Save the Elephants)創(chuàng)始人兼首席執(zhí)行長(zhǎng)道格拉斯-漢密爾頓(Iain Douglas-Hamilton)說,就像是我們已經(jīng)?;鸾咏?0年,所以大家都變得自滿起來;我們需要重新加以關(guān)注。

  Elephant killings in the first sixth months of this year in the Samburu National Reserve in Kenya and surrounding areas are already double the level of any year in the past decade, he said. Mr. Douglas-Hamilton and his team of researchers count by hand the dead bodies of slain elephants in the areas they study, though he declined to comment on exact numbers.

  他說,今年前六個(gè)月,肯尼亞桑布魯國(guó)家保護(hù)區(qū)(Samburu National Reserve)及周邊地區(qū)的大象獵殺數(shù)量已經(jīng)是過去10年任何一年的兩倍。道格拉斯-漢密爾頓和他的研究團(tuán)隊(duì)在他們研究的區(qū)域內(nèi)人工清點(diǎn)被殺大象的數(shù)量,但他拒絕談及具體數(shù)字。

  “All hell's breaking loose,” said Cynthia Moss, a researcher who has studied elephants and their conservation in Kenya's Amboseli National Park for 30 years. “Up north, we lost 23 elephant in the last two weeks.”

  研究人員莫斯(Cynthia Moss)30年來一直在肯尼亞安博塞利國(guó)家公園(Amboseli National Park)研究大象和大象的保護(hù)。她說,什么都失控了;在北邊,過去兩個(gè)星期我們就失去了23頭大象。

  “China has a huge middle class now,” Ms. Moss said. “People in China never bought ivory before, because they couldn't afford it─they carved it, but it all went out to Europe. Now it's being bought in China by the Chinese, and that's a disaster.”


  Abetting the traffic in illicit ivory is a surge of Chinese investment in Africa, a source of key mineral and other resources. South Africa's Standard Bank forecasts that investment from China in Africa could hit $50 billion by 2015, up 70% from 2009.

  刺激這種非法象牙貿(mào)易的是中國(guó)對(duì)非洲投資的急劇增加。非洲是礦產(chǎn)等資源的關(guān)鍵來源。南非標(biāo)準(zhǔn)銀行(Standard Bank)預(yù)計(jì),到2015年,中國(guó)對(duì)非投資可能會(huì)達(dá)到500億美元,較2009年增長(zhǎng)70%。

  “As China expands its presence in Africa in the form of investments and infrastructure development in remote areas, and also areas with significant elephant populations, the incentive or temptation increases for the Chinese worker to look for ivory,” said James Isiche, East African director of the International Fund for Animal Welfare. Associated Press本月早些時(shí)候,馬來西亞海關(guān)工作人員檢查在吉隆坡市郊巴生港繳獲的象牙。馬來西亞當(dāng)局沒收了總價(jià)

  值約100萬美元的共約700支??非洲象牙,這些象牙原本運(yùn)往中國(guó)。這是自7月份以來馬來西亞第三次繳獲非法像牙.國(guó)際愛護(hù)動(dòng)物基金會(huì)(International Fund for Animal Welfare)東非部總監(jiān)艾斯奇(James Isiche)說,隨著中國(guó)擴(kuò)大在非洲的投資,并在大象種群數(shù)量較多的偏遠(yuǎn)地區(qū)加大基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施開發(fā),中國(guó)工人尋找象牙的動(dòng)力或誘惑就會(huì)增加。

  The Kenyan government burned approximately five tons of seized elephant ivory on July 20, in a move meant to illustrate how serious it is about stopping the illegal trade in ivory and the poaching of their elephants.


  Chinese appetite for ivory was whetted in 2008 when Cites approved a one-off sale of ivory stocks that were old or had been collected from already-dead elephants. Four southern African nations sold about 108 tons of ivory to Japan and China, flooding the market for the first time in almost 10 years.


  Now, China's ivory consumer base appears to be expanding, says Wang Juan, an official in the Beijing office of the International Fund for Animal Welfare.

  國(guó)際愛護(hù)動(dòng)物基金會(huì)(International Fund for Animal Welfare)北京辦事處的工作人員王娟說,中國(guó)的象牙消費(fèi)人群現(xiàn)在似乎正在擴(kuò)大。

  'Traditionally, we think it's always wealthy people who are the main buyers for ivory products,' Ms. Wang said. 'But actually, there are many young people buying ivory, too.' 她說,我們以往總是認(rèn)為,富人是象牙制品的主要購(gòu)買者,但實(shí)際上有許多年輕人也在買象牙。

  Some Chinese media, she added, often promote the collectible value of ivory, further stimulating demand.


  Two companies in Beijing that offer custom ivory carving services both declined to comment.


  Over the past 15 years, around 20 smugglers responsible for illegal commercial import of ivory have received the maximum penalty for wildlife smugglers in China, which is life imprisonment, according to Mr. Wan. Most offenders who illegally take small amounts of ivory into China are fined, and the ivory simply confiscated, according to Mr. Wan.


  And for every seizure that gets prosecuted, 20 or 30 others don't, said David Higgins, manager of Interpol's environmental crime program.

  國(guó)際刑警組織(Interpol)環(huán)境犯罪項(xiàng)目的負(fù)責(zé)人希金斯(David Higgins)說,中國(guó)每個(gè)走私的象牙被沒收、走私者被起訴的案子,都對(duì)應(yīng)著20或30起象牙走私者未被起訴的案子。

  “I think the public gets confused when they see a seizure of five tons of ivory,” he said. “Half the time, if not more, we never have an offender. Customs agencies just do the seizures, and there are no follow-up investigations.”


  A lack of proper communications between national police bodies and national wildlife or environmental enforcement agencies is one reason why prosecutions are rare, Mr. Higgins said. In addition, wildlife crime is rarely a high priority for prosecutors.


  According to a study released last month by Elephant Family, a charity, the Aspinall Foundation and the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, a survey of ivory for sale in Guangzhou, China, counted 6,437 elephant ivory objects on display for retail sale, of which 3,947 were being sold without ID cards, and therefore illegally.

  一家名為“大象家族”(Elephant Family)的慈善機(jī)構(gòu)、英國(guó)阿斯皮納基金會(huì)(Aspinall Foundation)、哥倫布動(dòng)物園暨水族館(Columbus Zoo and Aquarium)上個(gè)月發(fā)布研究報(bào)告說,一項(xiàng)關(guān)于中國(guó)廣州象牙銷售情況的調(diào)查發(fā)現(xiàn),有6,437具象牙被展示出來零售,其中3,947具沒有產(chǎn)品認(rèn)證標(biāo)牌,因此屬非法銷售。

  “Decreasing demand means educating hundreds of millions of Chinese,” Mr. Isiche of the International Fund for Animal Welfare said. “We did a survey and found that 70% of Chinese consumers did not know that elephants were killed for ivory. Some people thought elephants lose tusks the way people lose teeth.”


  In response, Mr. Isiche last month launched a “Green Tour Africa” campaign with the Kenyan Embassy in China to ensure that Chinese citizens receiving a visa to visit or work in Kenya would be educated about the ivory trade.


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