
財(cái)稅實(shí)務(wù) 高薪就業(yè) 學(xué)歷教育

安卓版本:8.7.11 蘋果版本:8.7.11






來(lái)源: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 編輯: 2011/09/21 11:17:12  字體:

  It is exactly 10 years since China concluded negotiations to join the World Trade Organisation, after a decade and a half of demurring. Commerce minister Chen Deming chaired a celebratory forum in Xiamen this week entitled “Openness, co-operation and win-win”.


  Not quite. Yes, China is co-operating. After a diffident start, it has evolved from a passive taker of the existing rules to a member that will “shake” the rules for its own interests or even make new ones, notes Henry Gao of Singapore Management University. That is a good thing. And if “openness” implies compliance with the commitments China made in its accession package, here, too, the record is broadly positive.

  事實(shí)未必完全如此。沒(méi)錯(cuò),中國(guó)正在參與合作。新加坡管理大學(xué)教授高樹(shù)超(Henry Gao)指出,從最初的不自信開(kāi)始,中國(guó)已逐漸從一個(gè)被動(dòng)接受現(xiàn)有規(guī)則的成員,逐步演變成一個(gè)愿意為自身利益而“撼動(dòng)”原有規(guī)則,甚至愿意訂立新規(guī)則的成員。這是一件好事。而且,如果“開(kāi)放”指的是中國(guó)履行了加入世貿(mào)時(shí)作出的承諾,那么這項(xiàng)紀(jì)錄大體來(lái)說(shuō)也不錯(cuò)。

  Granted, China is better at complying with rules that require a specific action, such as scrapping or reducing tariffs, than those that require adherence to principles, such as not favouring domestic enterprises, or treating all WTO members equally. No nation has entered into bilateral trade agreements over the past 10 years quite as enthusiastically as China.


  As for “win-win”, well, China is certainly winning. In 2000 it was the world’s seventh largest exporter and eighth largest importer of merchandise; in 2010 it was number one and two, respectively. (It has leapt to four and three in services, from 10 and 12.) As ING points out, accession to the WTO marked an acceleration of real annual gross domestic product growth from 9 percent (1992-2001) to 11 percent (2002-2008). Two-way trade for most nations in China’s orbit has also risen dramatically. But, as America’s increasingly critical assessments of China’s WTO compliance suggests, those trading partners do not always feel like winners. During its relatively brief membership, the world’s second-largest economy has responded to 22 complaints – more than the next three put together.

  至于在“雙贏”方面,中國(guó)毫無(wú)疑問(wèn)是贏家。 2000年,它是世界第七大商品出口國(guó)和第八大商品進(jìn)口國(guó);而到2010年,上述排名已分別躍升為第一和第二。(在服務(wù)出口和進(jìn)口的國(guó)家排名中,中國(guó)也分別從第十和十二名,躍居第四和第三。)正如ING所指出的,加入世貿(mào)組織,已令中國(guó)的實(shí)際GDP年增長(zhǎng)率從1992年至2001年的9%,加快至2002年至2008年的11%。中國(guó)周邊多數(shù)國(guó)家的雙向貿(mào)易額也得到了快速增長(zhǎng)。但是,從美國(guó)對(duì)于中國(guó)履行入世承諾所作出的日趨批評(píng)性的評(píng)估看,中國(guó)的貿(mào)易伙伴們并不總能感到自己也是贏家。在中國(guó)還算相對(duì)短暫的世貿(mào)成員生涯中,全球第二大經(jīng)濟(jì)體已回應(yīng)了22項(xiàng)申訴 —— 超過(guò)位于其排名之后的三個(gè)經(jīng)濟(jì)體所遭遇的申訴總和。

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