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沖繩人對中國有好感 更討厭美國(雙語)

來源: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 編輯: 2011/07/06 16:36:58  字體:

  There have been plenty of reasons given explaining why Okinawan residents hold reservations about the continued U.S. military presence on the tropical island: noise pollution and the unruly behavior of some U.S. servicemen, to name a couple. But here's another: Okinawans don't view China's growing military might as a security threat, a diverging perspective from attitudes held in Tokyo and Washington, according to a U.S. embassy cable released by Wikileaks.


  'Despite China's rapidly expanding economic and military activities, including in waters near Okinawa, Okinawans claim they do not share America's or Japan's sense of threat from China.....and which is a factor in local attitudes toward U.S. military bases in Okinawa,' states an April 26, 2006 cable sent from the U.S. Consulate in Naha, located in Okinawa.

  Agence France-Presse/Getty Images2010年12月17日,日本首相菅直人到訪沖繩縣政府時,當(dāng)?shù)鼐用翊虺?ldquo;撤回計劃”的橫幅,并高喊口號。美國駐沖繩首府那霸的領(lǐng)事館2006年4月26日所發(fā)的一份電文說,盡管中國在包括沖繩附近水域進行的經(jīng)濟和軍事活動迅速增多,但沖繩人稱他們并未像美國和日本那樣覺得中國是一種威脅......這是導(dǎo)致當(dāng)?shù)厝藢γ绹跊_繩軍事基地所持態(tài)度的一個因素。

  The U.S. cable, signed by Thomas Reich, the consul general of the U.S. consulate in Naha, says that this lack of fear coincides with Okinawa's historical ties with China and how the two share a mutual connection because both have been treated poorly by Japan. It refers to incidents that occurred during World War II, specifically the Battle of Okinawa -- the full frontal assault from both sides that resulted in mass military and civilian casualties. It also gives a short historical brief on the amicable ties between China and the island chain when they were still recognized as the independent Ryukyu kingdom prior to the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-95.

  這份由美國駐那霸領(lǐng)事館總領(lǐng)事托馬斯•里奇(Thomas Reich)簽署的電文說,沖繩人對中國缺乏恐懼感與沖繩和中國的歷史聯(lián)系以及沖繩和中國因雙方都一直受到日本的惡待而產(chǎn)生的相互親近是相符合的。電文提到了第二次世界大戰(zhàn)期間發(fā)生的一系列事件,特別是美日雙方全力進行的沖繩之戰(zhàn),這場戰(zhàn)役導(dǎo)致了雙方軍人和平民的大量傷亡。電文還簡要回顧了中國與沖繩群島之間的友好歷史,在1894-95年的中日甲午戰(zhàn)爭之前,沖繩是一個獨立的國家,名叫琉球國。

  The cable details multiple conversations with local Okinawan authorities that show the southern island largely viewed the Chinese threat as nil, despite increasing incursions into Japanese maritime and air territory.


  'We asked why a look at a map of the region surrounding Okinawa and current stories regarding China's expansion didn't provide Okinawans enough information for them to judge for themselves. Tomon replied the GOJ (government of Japan) and USG (U.S. government) were like the boy who cried wolf, pointing to China and claiming that something awful might happen, but nothing ever did. Okinawans were undisturbed, Tomon claimed, by Chinese incursions,' states the cable in reference to a March 2006 discussion with Mitsuko Tomon, a former Socialist Party lawmaker and who was at the time a mayoral candidate for Okinawa City. Ms. Tomon added, according to the cable, that historically, 'Japan and the United States had been more harmful to Okinawa than China had ever been.'

  電文在談到美方人員2006年3月與日本前社會黨議員、當(dāng)時正競選沖繩市長的東門美津子(Mitsuko Tomon)展開的一場討論時說,我們問道,為何看一眼沖繩周邊地區(qū)圖以及當(dāng)前那些有關(guān)中國實力擴張的報道都未能給沖繩人提供足夠的信息,使其形成自己的判斷。東門美津子回答說,日本政府和美國政府就像那個喊狼來了的孩子,他們把矛頭指向中國,聲稱可能會發(fā)生某些可怕的事,但從來沒有任何可怕事情發(fā)生過。東門美津子說,沖繩人沒有受到中國人入侵的困擾。電文還援引東門美津子的話說,從歷史上看,日本和美國對沖繩造成的傷害比中國以往對沖繩的傷害要大。

  The cable notes a number of friendly exchanges that had cropped up between Okinawa and China in recent years, and contrasts China's tone towards the southern island with that extended towards the mainland based on local media reports. But the U.S. doubts whether it's all about historical ties with China that have formed Okinawa's attitude.


  'Okinawa's exceptionalism is not based entirely on history and feeling; it is used to practical effect. Okinawans claiming to feel no threat from China often use this to bolster arguments that bases should be eliminated from Okinawa. For example, when asked specifically about Chinese military activities near Okinawa, such as the November 2004 submarine incursion, former Diet member Tomon grudgingly admitted that the incident was regrettable. She hastened to add, however, that it alone did not justify the concentration of U.S. forces and facilities in Okinawa.'


我要糾錯】 責(zé)任編輯:梓墨



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