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安卓版本:8.7.11 蘋(píng)果版本:8.7.11






來(lái)源: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 編輯: 2011/07/06 16:34:39  字體:

  China, the world’s largest energy consumer, has a tendency to make a splash when it enters global energy markets.


  In oil markets, crude prices rose along with China’s import volumes in the early 2000s, after the country became a net importer of oil in 1993.


  In coal markets, its shift to being a net importer of thermal coal in 2009 pushed prices to their current record highs.


  The country may soon have the same effect on natural gas, say analysts.


  The government plans to promote natural gas consumption because it is cleaner-burning than oil or coal.


  Under Beijing’s blueprint, gas use will more than double during the next five years to reach 260bn cu m, making China the world’s third-largest gas market after Russia and the US.


  But where will this natural gas come from?


  Currently, China produces most of its own gas, importing 4 per cent of supply from central Asia and a further 11 per cent from LNG shipments.


  A key question is, to what extent domestic supplies will be able to keep up with growing demand.


  Ever since the US began producing “unconventional” gas on a large scale – from shale rock or locked in coal deposits – geologists have been looking for the next big unconventional discovery.


  In addition to Europe, where some unconventional gas wells are being drilled, many eyes have lighted on China, which is geologically extremely diverse and not yet surveyed to the same extent as the US.


  “Unconventional gas is a dream come true for China’s energy policymakers,” notes a recent report from Jefferies, an investment bank.


  However, it warns that unconventional gas in China is at least a decade away.


  “[China’s] conventional assets are still young, untapped, productive and capital-efficient. “


  “China does not need to invest in unconventional gas until the easy conventional gas is gone,” the report notes.


  Investment and drilling of conventional natural gas began in the country in earnest about 10 years ago, and reserves remain high.


  Although the government has offered some incentives for unconventional production, including a special tariff for coal-bed methane, it has yet to be produced on a large scale.


  Last year, unconventional gas accounted for only about 1 per cent of China’s total production.


  Because its oil and gas production is dominated by state-owned energy giants such as PetroChina, Sinopec and Cnooc, the success of unconventional gas will depend to a large extent on the appetite and profit incentives of these three companies.


  Crucially, PetroChina and Sinopec own all national pipeline infrastructure. Independent producers typically have difficulty accessing existing pipelines.


  As a result, some small producers choose to truck their gas to market to avoid tough pipeline negotiations.


  According to a report by Wood Mackenzie, the consultancy, last year, Chinese unconventional gas could supply as much as 340m cu m of gas a day by 2030, potentially cutting the need for imports.

  根據(jù)咨詢公司W(wǎng)ood Mackenzie去年發(fā)布的一份報(bào)告,到2030年,中國(guó)非常規(guī)天然氣日產(chǎn)量有望達(dá)到3.4億立方米,有可能會(huì)降低對(duì)進(jìn)口的需求。

  Imports of LNG will fall after 2020 as a result of unconventional gas development, the report says.


  However, on the ground, industry executives paint a more mixed picture.


  “Shale gas in China is really different from the US – it is not as promising,” says Steve Zou, chief executive of Asian American Gas, an energy company that has coal-bed methane concessions in Shanxi province in the north of the country.

  在山西省擁有煤層氣開(kāi)采特許權(quán)的亞美大陸煤層氣有限公司(Asian American Gas)總裁鄒向東(Steve Zou)表示:“中國(guó)的頁(yè)巖氣與美國(guó)截然不同,前景并不像美國(guó)那樣光明。”

  In the area of coal-bed methane, he says government support will be crucial for the sector.


  “One complication for coal-bed methane is conflict with the coal miners,” he adds.


  One boost for the sector was an industry reshuffle in 2009, which ended the monopoly of China United Coalbed Methane.

  煤層氣行業(yè)的一次進(jìn)步是2009年的行業(yè)大洗牌。這次行業(yè)洗牌終結(jié)了中聯(lián)煤層氣公司(China United Coalbed Methane)的壟斷局面。

  While the domestic supply picture may be murky for unconventional gas, the government push in that direction has prompted large Chinese oil companies to boost investment in unconventional gas overseas, partly to perfect the technical expertise needed for its production.


  Cnooc, the country’s largest offshore producer, inked two deals to develop shale oilfields in the US jointly with Chesapeake Energy late last year and early this year.

  去年底和今年初,中國(guó)最大的離岸油氣生產(chǎn)商中海油簽署了兩項(xiàng)交易,與切薩皮克能源公司(Chesapeake Energy)聯(lián)手在美國(guó)開(kāi)發(fā)頁(yè)巖氣田。

  And PetroChina, the listed subsidiary of China’s largest oil and gas producer CNPC, jointly invested $3.2bn together with Shell in an Australian coal-bed methane company last year.


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