
財稅實務 高薪就業(yè) 學歷教育

安卓版本:8.7.11 蘋果版本:8.7.11






來源: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 編輯: 2011/08/03 14:31:01  字體:

  China's debt-burdened Railways Ministry, under fire after last month's deadly train crash, might need a central government bailout and will have difficulty raising new funds, some analysts predict, adding to concerns around the country's high-speed rail system.


  Construction of the fast-train network was a linchpin of China's economic stimulus plan to counter the global financial crisis. Led by lending from commercial banks, the Railways Ministry's debt burden increased to hundreds of billions of dollars, largely used for accelerating the construction of the high-speed network, which Beijing heralded as world class.

  European Pressphoto Agency周四,一列高速列車駛?cè)氡本┠险?。建設高速鐵路網(wǎng)是中國為應對世界金融危機推出的經(jīng)濟刺激計劃的關鍵組成部分。商業(yè)銀行貸款是鐵道部的主要債務負擔,這筆債務已增至數(shù)千億美元,基本上被用作加快高速鐵路網(wǎng)的建設。中國政府號稱這是世界的高速鐵路網(wǎng)絡。

  The railways' debt woes are part of the larger stimulus tab now starting to weigh on China's government and could also call into question the economics -- and not just the safety standards -- of an industry China had hoped would become a significant global export.


  The July 23 collision between two high-speed trains, which killed 40 people and injured 191, has unleashed widespread public anger that analysts say has likely weakened the clout of the formerly powerful Railways Ministry -- the only Chinese government agency other than the Finance Ministry allowed to issue bonds -- both within the government and with investors. That in turn is fueling doubts about its ability to raise more funds needed to cover its existing debts and keep building the prized high-speed network and is prompting some to call for the ministry's restructuring or abolition.


  “Given the way the accident has drawn attention to the [Railways Ministry's] management practices, it may well be awhile before the [ministry] can come back to the debt markets,” Standard Chartered economist Stephen Green said in a research report. “There will be financing difficulties and, inevitably, increased pressure on interest payments.”

  相關閱讀渣打銀行(Standard Chartered)經(jīng)濟學家王志浩(Stephen Green)在一份研究報告中說,鑒于動車事故引發(fā)人們對鐵道部管理方式的關注,可能要過很長一段時間鐵道部才能重新回到債市,鐵道部將出現(xiàn)財務困境,其償還利息的壓力必然會增大。

  Mr. Green said he doubts the rail ministry's operations generate enough free cash flow to cover the interest payments on its debts. He and other analysts said that the Ministry of Finance likely will have to step in at some point with a capital injection.


  China's Railways Ministry didn't respond to requests to comment.


  For the central government, the ministry woes add to concerns around debt from the stimulus plan. Special borrowing entities created by local governments have also racked up enormous debts -- about $1.65 trillion, or 27% of China's gross domestic product last year, according to a June estimate by the National Audit Office. Private-sector estimates have put the total higher.


  While few question the government's ultimate ability to cover such debts, analysts warn that the burden could suck funds away from other fiscal priorities and could saddle China's state-run banks with bad loans.


  Zhao Jian, professor of economics at Beijing Jiaotong University, said that ultimately the Ministry of Railways needs to be restructured, splitting the commercial elements of the rail network from the government's control.


  'Currently people are paying the most attention to the crash and safety side of the issue, but this will lead them to scrutinize more Ministry of Railways' debt and finance issues,' said Mr. Zhao. 趙堅說,現(xiàn)在人們最關注的是動車事故以及安全方面的問題,但這會讓他們對鐵道部的債務和財務問題進行更多審視。

  Even before the crash, the high-speed network was under fire over corruption and expensive tickets that put the high-speed trains out of reach for ordinary Chinese.


  “Building high-speed rail cannot generate enough cash flow. Cash flow comes from the number of passengers,” said Mr. Zhao. “They should have built ordinary trains, but instead they built high-speed ones, which doesn't correspond to market demand.”


  The Railways Ministry's debts have ballooned in recent years. At the end of the first quarter its obligations totaled 1.98 trillion yuan ($307 billion), about 5% of China's gross domestic product, up from about 2% in 2007.


  In a prospectus issued July 14 for a planned bond issue, the Railways Ministry disclosed that its operating costs in the first quarter exceeded its operating revenue by 3.8 billion yuan, raising the prospect it may struggle to find enough cash to cover interest payments, particularly if its debt burden expands further.


  “There is no evidence that operating revenues can grow significantly faster than operating costs,” said Mr. Green. “Indeed the evidence at present suggests the opposite may be true.”


  The bond sale, which occurred two days before the July 23 accident, failed to find enough buyers for the full 20 billion yuan issue.


  As a sovereign issuer backed by the financial resources of the Chinese government, there is no concern it will default on its bonds. However, sentiment is clearly moving against the ministry as a debt issuer.


  A Shanghai-based analyst with a brokerage firm who deals with the Railways Ministry said he originally expected it to issue between 140 billion yuan and 160 billion yuan of bonds over the rest of this year -- more than doubling the 2010 figure. He now expects the amount to be scaled back given indications demand is fading for the debt. The ministry has already issued 105 billion yuan of new bonds this year, up from 115.5 billion yuan for the whole of last year.


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