
財稅實務(wù) 高薪就業(yè) 學(xué)歷教育
安卓版本:8.7.11 蘋果版本:8.7.11


來源: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 編輯: 2011/07/26 16:09:14  字體:

  A train crash that killed at least 39 people has raised fresh questions about China’s high-speed rail ambitions and will lend support to critics calling for more investment in conventional, slower technology.


  Another 210 people were injured in the first serious accident involving Chinese bullet trains. It happened when one train hurtled into another that had stalled near the city of Wenzhou, south of Shanghai.


  The government embarked on a massive spending drive five years ago to build the world’s largest high-speed rail network in record time. But what was meant as a source of national pride and efficiency has instead become one of embarrassment and concern.


  Saturday’s accident, which tossed six train carriages off the tracks in a pile of twisted metal, was the latest and most devastating setback for China’s rail programme.


  The fatal collision stemmed from extraordinary circumstances, according to state television. Lightning struck the first train, knocking out an electronic warning system that would have prevented the other train from hitting it. But the power loss was eerily similar to failures that have halted trains on the Beijing-Shanghai line at least three times since it opened less than a month ago.


  In the past six months, the railways minister has been dismissed for “serious disciplinary violations” and his replacement has announced a big reduction of top speeds following safety concerns, while a new line between Beijing and Shanghai has been beset by stoppages.


  This year, Sheng Guangzu, the new railways minister, vowed to stick to a blueprint to expand the country’s track network to 120,000km by 2015 from the current 91,000km. But a smaller expenditure target implied that Beijing was decreasing the portion of the newly-built lines that would be high speed. The crash will have reinforced the scaling back of these ambitions.


  Debt has become another indication that all is not well in China’s bullet train build-out. The railway ministry’s liabilities have tripled in two years to hit Rmb1,980bn ($307bn), state media reported last week. Although it is easily within the government’s capacity to repay, the ministry had been expected to fund itself largely through cash flow, and the debt is an indication of investment gone awry.


  That is no surprise to Zhao Jian, a professor at Northern Transport University and an outspoken -opponent of the high-speed rail plans. He has argued that ultra-fast trains make sense between large cities that are relatively close to each other. However, the cost of building high-speed lines over vast distances, where air travel is a better option “will become a serious drag on economic development”, he said in a recent essay.

  北京交通大學(xué)(Beijing Jiaotong University)教授趙堅對高鐵計劃一直公開持批評態(tài)度。上述債務(wù)情況在他看來并不意外。他在最近發(fā)表的一篇文章中表示,在相距較近的大城市間修建超高速鐵路尚屬合理,但如果要在相距很遠(yuǎn)、更適合搭乘飛機往來的城市間修建高鐵,其建設(shè)成本將會“嚴(yán)重拖累經(jīng)濟發(fā)展”。

  One of the trains in the collision was exactly the kind that Mr Zhao has criticised. From Beijing to Fuzhou, the capital of Fujian province, train D301 was supposed to cover 2,223km in less than 14 hours.


  The answer is not for China to pare back its spending on railways, but to direct it more sensibly, analysts say. The Chinese rail system carries about a quarter of global freight and passenger traffic on 6 percent of the world’s lines. The density of its network, measured in line distance per inhabitant, is about a tenth of that in the US, a seventh of the European Union’s and a third of Japan’s, according to the World Bank.

  分析人士指出,解決辦法并不是要求中國削減鐵路建設(shè)開支,而是引導(dǎo)它更理智地投資。中國鐵路系統(tǒng)用占世界6%的里程數(shù)承載著占世界四分之一的貨物和乘客運量。世界銀行(World Bank)數(shù)據(jù)顯示,按人均鐵路里程衡量,中國鐵路網(wǎng)的密度相當(dāng)于美國的十分之一、歐盟的七分之一、日本的三分之一。

   It would be better to build conventional, high-capacity lines than fast trains that carry fewer people and cost more, Mr Zhao said.


   But China had also been hoping to transform its bullet trains into a large export, the sort of sophisticated product that it wants to sell to the world as it graduates from being a low-cost manufacturer.


  This month, Beijing trumpeted that Malaysia would buy 228 trains, the first export deal for Chinese-made bullet trains. China’s CSR Corp has also signed a deal with General Electric to make trains for high-speed lines in the US.

  本月,北京方面高調(diào)宣布馬來西亞將從中國進口228輛動車,這是中國制造的動車組的首宗出口交易。中國南車(CSR Corp)也已與通用電氣(General Electric)簽署協(xié)議,為美國高鐵線路制造列車。

  Even before the crash, the Chinese export plans were running into trouble from Japan’s Kawasaki Heavy Industries, which said it would take action if China filed for patents on trains using Japanese technology.

  在這次撞車事故發(fā)生之前,中國的動車出口計劃就遭遇了麻煩——日本川崎重工(Kawasaki Heavy Industries)表示,如果中國對使用日本技術(shù)制造的列車申報專利,它便會采取相應(yīng)行動。

  Of the trains that collided on Saturday, one was based on a Kawasaki design and the other was based on a model by Canada’s Bombardier. Chinese railway officials previously said they had “digested” the foreign technology and then reinnovated to create their own intellectual property.


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