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貨幣政策如何走 中國(guó)專家現(xiàn)分歧(雙語(yǔ))

來(lái)源: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 編輯: 2011/07/07 14:31:47  字體:

  China is at a critical decision-making juncture, with inflation likely having hit new highs in the past month, even as other indicators are pointing to a slowdown in growth. A debate is now raging over whether the central bank should ease up on its tight monetary policy.

  ChinaFotoPress/Getty Images 中國(guó)正處于一個(gè)關(guān)鍵的決策時(shí)刻,通貨膨脹可能已在過(guò)去一個(gè)月觸及新高,而其他指標(biāo)則表明增長(zhǎng)在放緩。有關(guān)央行是否應(yīng)放松緊縮貨幣政策的問(wèn)題正在引發(fā)一場(chǎng)激烈的爭(zhēng)論。Critics of the People's Bank of China from other ministries and various state think tanks have begun to argue that it has tightened policy too far in its zeal to contain inflation. In particular, they charge that the central bank's series of hikes to the level of required reserves for banks is choking off access to credit for smaller borrowers.


  Government economist Ba Shusong, for instance, wrote in a commentary piece  on Tuesday in the Economic Information Daily that the central bank should raise rates again--it has done so four times since October--to address inflation fears, but at the same time lower the reserve requirement ratio to create a better credit environment for small-and-medium enterprises, or SMEs. Mr. Ba is deputy director-general of the Financial Research Department of the State Council's Development Research Center, essentially an economic adviser to China's top policy makers in the State Council.


  Another paper, the China Business News, reported on Monday that some government officials are pushing for a revision of the country's monetary policy stance, to a term that could be translated as “relatively tight, with directed loosening.”


  This new stance would recognize that relatively tight policy is still needed to keep liquidity in check, while allowing some loosening to give small and medium-sized companies better access to credit, to give local-government financing platforms continued funding, and to boost the auto industry, the newspaper said.


  Allies of the central bank, meanwhile, are hitting back against its critics. Li Daokui, an academic adviser to the central bank, told reporters last week that the monetary policy stance “should not and will not” be altered. He said that other measures could be taken to address the concerns of smaller companies, such as special tax breaks and the full legalization of some gray-market lenders that provide finance to them currently.


  Bank of America-Merrill Lynch economist Lu Ting weighed in on Tuesday, essentially agreeing with Mr. Li. "Fortunately, policymakers know that the issue of SME financing should be addressed by changing institutions such as opening up the banking sector instead of loosening monetary policies," he wrote in a note. Mr. Lu expects some loosening of the country's fiscal policy stance, such as additional spending on social housing projects, that could bolster growth.

  美國(guó)銀行/美林(Bank of America-Merrill Lynch)經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家陸挺周二也發(fā)表了自己的看法,實(shí)際上與李稻葵的觀點(diǎn)相同。他在一份報(bào)導(dǎo)中寫道,幸運(yùn)的是,決策人士知道,中小企業(yè)融資問(wèn)題應(yīng)該通過(guò)改革機(jī)構(gòu)而不是放寬貨幣政策加以解決,比如開放銀行業(yè)。陸挺預(yù)計(jì),中國(guó)財(cái)政政策立場(chǎng)將有一定程度的放寬,比如在保障房項(xiàng)目上的更多支出,財(cái)政政策的放寬有望支撐增長(zhǎng)。

  As the debate plays out, confusion reigns in the markets as to the future direction of policy. On Tuesday, a commentary piece in a newspaper backed by the central bank suggested it might slow the pace of tightening. The PBOC may "appropriately slow the pace of policy adjustments and lower the intensity of policy," a reporter for the Financial News wrote in the piece. Despite appearing in a paper backed by the central bank, the commentary piece doesn't necessarily represent its official views.


  Indeed, other papers had a radically different read on the PBOC's intentions. Citing a PBOC statement on Monday that warned for the umpteenth time about inflation pressures, the Economic Information Daily, which is backed by the state-run Xinhua news service, said an interest rate hike could come this weekend [zh]. The state-run China Securities Journal was more cautious, saying a rate hike is likely this month.


  Dow Jones Newswires latest poll, last month, found that eight of 10 China economists expect at least one more interest rate increase this year, with most of them predicting it would come late last month or this month.


  The central bank, notoriously unpredictable and prone to making big announcements on holidays and weekends, could step in any time with a decisive move. Barring that, some clarity may come in mid-July. A raft of economic data, including June inflation and second-quarter gross domestic product growth, are due to be released on July 15. Around the same time, the State Council, or cabinet, is expected to announce the results of a meeting on the official economic policy stance in the second half of the year. Until then, expect further debate and confusion.


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