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NBA停擺 科比或到中國(guó)淘金(雙語)

來源: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 編輯: 2011/07/07 15:06:17  字體:

  NBA team owners last week crossed the Rubicon, locking out the players as negotiations over a new labor agreement fell apart. But while the owners and the players union battle over how to split the league's roughly $4 billion worth of revenue, an extended lockout could bring China's basketball fans a barnstorming tour featuring one of the game's brightest stars.

  David Gray/Reuters2010年7月26日,北京,科比(Kobe Bryant)在一檔電視訪談節(jié)目開播前朝觀眾揮手。


  The Los Angeles Times reports that Kobe Bryant is considering an exhibition tour in China, where his jersey has long been the No. 1 seller. The newspaper said the Los Angeles Lakers megastar and his agent, Rob Pelinka, are trying to put together the tour with a number of players, citing Minnesota Timberwolves rookie forward Derrick Williams. Williams, who is also represented by Pellinka, was drafted second out of the University of Arizona in last month's NBA draft, and said he would like to join such a tour.

  Joe Tan/Reuters2010年7月29日,廣州,科比(Kobe Bryant)和中國(guó)學(xué)員一起參加了一次籃球訓(xùn)練營(yíng)。據(jù)《洛杉磯時(shí)報(bào)》(Los Angeles Times)報(bào)道,科比•布萊恩特(Kobe Bryant)正考慮來華進(jìn)行巡回表演賽??票鹊那蛞落N量在中國(guó)一直穩(wěn)坐銷量榜的冠軍。《洛杉磯時(shí)報(bào)》援引明尼蘇達(dá)森林狼隊(duì)的新秀前鋒德里克•威廉姆斯(Derrick Williams)的話說,科比這位洛杉磯湖人隊(duì)的超級(jí)巨星與其經(jīng)紀(jì)人佩林卡(Rob Pelinka)正試圖號(hào)召多位球星參與兩人牽頭組織的巡回表演賽。威廉姆斯的經(jīng)紀(jì)人也是佩林卡,他上個(gè)月在NBA的選秀大會(huì)上以亞利桑那大學(xué)(University of Arizona)榜眼的身份被森林狼隊(duì)挑中。

  An exhibition league in China for U.S. pros isn't a unique idea--SportsBusiness Journal reported that Wasserman Media Group, which also represents a number of NBA players, including this season's most valuable player, Derrick Rose, in April began pitching an exhibition tournament in China in case of an extended lockout.

  美國(guó)專業(yè)體育明星到中國(guó)舉行表演巡回賽并非新鮮概念。此前SportsBusiness Journal曾報(bào)道,體育經(jīng)紀(jì)公司W(wǎng)asserman Media Group(該公司也是多位NBA球星的經(jīng)紀(jì)公司,其中包括本賽季最有價(jià)值球員德里克•羅斯(Derrick Rose))今年4月就開始四處推銷在中國(guó)的一次表演巡回賽,以防停擺延期。

  All the reports are careful to state that such plans are still at a very preliminary stage--it seems clear that most parties want to hammer out an agreement and get on with the next NBA season on time. But with such an acrimonious split and grim prospects for a quick resolution, a number of players are examining other options if NBA arenas remain dark. Bryant's Laker teammate Pau Gasol has said he would prefer to return to his native Spain to play ball if the season is canceled but said China was a possible alternative.

  所有報(bào)道都謹(jǐn)慎指出,此類巡回表演賽計(jì)劃僅僅處于起步階段??磥矶鄶?shù)當(dāng)事方都希望能敲定一項(xiàng)協(xié)議,以便下個(gè)賽季能準(zhǔn)時(shí)開賽。但鑒于分歧如此之大,快速解決爭(zhēng)議的前景又如此渺茫,如果下個(gè)賽季無法準(zhǔn)時(shí)開賽,許多球員也開始考慮別的選擇??票仍诤岁?duì)的隊(duì)友加索爾(Pau Gasol)說,如果下個(gè)賽季被取消,他寧可回到祖國(guó)西班牙打球,但他說中國(guó)也是一個(gè)可能的選擇。

  The New York Daily News is feeding the rumor mill too, saying that New York Knicks forward Amar'e Stoudamire would consider joining Bryant's Chinese tour if he couldn't play in the NBA, citing a person close to the all-star.

  《紐約每日新聞》(New York Daily News)也在爆料各種傳聞。該報(bào)援引一位接近科比的知情人士的話說,紐約尼克斯隊(duì)前鋒阿瑪爾•斯塔德邁爾(Amar'e Stoudamire)如果無法在NBA打球,他會(huì)考慮加入科比組織的中國(guó)巡回賽。

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