
財稅實務(wù) 高薪就業(yè) 學(xué)歷教育

安卓版本:8.7.11 蘋果版本:8.7.11






來源: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 編輯: 2011/07/05 16:40:52  字體:

  A shortage of pigs is set to push China's consumer-price index to a new high, meaning a respite from inflationary pressure may be several months away.


  The official data on inflation in June won't be published until July 15. But the early signs are that it will show the CPI popping above 6% year on year. That is far above the government's target of 4% and earlier forecasts by many investment-bank economists, who started the year predicting a peak of around 5%.


  The proximate cause, once again, is food prices. End-of-June prices for pork, China's favorite meat, are up 67% year on year. Lu Ting, China economist at Bank of America, says pork alone will contribute 1.6 percentage points to June's CPI.

  直接原因仍是食品價格。作為中國最受歡迎肉類的豬肉,6月底價格較去年同期上漲67%。美國銀行(Bank of America)中國經(jīng)濟學(xué)家陸挺說,單豬肉一項就將為6月份CPI增幅貢獻1.6個百分點。

  This isn't the first time pork prices have pushed the inflation index to worrying levels. In February 2008, a similar pork shortage sent prices soaring, the main factor behind inflation jumping to 8.7%.


  The government's solution to the 2008 pig crisis -- subsidies that encouraged farmers to ramp up pork production -- has a lot to do with the causes of the current dearth. The surge in production that followed the subsidies in 2008 led to a collapse in pig prices in summer 2009. That in turn caused farmers to slaughter sows and reduce breeding.


  Pork prices are now at record highs, which should strengthen incentives to increase production. But higher prices for output are only part of the equation for farmers. The price of corn, the major cost in the production of pork, is just as important.


  Record corn prices in China, mainly as a result of growing demand for animal feed, have reduced profit for pig farmers. A ratio of 6 to 1 in the price of pork to corn is the minimum for farmers to break even. The number has hovered just above that level for much of the last year, and only moved significantly higher in the last month.


  A fall in international corn prices should help alleviate cost pressures. But even as higher pork and lower corn prices improve incentives for farmers, pigs conceived today won't come to market until the first quarter of 2012. That means China's high inflation could be more persistent than investors expect.


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