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2009-2-9 14:16 正保會計網!  】【打印】【我要糾錯

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第六部分 完形填空(共四篇)


  New Ideas

  Iceland's President Olafur Grimsson is trying to drive carbon dioxide1 underground to 1 its release into the air.

  Over the next two years, a team of scientists will try to 2 carbon dioxide-charged water2 into the rock underground. Scientist theory says this should work3. The CO2 will react with the rock to form a stable mineral that remains in the 3 for millions of years.

  If the experiment succeeds, Iceland could give the world a new 4 to reduce CO2 emissions.

  Sigurdur Gislason, a university professor in Iceland, says his country has an 5 over other countries: "We have enormous amounts of clean 6 and a small society. You can do experiments here that you can't do anywhere else."

  In an attempt to cut back on the use of air conditioners during summer, the Japanese government in 2005 7 a campaign to keep office temperatures at 28°C degrees in summer. Men were also encouraged to change business suits for 8 wear. In other words, no more ties.

  "The 9 is meant to show the government's resolve to achieve Japan's target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 6 percent," said Chief Cabinet Secretary Hiroyuki Hosoda. The 10 has cut an estimated 79,000 tons of carbon dioxide gas emissions each year.

  As the country's 2005 Energy Policy Act 11 into force this year, more

  Americans will be encouraged to use 12 cars and energy sources.

  According to the new law, those who buy hybrid cars such as the Toyota Prius can earn tax credits; or rebates, of 13 to $2,600 a year. Homemakers can also save when they renovate, claiming tax rebates 14 up to $500 simply by fitting their homes with energy-saving insulation. If they. 15 in solar water heating, the payoff at tax time is equal to 30 percent of the appliance's cost or a maximum of $2,000.


  dioxide n.二氧化物

  greenhouse n.溫室

  hybrid adj.混合

  homemaker n.主婦

  rebate n.退款

  insulation n.絕緣


  1. carbon dioxide二氧化碳

  2.carbon dioxide.charged water充滿了二氧化碳的水

  3.Scientist theory says this should work.科學家的理論說這樣做應該行得通。work是“行得通”或“有效的”意思。


  1 A) reduce B) narrow C) interrupt D) interfere

  2 A) spread B) splash C) inject D) flow

  3 A) air B) rock C) water D) soil

  4 A) era B) period C) page D) way

  5 A) merit B) benefit C) profit D) advantage

  6 A) oil B) energy C) gas D) solar-power

  7 A) mounted B) called C) opened D) held

  8 A) decent B) formal C) casual D) fashionable

  9 A) pledge B) move C) promise D) statement

  l0 A) campaign B) war C) activity D) move

  ll A) makes B) takes C) bring D) comes

  12 A) fast B) cheap C) expensive D) environment-friendly

  13 A) under B) up C) on D) from

  14 A) putting B) worth C) building D) buying

  15 A) spend B) give C) invest D) donate


  1.A “reduce its release”是“減排”。整個句子說的是:冰島總統(tǒng)Olafur Grimsson為了減少二氧化氮排放到大氣中正試圖把它們注入地下。

  2.C 整個句子說的是:在未來的兩年里,一組科學家將嘗試把充滿了二氧化氮的水注入到巖石層。“inject…into…”是“把……注入到……”。

  3.B 前面出現(xiàn)了“the rock ground”,因此填“rock”。整個句子說的是:二氧化氮跟巖石相互作用會形成一種穩(wěn)定的礦物質,在巖石中可以呆上幾百萬年。

  4.D 選項“era”、“period”和“page”很有迷惑性,但它們要求的動詞是不一樣的。如可以說“usher in anew era”(開創(chuàng)了一個新紀元)等。

  5.D 由于不定冠詞“an”發(fā)音的關系要求后面的名詞的起始音是元音。


  7.C 本段講為了在夏天減少使用空調日本政府在2005年發(fā)起了一場夏天辦公室的溫度保持在攝氏28度的運動。“mounted a campaign”是“發(fā)動了一場運動”的意思,也可說“launched a campaign”。

  8.C “business suites”是“公務服”。“公務服”比較正式,往往指“西服”。穿西服當然會很熱。因此“decent”(像樣的)和“formal” (正式的)不可能是合適的選擇。“fashionable”(時髦的)衣服本身并沒有說清楚是否涼快。因此正確地選擇是“casual”(隨便的)。

  9.B 日本政府已經發(fā)起了一場運動,因此這不是一種“保證”(pledge)、“許諾”(promise) 或“聲明”(statement)。所以唯一合適的選擇是“行動”(move)。整個句子說的是:所采取的行動是表明政府為了達到日本減排6%的溫室氣體的目標的決心。

  10.A “campaign”和“move”前面都出現(xiàn)過,似乎都可以。這兩個詞在前面出現(xiàn)時的語境是“a campaign”和“the move”。注意:用不定冠詞說明是新信息,用定冠詞或代詞說明是舊信息。一種信息第二次出現(xiàn)時就是舊信息,因此“campaign”第二次出現(xiàn)時可以說“the campaign”,也可以用“it”:由于“move”本來就是指“campaign”的,本來就是信息,再次出現(xiàn)時,應用“it”比“the move”跟好些。

  11.D “come into force”是“生效”的意思,是固定的說法。詞是需要一個個記的。一種固定的說法,它的意義就相當于一個詞的意義,因此也需要死記硬背。

  12.D “environment.friendly”是“對環(huán)境不造成太多問題的”意思。整個句子說的是:隨著國家的2005年的能源政策法令在今年生效,這必將鼓勵更多的美國人使用對環(huán)境不會造成太多影響的和能源。

  13.B “up to$2,600 a year”是“一年最多可達到2,600美元”。

  14.B “worth up to$500”是“最多值500美元。

  15.C “spend”需要有賓語,所以不合適。
