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2009-2-9 14:19 正保會計網(wǎng)!  】【打印】【我要糾錯

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第六部分 完形填空(共四篇)


Improve Computer-research Skills

  Like many college students, Jose Juarez carries around a pocket-sized computer that lets him watch movies, surf the Interact and text-message his friends1.

  He's part of "Generation M" - those born after 1985 who 1 up connected to everything from video game to cellphones.

  "For us, it's everyday life," said Juarez, 18, a freshman 2 California State University at Sacramento (CSUS).

  3 ,educators are now saying that not all Generation M-ers can synthesize the piles of information they're accessing.

  "They're geeky2, but they don't know what to 4 with their geekdom," said

  Barbara O'Connor, a Sacramento State communications studies professor who has been involved in a nationwide 5 to improve students' computer-research skills.

  In a recent nationwide test to 6 their technological "literacy" their ability to use the Interact to complete class assignments - only 49 percent correctly evaluated a set of Web sites for objectivity, authority and timeliness. Only 35 per cent could correctly narrow an overly 7 Internet search.

  About 130 Sacramento State students, including Juarez, participated in the experimental test, 8 to 6,300 college students across the country.

  The hour-long assessment test is conducted by Educational Testing Service. It is a web-based scavenger hunt3(拾荒游戲) 9 simulated Interact search engines and academic databases that spit out purposely misleading information.

  "They're very good at 10 in and using the Internet, but don't always understand what they get back," said Linda Goff, head of instructional services for the CSUS library.

  "You see an open search box, you type in a few words and you 11 the button," said Goff, who is involved in the testing.

  "They take at face value4 12 shows up at the top of the list as the best stuff."

  Educators say that these sloppy research skills are troubling.

  "We look at that as a foundational skill, in the same way we 13 math and English as a foundational skill," said Lorie Roth, assistant vice-chancellor for academic programmes in the CSU5 system.

  Measuring how well students can "sort the good 14 the bad" on the Internet has become a higher priority for CSU, Roth said.

  CSU is considering 15 a mandatory assessment test on technological literacy for all freshmen, much as it has required English and math placement tests since the 1980s.

  Students in freshman seminars at Sacramento State were asked to take the test early in the semester and were expected to finish another round this week to measure their improvement.


  surf v.瀏覽

  cellphone n.手機

  geeky adj.與網(wǎng)絡交往的

  scavenger n.拾荒者

  sloppy adj.馬虎的

  mandatory adj.強制性的

  literacy n.文化水平


  1.text—message his friends給朋友發(fā)信息。


  3.scavenger hunt拾荒游戲。所謂“拾荒游戲”是指在規(guī)定的時間內(nèi)搜索到難以搜索的東西,以先搜到者為勝。

  4.take as face value是“斷然接受一句話所說的(即字面意義)而不去考慮它是否還有其它的含義”。

  5.CSU是California State University的縮寫。


  1. A) brought B) built C) stood D) grew

  2. A) about B) near C) at D) near

  3. A) Besides B) However C) In addition D) Of course

  4. A) do B) work C) make D) deal

  5. A) effort B) plot C) wish D) slogan

  6. A) ask B) measure C) require D) demand

  7. A) small B) little C) broad D) large

  8. A) conducted B) held C) managed D) administered

  9. A) between B) upon C) by D) with

  10, A) writing B) copying C) typing D) moving

  11. A) pull B) push C) beat D) strike

  12. A) whatever B) whoever C) whichever D) however

  13. A) look at B) take up C) cope with D) serve as

  14. A) out B) from C) on D) off

  15. A) added B) adds C) adding D) add


  1.D 這四個動詞都可以跟“up”構(gòu)成有意義的搭配。但是,只有“grew up”放入后是合適的。如果用“brought up”,前面需要一個“be”動詞。整個句子說的是:他是“M代”的一個,“M代”就是那些l985年后生的,他們的成長跟從電子游戲到手機等各種玩意兒聯(lián)系在一起的。

  2.C “California State University at Sacramento”是一所大學。它前面的介詞用“at”或“in”。

  3.B 所在句子跟上面句子在意思上有轉(zhuǎn)折,因此用“However”。上面主要講Juarez是“M代”的一員,整天背著電腦,因為對他來說,電腦是生活的一部分。有鑒于此,他應該是電腦高手。緊接著的句子是這么說的:然而,教育工作者現(xiàn)在說,不是所有的M代人都能把他們正在找的一堆堆的信息綜合起來。

  4.A “what to do with their geekdom”是“他們的網(wǎng)絡交往的熟練水平用來干什么”。

  5.A “in an effort/in efforts to do...”是“致力于……”的意思。

  6.B 考試是為了測量某方面的能力或水平,因此“measure”是對的。

  7.C 所在句子中有“narrow”這個詞,它的反義詞是“broad”,這也可看作是一個提示。整個句子說的是:只有34%的人能夠正確地縮小過寬的網(wǎng)上搜索。

  8.D “administer”是“組織并監(jiān)督”的意思。整個句子說的是:包括Juarez在內(nèi)的大約130名Sacrament0州的學生參加了為全國6,300名大學生組織的實驗性測試。

  9.D 這個句子是講“拾荒游戲”,用“with”可以表示它有什么性質(zhì)。整個句子說的是:它是一種基于網(wǎng)絡的拾荒游戲,它有模擬因特網(wǎng)搜索引擎和能不斷輸出有意引起誤解的信息的數(shù)據(jù)庫。

  10.C 電腦是有鍵盤的,輸入詞時我們不是用筆寫而是用鍵,“type in”就是“鍵入”。

  11.B 電腦的鍵盤上由許多按鈕,按“按鈕”是“push the button”或“press the button”。

  12.A 由于用電腦是為了獲得信息,因此用一個比較寬泛的詞比較合適,所以選擇“whatever”是最佳的。整個句子說的是:他們斷然把出現(xiàn)在單子上端的認為是最好的。

  13.A 句子中的“in the same way”提示我們應該選擇上半句中已經(jīng)出現(xiàn)過的“look at”。

  14.B “sort the good from the bad”是“把好的和壞的區(qū)分開來”。

  15.C “consider”要求后面跟動名詞。
