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2009-2-9 14:14 正保會計網(wǎng)!  】【打印】【我要糾錯

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第六部分 完形填空(共四篇)


Freezing to Death for Beauty

  People in Beijing wear a lot of clothing during winter to fend off the cold. In the United States, however, people wear 1 , partly because the car is the primary mode of transportation. Cars take 2 straight to their workplaces, which are heated well. The American diet is full of calories, so their 3 can afford to burn heat more quickly.

  Fewer layers of clothing give people the opportunity to stay 4 .Lots of Yale girls wear skirts 5 when it's 10 degrees Centigrade outside. Some of them at least wear boots, tights, and leg-warmers1. Some, however, really just go for the look 6 the risk of health2. These girls have nothing to prevent their legs 7 the wind, and no socks to protect their feet. A mini skirt and a pair of stilettos are all that they wear.

  Typically, the ones pursuing fashion are 8 , with little body fat. Just by the nature of their bodies, they are already at a disadvantage compared with normal people in 9 weather. I have always 10 , whenever I pass these girls, how they manage to refrain from shivering and just smile like spring had arrived3.

  And then there are the guys. The girls can be said to 11 health for beauty. But why do guys 12 so little? It is not like, once they shed some layers, they suddenly become better-looking. They are not exactly being fashionable when they 13 wear sporty shorts and shower slippers in the midst of winter. It's not cute.

  Of course, people have the freedom to look whatever 14 hey want. I am just surprised that, given the vast difference between winter and summer temperatures in Connecticut, they can still 15 like they are partying on the beach in the middle of February.


  fend v.抵御

  mode n.方式

  Centigrade adj.攝氏溫度的

  tights n.褲襪

  stiletto n.細高跟鞋

  shed v.脫掉

  sporty adj.花哨的

  cute adj.喜人的



  2.Some,however, really just go for the look at the risk of heath.然而,有些真是只是為了漂亮而犧牲健康。注意:“go for”是“選擇”的意思,因此“go for the look”是“選擇漂亮”。

  3.I have always wondered,whenever I pass these girls,how they manage to refrain from shivering and just smile like spring had arrived.每當我走過這些女孩的時候,我總是想,她們怎么能做得到不哆嗦,并且還能帶著似乎春天已經(jīng)來臨的微笑。“like spring had arrived”是反事實條件句。


  1. A) scarce B) less C) little D) least

  2. A) people B) students C) shoppers D) them

  3. A) arms B) heads C) legs D) bodies

  4. A) bony B) thin C) fashionable D) hungry

  5. A) even B) sometimes C) frequently D) occasionally

  6. A) in B) for C) at D) on

  7. A) with B) against C) above D) under

  8. A) fat B) ugly C) short D) skinny

  9. A) warm B) cold C) cool D) hot

  10. A) dreamed B) stated C) claimed D) wondered

  11. A) sacrifice B) devote C) suffer D) endure

  12. A) bear B) carry C) wear D) put on

  13. A) only B) seldom C) rarely D) hardly

  14. A) method B) road C) way D) avenue

  15. A) see B) resemble C) show D) look


  1.B 上一個句子說北京人冬天要穿許多衣服以抵御寒冷。這后一個句子是跟上一個句子做比較,因此要用“little”的比較級形式“less”。

  2.D 把“people”填入后生成的句子同樣是正確的,但是跟前一個句子放在一起時是不連貫的。這是因為在前一個句子中已經(jīng)有了一個“people”。“them”是一個代詞,代詞的作用就是照應,這也就是為什么語言中需要代詞。在這個句子中“them”就是照應前面的“people”。

  3.D “body”是“身體”,指人的物質(zhì)結構。是“身體”產(chǎn)生熱。

  4.C “stay”是系動詞,跟形容詞連用,說明某種狀態(tài)的存在。四個選項都是形容詞,但只有“fashionable”是最佳選擇。如果“穿得少”是一種時尚的話,那么只穿幾件衣服當然是很時髦的。填入“bony”、“thin”、“hungry”在語義上句子都是不成立的,因為一種“瘦(bony/thin)的狀態(tài)”是營養(yǎng)差、節(jié)食或疾病造成的,跟穿多少衣服沒有關系。“保持饑餓狀態(tài)”跟穿衣服也沒有關系。

  5.A “Fewer layers of clothing give people the opportunity to stay fashionable.”是主題句。跟在主題句后面的句子是對這一命題的證明,這就需要有具體的事實。“even”誘發(fā)的是一組可能性,而它引入的詞語所指的可能性是在這一組可能性中最最不容易發(fā)生的。盡管如此,它還是發(fā)生了。這樣的證據(jù)是非常有力的。因此“even”是最佳選擇。

  6.C “at the risk of health”是“有損健康的危險”。什么詞跟什么介詞連用有時候是沒有道理的,所有需要死記硬背。

  7.B “prevent”是“防止”,跟“against”連用。

  8.D 該問題問:典型的追求時髦的人是什么樣的人?“丑”(ugly)和“矮個”(short)顯然跟追求時髦沒有關系。有關系的是“fat”(胖)和“skinny”(瘦/皮包骨)。“fat”可以排除,因為它跟后面的“with little body fat”相矛盾。因此只有“skinny”是正確的選擇。

  9.B 四個選項都是有關不同溫度的天氣。由于本文討論的主題是“為了漂亮凍得要死”,因此合適的選項是“cold”。

  10.D 這四個動詞后面都可以跟從句,但只有“wondered”可以跟疑問從句。

  11.A “sacrifice health for beauty”是“為了漂亮而犧牲健康”。中英語表達差不多。

  12.C “wear”和“put on”翻成中文都是“穿”的意思。前者是狀態(tài)動詞;后者由于其動作能瞬間完成而不具備延續(xù)性,因此不可能表達某種狀態(tài)。而這個句子表達的完全是一種狀態(tài),因此“wear”是合適的選擇。

  13.A 前面句子講到男人脫掉幾層衣服并不突然顯得更好看,那么下面的句子應該進一步具體化,因此用“only”是對的。填入該詞后,句子說的是“當他們僅僅穿著花哨的短褲和洗澡用的拖鞋時在確切意義上并不顯得更時髦”。

  14.C “way”有多種意思,包括“道路”、“途經(jīng)”、“方向”、“方法”、“方式”、“樣子”等。整個句子說的是:當然,人們有選擇自己外表樣子的自由。

  15.D just like是“好像是”。整個句子說的是:我只是覺得驚訝,在康涅狄格州冬夏溫度相差很大的情況下,他們?nèi)匀豢瓷先ハ袼圃诙轮醒暮┥暇蹠?

  13.B must:必須;might:可能have to:必須;should:應該。女人根據(jù)男人的特征選擇伴侶這只是一個因素,因此下結論應該留有余地,用might是比較合適的。

  14.A show:顯出;tell:告訴;state:陳述;say:說。除shown之外,told、stated或said填入后生成的句子都是錯的。

  15.B spouse:配偶;fan:狂熱仰慕者;partner:配偶;mate:伴侶。我們的世界知識告訴我們,任何人都不可能有數(shù)百萬的配偶,所以只有fans是合適的選擇。
