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中國補貼新興產(chǎn)業(yè) 美企能否招架(雙語)

來源: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 編輯: 2011/10/25 10:28:01  字體:

  One of the consequences of the failure of Solyndra LLC is that, justifiably or not, it has set off alarms about subsidized Chinese companies threatening an array of U.S. industries.

  美國公司Solyndra LLC倒閉的后果之一在于,不管是否合理,它已經(jīng)讓美國人警覺起來,看到中國接受政府補貼的企業(yè)給美國多個行業(yè)構(gòu)成了威脅。

  Recriminations are still flying over what actually caused the bankruptcy of Solyndra, the U.S. solar-panel company that collapsed after getting more than $500 million in federal-loan guarantees.


  The White House maintains that one contributing factor was the rapid rise of China's solar-energy industry. That industry is backed by government subsidies that U.S. business groups say help Chinese firms undercut their American competition. Solyndra's highly public collapse, lumped in with the recent bankruptcies of other U.S. solar companies, has energized the issue.


  On Wednesday, a group of U.S. solar-panel makers, led by SolarWorld AG, a German company that makes panels in Oregon, asked Washington to punish Chinese solar firms for allegedly dumping products─or selling them at prices below cost─on the U.S. market. A Chinese solar firm, Suntech Power Holdings Co., rejected the charges as U.S. 'protectionism.' Consumers, meanwhile, like the cheap prices.

  周三,一個由美國太陽能電池板生產(chǎn)商組成的團體要求華盛頓懲罰中國太陽能企業(yè)所謂在美國市場傾銷產(chǎn)品的行為。這個團體的牽頭方是在俄勒岡州生產(chǎn)太陽能電池板的德國公司SolarWorld AG。中國尚德電力控股有限公司(Suntech Power Holdings Co.)反駁傾銷指控,說它是美國的“保護主義”。與此同時,消費者喜歡的是低廉的價格。

  The controversy is about to get stickier. China has long subsidized its state-owned industries with liberal loans, cheap land and the certainty of government purchases. Now a new set of industries is about to get heightened attention from Beijing.


  China's latest five-year plan identifies seven “strategic emerging industries” as key to the nation's next phase of development and promises heavy government investment to support them. The industries are alternative energy, biotechnology, high-end equipment manufacturing, energy conservation and environmental protection, clean-energy vehicles, new materials, and next-generation information technology.


  Beijing says it wants to quickly expand these industries to 15% of the country's gross domestic product in 2020 from the 5% of GDP they comprised in 2010. 'While the [five-year plan] does not specify subsidies, standard subsidies like preferred financing, tax breaks, subsidized electricity and utility fees, free or subsidized land, etc., may be made available to SEIs by local governments,' notes a U.S. congressional analysis.


  Calculating the value of potential government subsidies that would fuel this expansion is tricky. APCO Worldwide, a public-affairs firm, says that estimates of government and private spending on the seven emerging industries over the five year plan range into trillions of yuan, or many hundreds of billions of dollars, though it doesn't detail what that spending would be for.

  助推這些產(chǎn)業(yè)擴張的政府補貼的可能規(guī)模是很難計算的。公共事務(wù)咨詢公司安可顧問(APCO Worldwide)說,當(dāng)前五年規(guī)劃期間政府和民間對七大新興產(chǎn)業(yè)的投入規(guī)模,最高估計達人民幣數(shù)萬億元,折合數(shù)千億美元。不過它沒有細(xì)說這些資金具體是投資于哪些方面。

  The Chinese Commerce Ministry had no comment yesterday when asked about U.S. complaints about Chinese subsidy programs. The government in the past has rejected U.S. criticism of the country's support of its industry.


  For American companies watching the U.S. budget being cut and hearing debate in Washington about the value of federal-loan guarantees, China might look like a honey pot. 對于看著美國預(yù)算被削減、聽著華盛頓有關(guān)聯(lián)邦貸款擔(dān)保價值的論戰(zhàn)的美國公司,中國或許看起來簡直是一個蜜罐。

  Boston-Power Inc., a Westborough, Mass., maker of lithium-ion battery cells and systems, always had a foot in China and its focus on the Chinese market, says Christina Lampe-Onnerud, international chairman. When the company wanted to finance its next-generation product, it flirted with the Energy Department and with building a plant in the U.S. Getting no takers, it found a willing partner in China.

  位于馬薩諸塞州韋斯特伯魯(Westborough)的鋰電池及系統(tǒng)生產(chǎn)商Boston-Power Inc.全球董事長歐納魯?shù)?Christina Lampe-Onnerud)說,公司一直在中國有業(yè)務(wù),并專注中國市場。當(dāng)初該公司想為下一代產(chǎn)品融資時,曾與美國能源部接觸,并考慮在美國開設(shè)一個工廠,但未能如愿,后來它在中國找到了一個心甘情愿的合作伙伴。

  Last month, the company announced that 'the Chinese government is providing a range of grants, low-interest loans and related financial and tax incentives' that will help Boston-Power build a manufacturing facility in Shanghai.


  Boston-Power is just one of many U.S. companies tapping China's pocketbook. Other fledgling companies have also jumped the Pacific, and big U.S. firms long ago tied up with Chinese state-owned enterprises. The joint ventures give the U.S. companies access to the Chinese market and, through their partners, the array of lucrative state subsidies. China, in turn, gets new technology that enhances its competitiveness in global markets.


  “China is increasingly seen by U.S. companies as a source of capital and a source of policy support,” says Dan Reicher, a former Energy Department assistant secretary who is now at Stanford. “The next five-year plan and the projections for spending on clean energy─they're just extraordinary.”

  前美國能源部助理部長、目前就職于斯坦福的雷切爾(Dan Reicher)說,中國越來越多地被美國公司視為資金的來源和政策支持的來源;中國下一個五年規(guī)劃以及在清潔能源方面的支出前景,規(guī)模都非常大。

  The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and BusinessEurope, which represent companies in the U.S. and Europe respectively, have asked regulators to hold China's feet to the fire and get the subsidies issue addressed by the World Trade Organization.

  代表美國公司的美國商會(U.S. Chamber of Commerce)和代表歐洲公司的BusinessEurope都要求監(jiān)管部門敦促中國兌現(xiàn)承諾,讓世界貿(mào)易組織(WTO)解決中國的補貼問題。

  China “committed to eliminate all subsidies policies that would be inconsistent with existing WTO rules,” BusinessEurope said in a report this month. “Yet there are concerns that China is still using prohibited subsidy schemes in a large number of sectors.”


  Earlier this month, Ron Kirk, the U.S. Trade Representative, called the situation “intolerable” and gave the WTO information on some 200 subsidy programs he said China had failed to report. He called on China to provide an explanation why.

  本月早些時候,美國貿(mào)易代表柯克(Ron Kirk)稱這種情況是“不能忍受的”,并向WTO報告了據(jù)他說中國沒有報告的約200種補貼項目。他要求中國對此做出解釋。

  But while that sounds bold, China has generally ignored admonitions about subsidies. Even Mr. Kirk's office says China has provided information about its subsidy programs only once since joining the WTO. And that was more than five years ago, and it was light on details.


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