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中國海外并購為何舍得花大錢(Examining China Inc's Merger Deals)

來源: 華爾街日?qǐng)?bào) 編輯: 2009/06/29 09:47:00  字體:




  業(yè)內(nèi)人士說,中國之所以愿意出高價(jià)收購,是因?yàn)樗庇诰鹑∪蜃匀毁Y源,它還需要克服最近幾年一直在妨礙中國國有公司海外收購努力的政治困難。最能體現(xiàn)這種困難的案例是中國國有石油企業(yè)中國海洋石油總公司(Cnooc) 2005年競購美國加州聯(lián)合石油公司(Unocal)遭遇失敗,以及三周前英-澳礦業(yè)公司力拓(Rio Tinto)拒絕了中國鋁業(yè)公司(Chinalco) 195億美元的投資。在這兩樁交易中,政治因素都起了阻礙作用。






  Examining China Inc's Merger Deals

  Deal makers know that to succeed you have to make your assets speak louder than your liabilities. China Inc. is learning that lesson.

  Just look at Sinopec's bid to acquire Swiss oil company Addax, which has a big presence in Africa. The price that China Petrochemical Corp., the Chinese state-owned oil company known as Sinopec, is offering is much higher than usual for the sector, analysts say. Sinopec's offer is equivalent to $34 a barrel of proved reserves and $14 a barrel of proved and probable reserves. The African transaction average in 2007, when the average crude price is similar to current prices, was $14.40 a barrel for proved reserves and $9.90 for proved and probable reserves, respectively. On a proved basis, the 2007 average suggests $3.1 billion total value for the deal. Therefore, $7.2 billion implies a 135% premium.

  People in the industry say China is willing to overpay because it is eager to snatch up global natural resources and it needs to overcome the kinds of political difficulties that hampered Chinese state-owned companies' overseas takeover attempts in recent years. This was seen most famously in the failed attempt by state-owned oil company Cnooc to acquire Unocal in 2005 and, three weeks ago, when Anglo-Australian miner Rio Tinto turned down Chinalco's historic $19.5 billion deal. In both cases, political static helped doom the deals.

  After laying low, China Inc. has picked up its M&A pace this year, the Rio failure notwithstanding, and a willingness to pay dearly has been a big part of its strategy. (Chinalco has since said it had been willing to increase its offer to Rio.)

  KNoc also bid for Addax. The South Korean company says it didn't have a lot of chance because its Chinese competitor put up a very attractive offer. Sinopec offered C$52.8 a share, a 47% premium of Addax's June 5 stock price, the day before the announcement of the preliminary takeover talks.

  The deal also shows China's willingness to take risks, as Sinopec would gain a presence in oil-rich but politically sensitive Iraqi Kurdistan as well as offshore West Africa, one of the hottest sectors of the oil world but one that includes Nigeria, where local militants continually harass drillers.

  Already this year, Chinese companies have notched 10 deals in the oil & gas space. The total number of oil & gas deals in all of last year was 14. This Sinopec deal, if completed, would be the largest overseas takeover in China's M&A history in natural resources The deal also would boost the value of Chinese oil & gas mergers and acquisition to $12 billion, up 80% from the same period last year.

  As long as government-owned Chinese companies are trying to buy business overseas, especially in sensitive sectors like natural resources, political issues will be hard to avoid. But with the world in an economic slowdown, companies are hungry for cash and China has a lot of it to tilt the balance in its favor.


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