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中國為何利率越低 儲蓄越多?(雙語)

來源: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 編輯: 2011/09/27 11:18:15  字體:

  Over the years, there have been lots of explanations from why Chinese save so much. Here's a new one: the worse that Chinese banks treat their customers, the more that Chinese customers save, an International Monetary Fund study says.

  多年來,有關中國人為什么喜歡大量儲蓄有過許多解釋?,F(xiàn)在這其中又要新增一條:國際貨幣基金組織(International Monetary Fund,簡稱:IMF)的一項研究發(fā)現(xiàn),中國的銀行支付的存款利率越低,中國人的儲蓄率越高。

  Since the mid-19990s, China's urban household savings rate has increased to 30% of disposable income from 19%. That's also been a time period when China's per-capita income has risen five-fold. It would make sense that the richer that people became, the less they would save. But in China, it's the opposite.




  Some economists argue that the Chinese save to make up for a lousy pension and health-care system, knowing that they'll have to pay steeply if they get sick. Others say the Chinese want to buy apartments, which China's communist government made widely available for sale in the late '90s. Still others say that families of boys save especially a lot because they want to be able to help make their sons better marriage bait.


  IMF economist Malhar Nabar has a different theory. The Chinese, he says, have a target amount of savings in mind to pay for homes, appliances, health care and what have you. And they will try to reach that target no matter what.

  對此,IMF的經(jīng)濟學家納巴(Malhar Nabar)有不同看法。他說,中國人心中有一個儲蓄目標,因為他們有買房、購置家電、支付醫(yī)保賬單等一系列支出。無論發(fā)生什么情況,他們總會努力實現(xiàn)這個目標。

  So when banks pay less interest, after adjusting for inflation, they'll save more. And when they pay higher interest, they'll save less because it's then easier for them to hit their targets.


  Since 1996, the rates at Chinese banks have gotten progressively worse ─ meaning that they have fallen further and further below the rate of inflation. As a result, the Chinese have saved more and more. Thus, the worse the banks treat their customers, the more their customers save.


  “A sustained increase in the interest rates on bank deposits, and wider access to alternative investment opportunities would make it easier for households to meet their target saving accumulation,” Nabar writes. In other words, they would save less when the banks treated them better.


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