
財稅實(shí)務(wù) 高薪就業(yè) 學(xué)歷教育

安卓版本:8.7.11 蘋果版本:8.7.11






來源: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 編輯: 2011/08/16 08:51:00  字體:

  The Dalian city government agreed to shutter a chemical plant in an unusual display of responsiveness, bowing to environmental protests that brought thousands of residents onto the streets of the northeastern Chinese port city.


  The decision to close the plant was announced just hours after Dalian's Communist Party Secretary Tang Jun, standing atop a police van, tried and failed to disperse a crowd authorities estimated at 12,000 with a pledge to relocate the plant at a future date.


  “Time!” “Time!” “Tell us when!” members of the crowd shouted back at Mr. Tang, drowning him out.


  Just two years old, the privately owned Fujia petrochemical plant will be shut down immediately, the city government said late Sunday, reported the state-run Xinhua news agency.


  The protests against it weren't a direct challenge to the local government policies, beyond the plant. Rather, there was widespread anxiety among the local community─possibly shared by local officials─that the seaside factory represented a potential environmental calamity.


  The outcome was highly unusual in China, where large-scale public protests are often put down with force.


  Typically, analysts say, Beijing tolerates little dissent for fear protests will spread to cities where citizens have similar grievances or that demonstrators might demand more sensitive changes, such as greater political representation. Even when protests are permitted, organizers are often arrested later.


  Security was heavy on Dalian streets on Sunday. State media reported that police in riot gear scuffled with the placard-carrying crowd. However, the demonstrations were largely peaceful and the crowds greeted the concession to close the plant with enthusiasm.


  “This is such good news,” said one demonstrator, 28-year-old Ken Zhang, who said he began days ago preparing T-shirts and banners. “I can't just let this toxic project harm the health of myself, my family and all my friends.”


  Environmental concerns are a growing rallying point for China's generation of new homeowners and parents. Centered on China's richest urban areas, the nascent “not-in-my-backyard” movement has featured a number of peaceful walks by young professionals─many of them carrying Chinese flags─that are sometimes tolerated by authorities, themselves eager to support green causes.


  Yet rarely have protests been so bold, or appeared to prompt an official climb-down so quickly, as they did in Dalian. Momentum for the Dalian protest built all last week, sparked by the unexpected arrival of a powerful typhoon.


  When the deadly tropical storm Muifa missed Shanghai last weekend and bounced up the Chinese coast, Dalian residents feared its arrival would collapse sea walls and swamp the plant. In postings on microblogs, residents discussed parallels with Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, which was hobbled by a tsunami and unaided by sea walls after the country's earthquake in March.


  Muifa churned seas with 20-meter (66feet) swells, breaking a dyke at the perimeter of Fujia near its large storage tanks. Local residents were evacuated and truckloads of workers supported by China's military worked to rebuild the walls, television footage showed. A thin layer of water lapped under parts of the plant, the footage showed.


  Officials later said the dyke was repaired and nothing spilled.


  On Sunday, photos circulated on the Internet showing thousands gathered in front of Dalian's government headquarters starting in the early morning. Through the day, the crowd of mostly young people grew, some carrying umbrellas to block the hot sun and others waving banners protesting the “PX Plant.”


  The protest was aimed at a privately owned chemical plant called Fujia, which makes paraxylene, a petrochemical used to create raw materials for the production of polyester film and fabrics. Also known as PX, the chemical is carcinogenic.


  China's NIMBY movement has counted a string of successes for the country's nascent environmental movement.


  The protest model is a June 2007 demonstration in the southern city of Xiamen, now dubbed the 'Xiamen stroll,' when citizens sent text messages encouraging their friends to meet for a “walk” or “stroll,' implicitly to grumble about another PX plant. That plant was built elsewhere two years later.


  Similar walks have taken place in other Chinese cities, but they are usually smaller affairs. After citizens in one Shanghai neighborhood walked to oppose the extension of a fast rail line, the government scrapped the project, though its high cost likely factored into the decision.


  Far more numerous, analysts say, are clashes in rural China, where villagers challenge industrial encroachment on farms and rarely succeed.


  Even before Sunday's rally, there were signs the government was moving to shut the plant, located near the East China Sea on the Dalian peninsula. On Aug. 10, the Chinese news agency Xinhua said Dalian leaders held an urgent meeting that concluded a date for relocation should be set.


  In past interviews, Dalian policy makers have spoken about their futuristic high-technology sector that has drawn investors like chip maker Intel Inc. One of the city's top tourist attractions is the East Sea aquarium.However, the city's modern economy was founded on heavy steel, petrochemicals and manufacturing.Dalian has offered generous incentives to big industrial companies, including Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., to move their factories away from the city center.

  在過去的采訪中,大連決策者曾談起過他們具有未來色彩的高科技行業(yè),這一行業(yè)已經(jīng)吸引了芯片制造商英特爾(Intel Inc.)等公司來大連投資。這座城市最吸引旅游者的就是東海的豐富水產(chǎn)。但大連的現(xiàn)代化經(jīng)濟(jì)是建立在鋼鐵、石化和制造業(yè)基礎(chǔ)上的。它給固特異(Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.)等大型工業(yè)企業(yè)提供了慷慨的優(yōu)惠,鼓勵它們將工廠移出市中心。

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