
財稅實務 高薪就業(yè) 學歷教育

安卓版本:8.7.11 蘋果版本:8.7.11






來源: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 編輯: 2011/08/16 08:42:45  字體:

  Immediately after Standard & Poor’s rating agency announced its historic downgrade of US sovereign debt last Friday, China’s official Xinhua news agency published a scathing editorial, excoriating the profligate western nation for its “debt addiction”.

  在評級機構(gòu)標準普爾(Standard & Poor’s)日前宣布了調(diào)降美國主權(quán)債務評級這一歷史性決定之后,中國官方新聞機構(gòu)新華社立即發(fā)表了一篇措辭尖銳的社論,嚴厲抨擊揮霍無度的西方國家“借債成癮”。

  “The US government has to come to terms with the painful fact that the good old days when it could just borrow its way out of messes of its own making are finally gone,” it thundered, as it reminded Americans that China was the largest foreign holder of their government’s debt.


  The implicit assertion behind this fierce outburst was that China, in stark contrast to the US, was a country that understood “the commonsense principle that one should live within its means”.


  Indeed, the Chinese central government’s declared gross debt was only about 17 per cent of gross domestic product at the end of 2010 – tiny when compared with the debt-to-GDP ratios for the US (87 per cent), UK (80 per cent) and Japan (210 per cent).


  S&P and its competitor Moody’s both upgraded China’s sovereign rating at the end of last year, with S&P citing Beijing’s modest indebtedness, a strong external asset position and the economy’s rosy outlook.


  But the Chinese government is not quite the frugal, prudent borrower it portrays itself to be.


  When assessing a country’s real debt situation, rating agencies usually use a concept known as “general government” debt. This includes the liabilities of central and local governments as well as social security funds. Most debt ratios for developed economies such as the US are calculated in this way.


  In the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, China’s local and regional governments went on an infrastructure building spree that saw them run up huge debts, usually channelled through special-purpose financing vehicles that allow them to get around laws requiring them to keep balanced budgets.


  Various parts of the Chinese government have different estimates of the total size of local government debt, but one of the more authoritative figures puts it at about 37 per cent of GDP at the end of last year, according to the GaveKal-Dragonomics economic research firm.


  By including a range of other liabilities that Beijing is explicitly or implicitly on the hook for – such as ballooning debt at the railway ministry, bonds issued by so-called policy banks that lend on behalf of the state, and bad debts in the state-owned banking system – GaveKal-Dragonomics estimates that China’s real debt-to-GDP ratio could be as high as 90 per cent.


  Other analysts believe the total is more like 70-80 per cent, and Fitch Ratings makes a conservative estimate of about 48 per cent gross general government debt by the end of last year, based on the opaque and incomplete information available.

  其他分析師認為,總債務比例更有可能在70%到80%之間,惠譽評級(Fitch Ratings)根據(jù)可獲得的不透明、不充分的信息,做出了較為保守的估計:截至去年年底,中國政府負債總額約為GDP的48%。

  The main point is that China’s debt burden is far higher than it likes to admit, and much of that debt has piled up in the past few years, as a result of Beijing’s response to the global financial crisis.


  “Even though headline sovereign debt levels are low in China, so much quasi-sovereign activity happens through the banking system that if you include some of those contingent liabilities, the number can get very big,” says Charlene Chu, head of Fitch’s China Bank Ratings.

  惠譽中國銀行業(yè)評級主管朱夏蓮(Charlene Chu)指出:“雖然中國整體主權(quán)債務水平較低,但是這么多半主權(quán)行為通過銀行體系發(fā)生,如果把某些或有債務包括進來,數(shù)字就會十分巨大。”

  “People forget that China undertook its fiscal stimulus package through the banking system rather than by issuing public debt in the way that other countries did.”


  While government debt in China is definitely much larger than it appears at first glance, nobody is predicting an imminent debt crisis.


  “With an economy growing at a nominal rate of 15 per cent, and tax revenues of around 26 per cent of GDP, China clearly has more firepower than, say, Greece,” says Stephen Green, head of China research at Standard Chartered bank.

  渣打銀行(Standard Chartered)大中華區(qū)研究部主管王志浩(Stephen Green)指出:“中國經(jīng)濟名義增長率達15%,稅收收入約占GDP的26%,中國手中的火力顯然比希臘要強。”

  Another key point is that China, like Japan, does not have large external debts that could spark a crisis if they were called in.


  In addition, China’s borrowing has mainly been used to fund infrastructure projects that will have future economic benefits for the country, whereas the US, for example, is borrowing huge amounts to pay for defence and social welfare programmes that don’t provide the same economic boost.


  China’s fiscal picture is not quite as pristine as Beijing would have us believe, but surging growth rates cover up a lot of sins and the situation remains much worse in the west.


  That is why the official Chinese media are having a field day after years of sanctimonious lecturing from western capitalists, and why they feel confident enough to declare that “all Americans, both Beltway politicians and those on Main Street, have to do some serious soul-searching to bring their country back from a potential financial abyss”.


我要糾錯】 責任編輯:Nocy



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