
財稅實務(wù) 高薪就業(yè) 學(xué)歷教育
安卓版本:8.7.11 蘋果版本:8.7.11


來源: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 編輯: 2011/04/23 11:40:47  字體:

  With allied forces bombing Libya, Saudi troops quelling unrest in Bahrain and intensifying violence in Yemen, the Middle East is becoming an increasingly unpredictable, dangerous place.


  Already, governments in Tunisia and Egypt have fallen. Protests have also spread to Syria and Oman and the Saudi government is trying to prevent protests from gaining traction in the Kingdom.


  The so-called Arab Spring has surprised many. Goldman Sachs Asset Management Chairman Jim O'Neill called events in the Middle East 'not overly kind' to the global growth story, though he remains bullish.

  這場被稱作“阿拉伯之春”的動蕩震驚了許多人。高盛資產(chǎn)管理部主席奧尼爾(Jim O'Neill)稱中東的一系列事件對全球經(jīng)濟增長來說并不算是“十分友好”,但他仍然看好后市。

  So how should investors think about the region? Here are five strategies to consider.


  Bet on oil


  This is what a lot of pros have already been doing -- pushing light, sweet crude to more than $100 a barrel from $85 a barrel in mid-February. Goldman estimates that there's a $10-a-barrel 'risk premium' already in crude prices.


  After a few days of bombing in Libya, it's not clear the crisis there will resolve itself quickly, which could support further oil price gains. Also, events in Bahrain have quieted down, but the situation there is still unresolved. The island nation has become a flashpoint between Saudi Arabia and Iran as the two countries jostle for influence in the region. Bahrain has recalled its ambassador from Iran, and Iran has returned the disfavor. With the first- and third-biggest oil producers at loggerheads, the risk for oil markets remains high.


  "Event risk is building in the oil market," Deutsche Bank says in a recent report, citing the Bahrain and Libyan situation. "This is occurring at a time when spare capacity in Saudi Arabia is falling rapidly." Deutsche also cites the Bank of Japan's huge liquidity injections following the Japanese earthquake and says it "views events as bullish" for crude oil.


  Snap up gold


  Gold has had a topsy-turvy year so far, but the events in the Middle East and North Africa have given goldbugs a new reason to buy. The Libyan conflict in particular, has helped boost gold back toward record levels.


  Gold investors tend to like conflict, uncertainty and chaos. In the past couple of weeks, they've gotten plenty of it. Along with the Middle East and North Africa, the Japanese disaster has also given gold a fillip.


  "Optimism over the state of the global economic recovery at the start of the year, which drove U.S. real interest rates sharply higher and gold prices lower has been tempered by the ongoing events in the Middle East and North Africa and Japan, sending the 10-year US TIPS yield [lower], setting the stage for the next gold price rally," Goldman said in a recent report.

  高盛在最近的一份報告中說,年初對全球經(jīng)濟復(fù)蘇形勢的一片樂觀大幅推高了美國的實際利率,并令金價走低。但這一情況已被中東、北非和日本正在發(fā)生的一系列事件所調(diào)和。美國十年期通脹保值債券(Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities,TIPS)走低,下一輪金價回升已蓄勢待發(fā)。

  Goldman has a near-term target of $1480/oz for gold. Silver, which has outperformed gold in the last year, is also a possible hedge against uncertain events in the Middle East and elsewhere.


  Invest in defense stocks


  As the Journal's Bret Stephens wrote in his column this morning: "We're (Almost) All Neocons Now." Despite expressing initial reluctance to get involved in the Libyan situation, the Obama Administration has opened a third war front for the U.S. military.

  就像《華爾街日報》的Bret Stephens在他的專欄中寫道的那樣:我們(幾乎)都成了新保守派。盡管一開始表示不愿參與到利比亞的亂局中來,但奧巴馬政府還是為美軍打開了第三條戰(zhàn)線。

  Until recently, defense stocks, such as Raytheon, Northrop Grumman and General Dynamics had been flat-to-weaker during the Obama Administration, as investors counted on a continued pullback from Iraq and Afghanistan and an overall reduction in defense spending to help get the government's fiscal house in order.

  在奧巴馬政府執(zhí)政期間,直到最近,像Raytheon、Northrop Grumman和General Dynamics這樣的國防股至多只能算是表現(xiàn)平平。投資者預(yù)計政府會繼續(xù)從伊拉克和阿富汗撤軍,同時會降低總體國防支出以縮小財政赤字。

  But the prospect of more conflict has given these shares a bit of a boost in the past week. If it seems that the Obama Administration is going to pursue a more muscular foreign policy and that is still an uncertain bet defense stocks could surprise.


  Avoid the dollar


  As I noted recently, the dollar has performed oddly during the Middle East unrest. In the past, the dollar was the number-one safe haven in times of trouble. In the past two months, investors have preferred the Swiss franc, the Japanese yen and gold.


  Lost in the firehose of news the past week nuclear crisis, bombing in Tripoli, Saudi troops in Bahrain -- is the increasing divergence between U.S. monetary policy and policy elsewhere, especially in the euro-zone.


  The European Central Bank has made it clear it will raise rates at its next meeting. The Fed isn't even thinking about rate hikes yet. This divergence has propelled the euro sharply higher against the buck. The dollar has held up against the yen, but only after a highly unusual intervention by the G7 to tamp down extraordinary yen strength after the Japanese earthquake.


  With the U.S. fiscal situation uncertain, the debate about the debt ceiling still unresolved and monetary policy remaining super easy, the dollar will stay weak.


  Steer clear of Middle East/Africa funds


  Some analysts like to urge investors to invest at the point of crisis. That's been a popular approach to Japan in the past week, especially after its stock market cratered in the first few days after the earthquake. That trade has worked, for the most part, primarily because Japan is a huge economy filled with nimble, global businesses that will find ways to overcome the disaster. Even Warren Buffett says it's a good time to buy Japan.


  So, why not say the same for the Middle East and North Africa?


  For starters, it's not clear what the world will look like on the other side of this chaos. Tunisia and Egypt are still trying to sort themselves out after tossing out the previous leaders and the Egyptian stock market has been closed for almost eight weeks (it's expected to re-open on Wednesday).


  This region of emerging and frontier markets still has oceans of political risk and a history that does not argue for rapid recovery or the sudden flourishing of market capitalism. Indeed, governments that emerge from the crises could be even less market-friendly than what came before. Nobody really knows.


  And when nobody really knows what will happen, that's not a recipe for investing, that's a recipe for playing the lottery. There are better ways to deploy your assets.


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