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安卓版本:8.7.11 蘋果版本:8.7.11






來源: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 編輯: 2011/04/23 10:22:54  字體:

  With its biggest uranium-mining deal at stake, China has kept its head during Japan's nuclear crisis while other investors in the sector have been losing theirs. It likely had little choice.


  China Guangdong Nuclear Power Holdings Co., or CGNPC, appeared to have scored a major coup when it struck a GBP756 million deal on March 7 to buy Kalahari Minerals. The deal put the Chinese in the box seat to secure access to one of the world's biggest uranium deposits in Namibia, as Kalahari's main asset is a near-43% stake in the mine's developer, Extract Resources.

  中國(guó)廣東核電集團(tuán)(China Guangdong Nuclear Power Holdings Co.,簡(jiǎn)稱:中廣核)3月7日發(fā)起以7.56億英鎊收購(gòu)Kalahari Minerals的交易時(shí),該公司似乎已取得了重大成功。這宗交易讓中國(guó)處于有利地位,可獲取位于納米比亞的全球最大鈾礦床之一。Kalahari Minerals的主要資產(chǎn)是在這座鈾礦床的勘探公司Extract Resources持有近43%的股份。

  However, the nuclear crisis in Japan following the devastating earthquake and tsunami on March 11 has triggered a collapse in uranium-mining shares that makes the Chinese deal look extremely overpriced. Kalahari shares last traded at 240 pence amid widespread worries over the outlook for nuclear power, versus CGNPC's offer for 290 pence each.


  CGNPC's stance also appears surprising as other deals in the sector are being renegotiated in favor of buyers. Russia's JSC Atomredmetzoloto was able to shave A$140 million off its original A$1.16 billion bid for Tanzania-focused uranium miner Mantra Resources due to the impact of the Japan quake, and still secure a recommendation from its target's board Monday.

  在該領(lǐng)域其他交易正在朝著有利于買家的方向重新談判之際,中廣核的態(tài)度看上去也令人意外。受日本地震影響,俄羅斯的JSC Atomredmetzoloto得以將原先以11.6億澳元收購(gòu)業(yè)務(wù)集中于坦桑尼亞的鈾礦勘探商Mantra Resources的報(bào)價(jià)降低了1.4億澳元,降低后的報(bào)價(jià)仍獲得了目標(biāo)公司董事會(huì)的推薦。

  What's driving CGNPC's thinking is probably fear. The nuclear-power generator knows that it caught the market napping with its surprise offer. Many investors had expected Rio Tinto to be a suitor for Kalahari, given it already owned 11.50% of the company and its producing Rossing uranium mine is just a few kilometers away from Extract's Husab deposit in Namibia. By walking away, CGNPC would give Kalahari's board the chance to drop its support for the bid and talk to Rio.

   主導(dǎo)中廣核思維的可能是擔(dān)憂。中廣核知道自己的突然報(bào)價(jià)令市場(chǎng)出其不意。許多投資者原本預(yù)計(jì)力拓(Rio Tinto)會(huì)收購(gòu)Kalahari,因?yàn)榱ν匾呀?jīng)持有該公司11.5%的股份,而力拓運(yùn)營(yíng)的Rossing鈾礦離Extract Resources在納米比亞的Husab鈾礦只有幾公里遠(yuǎn)。如果此時(shí)撤出收購(gòu),中廣核可能會(huì)給Kalahari董事會(huì)一個(gè)機(jī)會(huì)放棄支持自己的出價(jià),轉(zhuǎn)而同力拓談判。

  CGNPC's reluctance to renegotiate may also reflect a belief that the current worries about nuclear power--especially in its home country--are overdone. China and India, which account for around half of the 479 new reactors planned globally, are unlikely to abandon the technology given the pressing need for electricity to maintain their growing economies and in the absence of cheap and plentiful alternatives.


  When Chinese companies weigh up strategic needs against valuations, it's strategy that usually wins. CGNPC's deal for Kalahari may no longer look a bargain, but that doesn't make it a bad bet.


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