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來(lái)源: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 編輯: 2011/04/02 15:07:51  字體:

  In the best of times responding to a job listing can feel like sending your resume out to sea in a bottle. But at least you received a call or an email acknowledgement. Now, with the volume of applicants higher than ever, you're more likely to hear nothing.


  If there is a resounding silence from your queries, keep looking and networking. But you can also do some sleuthing to give you a better chance of standing out next time. Recruiters and career experts agree that, if you didn't get an interview or phone call -- or even a thank-you email -- it may be due to at least one of six reasons.


  1. They're just not that into you.


  You're good, but someone else more closely met the qualifications. In a tight job market employers can usually get exactly the type of candidate they want. A polite "thanks, but no thanks" letter or email would be nice. But don't expect it these days.


  2. They may be into you, as soon as they get to you.


  Companies receive so many submissions these days that they don't even have time to send out letters or confirmation emails. "I know a major software company that's taking more than three weeks just to send out acknowledgement notes, and some companies are spending months sifting through resumes for just one opening," workplace etiquette expert Sue Fox tells Yahoo! Hot Jobs.

  如今,公司收到的簡(jiǎn)歷都太多了,以致他們連回感謝信或確認(rèn)信的時(shí)間都沒(méi)有.職場(chǎng)禮儀專家Sue Fox tells說(shuō):"我認(rèn)識(shí)的一家大型軟件公司花了三個(gè)多星期的時(shí)間來(lái)發(fā)送確認(rèn)信,而有些公司居然要因?yàn)橐粋€(gè)招聘職位而花上月的時(shí)間來(lái)篩選簡(jiǎn)歷."

  3. They would have been into you if you had followed directions.


  "Many job listings use the word 'must,' not 'it would be nice to,'" according to Dave Opton, CEO and founder of ExecuNet. "If it says you must have experience in X, then tailor your resume to show that," Opton says.

  按ExecuNet的建立者兼執(zhí)行總裁Dave Opton的說(shuō)法."很多工作招聘中如果用到"必須""不行"這些詞會(huì)好一些". 他還說(shuō):"如果其中說(shuō)明你必須要有X年的工作經(jīng)驗(yàn),那就在你的簡(jiǎn)歷中將這點(diǎn)顯示出來(lái)."

  If you're answering a job listing, be sure you respond in exactly the way the company wants. And be aware that if you're not applying for a specific job but rather sending out dozens or hundreds of form letters, your resume is likely to end up in companies' spam folders.


  4. They might be into you if you apply for a more appropriate job.


  Independent recruiter Cheryl Ferguson tells Yahoo! HotJobs that many job seekers are overqualified, under-qualified, or otherwise just wrong. "If we need to fill a specific job, and you're not right for it, don't assume that we're going to find the right fit for you. A lot of times people send me resumes, and I want to ask, 'Did you even read the job description?'"

  獨(dú)立招聘專家Cheryl Ferguson告訴我們很多的求職者資歷過(guò)高或過(guò)低,有的甚至是完全不符合."如果我們是要為一份特定的工作招聘一名員工,而你不合適的話,不要幻想我們會(huì)為你找到合適的職位.很多時(shí)候,我都想問(wèn)問(wèn)那些給我發(fā)簡(jiǎn)歷的人,你是否讀過(guò)我們的工作職位描述?"

  5. Your presentation could use some work.


  "A lot of mistakes I see are a lack of cover letter, and an objective statement on the resume that is all wrong for the job opening," says Lindsay Olson, partner and recruiter at Paradigm Staffing. "Even worse are obviously mass emails where the candidates had no clue what they were applying for."

  Lindsay Olson 是Paradigm Staffing 公司的合伙人兼人力資源經(jīng)理,他說(shuō):"我看過(guò)犯得最多的錯(cuò)誤就是缺少求職信,以及在簡(jiǎn)歷中有明顯的敘述證明該求職者不適合此職位.更糟糕的是很多候選人根本不明白自己在應(yīng)聘什么."

  6. There isn't any job.


  Sometimes, due to last minute budget cuts, a position is eliminated before it's even filled. Other times, according to Olson, companies reel in resumes even when they know there isn't any opening. "Some companies want a big applicant pool because they think they may be hiring in the future," Olson said.

  有時(shí)候,因?yàn)樽詈箨P(guān)頭的消減了預(yù)算,在一個(gè)職位找到合格人員之前會(huì)取消該招聘.Olson 說(shuō):"而另一些時(shí)候,有些公司即使沒(méi)有需要招聘的空缺職位也會(huì)打出招聘廣告,因?yàn)樗麄冋J(rèn)為自己在將來(lái)招聘的時(shí)候可以用得上這些簡(jiǎn)歷."

  How can you learn what happened?


  If you feel like your resume is out at sea, and you'd at least like confirmation that you're out of the running, there are things you can do.


  1. Contact the company.


  Yes, the ad had a NO CALLS warning, and there wasn't a name anyway. But if you're pretty sure you're right for the job, and you've heard nothing after a week, you can still call someone to find out if you're at least in the running. Try to find the hiring manager (HR is too busy, and they almost never want to hear from you).


  "If you do follow up by phone, don't leave a voice mail," Opton says. "Early in the morning or after five you're more likely to reach a real person."


  2. But don't be a pest.


  "If you've had an interview and sent your thank-you letter, wait a week to call," Fox says. One or two emails are OK, but three will probably look desperate, she adds. "And never, ever, show up at the company without an interview and demand to be seen. It will backfire."


  3. Re-read the job posting.


  Did the resume you sent really fit the job requirements? Or were you hoping they would find another job just for you? "I love it when a candidate has done the homework and already knows the company and the position," Ferguson says. "It makes it easier for both of us."


  4. Take a look at your resume.


  Get a second opinion, and a third. Does it present you in the right light? Is it professionally formatted? Does it feature accomplishments, rather than merely job titles and dates?


  5. Step up the networking.


  "It's always best to network your way into a position," Opton says. "You'll get a lot more individual attention than someone responding to a job listing."


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