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來源: FTCHINESE 編輯: 2010/04/22 10:18:55  字體:

  Pressure on Goldman Sachs mounted yesterday as UK prime minister Gordon Brown attacked the “moral bankruptcy” revealed by the Securities and Exchange Commission's fraud charges, while the gulf between the bank and the regulator widened with revelations that the two sides never discussed a settlement.

  在美國證交會(SEC)對高盛(Goldman Sachs)提出欺詐指控后,英國首相戈登•布朗(Gordon Brown)昨日抨擊這一指控所揭示的情況為“道德淪喪”,此舉讓高盛面臨更大的壓力。與此同時,高盛與美國證交會之間的巨大分歧正在擴大——據(jù)披露,雙方從未討論過就此案達成和解。

  The lack of settlement talks in the nine months since the SEC formally told Goldman it wanted to press charges is unusual and underlines the hard line taken by both the authorities and the bank in this case.


  The SEC filed civil charges against Goldman and one of its vice-presidents on Friday, accusing them of failing to disclose that in 2007 Paulson & Co, a hedge fund, had a major role in structuring a mortgage-backed collaterised debt obligation so that it could bet against it.

  上周五,美國證交會提交了對高盛及其一位副總裁的民事訴訟,指控他們沒有披露對沖基金保爾森公司(Paulson & Co) 2007年曾在構(gòu)建一種抵押貸款支持的債務抵押債券(CDO)中扮演重要角色——保爾森公司由此能夠做空該CDO。

  Goldman has denied the charges and vowed to defend itself “vigorously”.


  Yesterday, as Goldman executives said the position of Lloyd Blankfein, chief executive, was not threatened, London and Berlin said they would consider action. Mr Brown told the BBC he was “shocked at this moral bankruptcy. This is probably one of the worst cases . . . we have seen.”

  高盛的高管昨日表示,其首席執(zhí)行官勞埃德•布蘭克費恩(Lloyd Blankfein)的地位沒有受到威脅。與此同時,英國和德國政府表示,它們將考慮對高盛采取行動。布朗告訴英國廣播公司(BBC),他對“這一道德淪喪感到震驚。這可能是我們所見過的最惡劣的案件之一。”

  The German government said it would consider legal steps against Goldman. IKB, a German bank that was one of the first casualties of the global crisis in 2007, was one of three investors in the CDO and lost about $150m when it collapsed as the US housing bubble burst.


  Goldman declined to comment on the position of Mr Blankfein – not mentioned in the SEC's complaint – but insiders said it was not in danger. Goldman executives and investors will be closely watching how the shares perform today after they fell more than 12 per cent on Friday. Goldman's first-quarter results, out tomorrow, will also be a focal point.


  The bank's executives said they were “stunned” by the SEC's decision to file charges against the bank and Fabrice Tourre, a 31-year-old vice-president, without prior warning.

  高盛的高管表示,他們對美國證交會未做事先警告就決定對該行及其現(xiàn)年31歲的副總裁法布里•托雷(Fabrice Tourre)提出指控感到“震驚”。

  The SEC declined to comment.


  People close to the situation said Goldman received notification of the SEC's intention to press charges in July. Goldman did not disclose this to investors – allowable if the information is not deemed price-sensitive.


  The SEC often settles cases to avoid lengthy court battles.


  In February, the Financial Times revealed that the SEC last year had sent subpoenas to banks including Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Barclays, Citigroup, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, Goldman, Morgan Stanley and UBS, seeking information about the marketing of CDOs.

  英國《金融時報》今年2月透露,為搜集有關(guān)CDO銷售的信息,美國證交會去年曾傳喚過多家銀行,其中包括美國銀行-美林(Bank of America Merrill Lynch)、巴克萊(Barclays)、花旗集團(Citigroup)、瑞士信貸(Credit Suisse)、德意志銀行(Deutsche Bank)、高盛、摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)和瑞銀(UBS)。

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