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Highlights of the Council meetings

來源: accaglobal.com 編輯: 2013/10/11 09:34:42 字體:

Council held a meeting on the morning of 19 September 2013 at which it considered a number of important issues.

It received the regular report from the Chief Executive on ACCA strategic developments, the organisation’s performance, key market developments and research and insights and technical activities.

It formally ratified the decision not to go ahead with the Mutual Recognition Agreement with the Institute of Management Accountants. It also agreed, however, that, regardless of the decision to terminate the MRA, ACCA should continue with the global strategic partnership with IMA.

Council agreed to appoint Antony Townsend as a lay member of the ACCA Regulatory Board. It also received reports from a number of its standing committees.

Council held its Annual Meeting on the afternoon of 19 September, following ACCA’s 108th Annual General Meeting. Members voting at the AGM gave overwhelming support to the various resolutions before the meeting, including proposed bye-law changes designed to ensure that ACCA’s disciplinary bye-laws remain fit for purpose in light of developments in regulatory case law and best practice. The minutes of the AGM will be circulated to all members in the November edition of Accounting & Business.

At the Annual Council Meeting, Council chose ACCA’s Officers for the coming year. ACCA’s new President is Martin Turner and he will be supported by Anthony Harbinson (Deputy President) and Alexandra Chin (Vice President).

Council also welcomed seven new members whose election was declared at the AGM – John Cullen (who is based in the UK), Lorraine Holleway (Qatar), Dean Lee (People’s Republic of China), Tom Murray (Ireland), Nasir Ahmad (Malaysia), Katerina Sipkova (Czech Republic) and Fergus Wong (Hong Kong). Council now has members based in 17 different countries and over one third of these are female, thus reflecting the increasing diversity of the organisation as a whole.

Council took a number of other decisions at its Annual Meeting.

It approved Council standing orders for 2013 – 2014, in accordance with the bye-laws.

It chose three Council members to serve on Nominating Committee in 2013 – 2014 along with the Officers.

It agreed a Council work plan and a set of objectives for the Council year 2013 – 2014.

The next meeting of Council is on 23 November, which is immediately after the 2013 meeting of the International Assembly.

我要糾錯】 責任編輯:Sarah
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