金融市場與產品作為FRM P1考試當中占比百分之30的考試科目,可以說是我們備考的重中之重!正保會計網校的老師給大家整理了金融市場與產品科目里面的重要知識點,知識點搭配例題,幫助大家更好的吸收!今日一起來學習期貨和遠期吧!
Forward and Futures
? Forward contract: It is an agreement to buy or sell an asset at a certain future time for a certain price.
? Futures contract: It is also an agreement to buy or sell an asset at a certain future time for a certain price. However, futures contracts are normally traded on an exchange. The exchange specifies certain standardized characteristics of the contract.
1. 期貨是場內交易的標準化合約,一手期貨合約價值=期貨交易價格*乘數。不同品種的期貨合約的乘數不同。
2. 遠期是場外交易的非標準化合約,可以定制條款。
3. 注意區(qū)分期貨和遠期的區(qū)別。期貨是場內交易,信用風險小,流動性好;遠期是場外交易,信用風險大,流動性差。
The management of bank Z is discussing whether to use exchange-traded instruments or over the-counter trading (OTC) instruments for corporate risk management. What is the characteristic of exchange-traded instruments in comparison?
A. Are privately traded between a bank and a firm.
B. Are standardized in order to promote liquidity in the marketplace.
C. Can be customized to suit the firm’s needs.
D. Contain credit risk by either of the counterparties in the transaction.
【答案解析】Exchange-traded instruments cover only certain underlying assets and are quite standardized (e.g., maturities and strike prices) in order to promote liquidity in the marketplace. OTC instruments are privately traded between a bank and a firm and thus can be customized to suit the firm’s risk management needs. In addition, there is credit risk by either of the counterparties (e.g., default risk) that would generally not exist with exchange-traded instruments.
以上就是FRM P1金融市場與產品重要知識點-期貨和遠期的相關內容,后期小編會持續(xù)給大家更新相關重要知識點,小伙伴們可以關注【 備考經驗 】欄目查看!
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