
財稅實務(wù) 高薪就業(yè) 學(xué)歷教育
安卓版本:8.7.11 蘋果版本:8.7.11


來源: 正保會計網(wǎng)校 編輯: 2014/07/17 10:58:24 字體:


P對S的投資 P對S的影響力 P個別報表上確認為 個別報表計量方法 P+S合并報表 對外報送
Debt 幾乎無影響 Trading/AFS/HTM Cost Method 此投資不會導(dǎo)致合并要求。不存在合并報表 P個別報表
Equity 無重大影響 (<20%) Trading/AFS(Cost method investment)
有重大影響 (20%~50%) Equity method investment
Equity Method
控制性影響 (>50%) Investment in subsidiaries and VIE entities 存在 合并報表
Criteria for classification investor intent Classify investment as Carry & report at Unrealized Gain/loss in Realized G/L in I/S
Intend & Ability to HTM (only Debt) HTM Amortized cost N/A When period is passed, or Sub. Declared or Par. Dispose it, Par. recognize.
Sell in near term (Debt & Equity) Trading FV I/S
All other investment
(Debt & Equity)
AFS/Cost method investment FV OCI
Hold with significant influence (Only Equity Instrument) Equity method investment Net Assets of subsidiary N/A When Sub recognize, Par. Recognize
Hold for control
(only Equity instrument)
Investment in Subsidiaries & VIE entities Net Assets of subsidiary

  Equity Method and Joint Ventures

  Equity Method –Significant influence over the operating and financial policies of the investee.

  GR:20–50% of the investee‘s voting stock

  SR:Not appropriate even 20%-50%(考點F3-14)

  No representation on the Board on Directors

  Bankruptcy of subsidiary

  Investment in subsidiary is temporary


  A lawsuit or complaint is filed

  A standstill agreement is signed

  Could not obtain necessary financial information

  Initial measurement:XXX-YY-30

  Original Cost = FV of the consideration given + legal fees

  Dr. Investment in investee

  Cr. Cash

  Subsequent measurement:XXX-YY-35

  Adjust for earning of investee

  Dr. /Cr. Investment in investee(B/S)

  Cr./Dr. Investment Income/Loss(I/S)

  Investee declare dividend

  Dr. Dividend Receivable(B/S)

  Cr. Investment in investee(B/S)

  F3-16 example

  Investments in Investee Common Stock(C/S)and Preferred Stock(P/S)



  P/S dividends

  Share of earnings available to common shareholders.

  Differences between the Purchase Price and Book Value of the Investee‘s Net Assets.

  Purchase Price=FV of investee

  FV of investee=Identifiable assets FV + Unidentifiable assets FV

  Identifiable assets FV = identifiable assets NBV + Reevaluate addition

  Unidentifiable assets = Goodwill.

  Purchase Price= identifiable assets NBV + identifiable asset Reevaluate addition + Goodwill. (F3-16 Pass Key)

  例(F3-18 example):為購入40%股權(quán)支出30萬元,對應(yīng)的被投資單位PP&E賬面凈值22萬元(還可用10年),公允價值為24萬元,除此之外再無其他可辨認資產(chǎn)。則NBV=22,Revaluate addition=24-22=2,Goodwill=30-22-2=6,即30=22+2+6.

  Investee不調(diào)賬。賬上只有對應(yīng)的PP&E 22萬,每年折舊2.2萬。10年后資產(chǎn)凈值為0

  如果invertor不對reevaluate addition的2萬做調(diào)整,則10年后,賬上還有可辨認資產(chǎn)凈值2萬。實際上,此次資產(chǎn)已無任何價值。

  由上可見,對investor而言,investee計提的折舊不足。Investor必須計提reevaluate addition的折舊0.2萬/年=2萬/10年

  Dr. Investment income 2000

  Cr. Equity method Investment 2000

  Goodwill(unidentifiable assets FV) 不做攤銷,也不單獨做減值測試。Investor必須每年至少一次對此投資做整體減值測試。

 ?。‵3-18 example續(xù))一年后investor賬面上的此投資凈值為[(22)+(2-0.2)+6]+3.6-1.6=31.8萬(2.2萬設(shè)備折舊已包含在small公司凈利潤3.6萬中)。經(jīng)評估small公司價值70萬,則investor整體上對small公司投資計提減值準備3.8萬元=31.8-70X40%

  Unconsolidated Investment of over 50%



  合并報表中,P針對S2的投資,以Equity method方法,將資產(chǎn)記錄在consolidated B/S-Assets-Equity method investment項下

  合并報表中,P針對S1的投資,“BIG in car”抵銷后,以各類資產(chǎn)、負債、收入、費用的形式記錄在合并財務(wù)報表中。

  Comparison of cost and equity methods (F3-19)

  Cost method, No significant influence,recognize revenue when investee declared the dividend.

  Equity method, significant influence,recognize revenue when investee earned the income.

  擴展:Cost/Equity method收入確認時點背后的邏輯

  Revenue recognized when earned and realizable.

  When investee recognize revenue,investor earned it.

  If no significant influence,investor can not influence the timing of benefit flow in. So revenue is not realizable until declared.Thus DECLARE is recognize point for cost method.(蘋果公司連續(xù)19年未分紅)

  If significant influence,investor can influence the timing of benefit flow in.So revenue is realizable immediately after investee recognize it.Thus investee recognized point is also investor recognize point.

  Joint Venture accounting(與REG和實務(wù)勾稽)

  Using the Equity method

  A joint venture is a term often used to denote a one-shot general partnership-type relation. If Mary and John agreed to work together to provide full-menu service for JUST a single,big dinner,they might be said to have formed a joint venture. Joint ventures are governed by general partnership law.為一個具體項目所成立,項目完成后即解散的合伙企業(yè)。

  Step-by-step acquisition(still not consolidate)

  Change from cost method to equity method

  Change in accounting principle(F1-30 III.A.)

  Retrospective adjustment

  Apply the new method(Equity method)to the prior period‘s old percentage(<20%)

  NOT apply the new percentage to the prior period.

  F3-21 Example



  網(wǎng)校美國CPA課程使用全球美國CPA考試通過率至高的Becker CPA Review教材,配合網(wǎng)校專業(yè)的課程體系、特色的雙語教學(xué)模式、靈活多樣的學(xué)習(xí)方式、全方位一站式配套服務(wù),定能為您順利通過考試助一臂之力。機會難得,欲報從速!

我要糾錯】 責(zé)任編輯:小敏


  • 章小炎《財務(wù)會計與報告》


  • 李向祎《審計與鑒證》



  • 美國注冊會計師思維導(dǎo)圖


  • 美國注冊會計師學(xué)習(xí)計劃


  • 美國注冊會計師科目特點


  • 美國注冊會計師報考指南


  • 美國注冊會計師歷年樣卷


  • USCPA常用財會英語詞匯



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