
財(cái)稅實(shí)務(wù) 高薪就業(yè) 學(xué)歷教育
安卓版本:8.7.11 蘋果版本:8.7.11


來(lái)源: 編輯: 2009/07/20 10:53:32  字體:

  He came to China to hold a talk about the commission for his new business.他來(lái)中國(guó)是洽談?dòng)嘘P(guān)生意中的傭金問題。

  What about the commission?傭金是多少?

  Usually a 1% commission is given to our agent.一般情況下,我們給代理商百分之一的傭金。

  We'll give you a 3% commission on every transaction.每筆交易我們都付給百分之三的傭金。

  We expect a 5% commission, of course.當(dāng)然,我們希望能得到百分之五的傭金。

  We're usually paid with a 5% commission of the amount for every deal.對(duì)每筆交易的成交量,我們通常付給5%的傭金。

  Our agents in other areas usually get a 3-5% commission.我方其他地區(qū)的代理通常得到3-5%的傭金。

  We can get 4.5% commission if 10,000 cases are ordered.如果訂1萬(wàn)箱,我們可以得到4.5%的傭金。

  The commission from our corporation is very favourable.我們公司給的傭金很優(yōu)惠。

  The above price includes your commission of 2%.上述價(jià)格包括百分之二的傭金在內(nèi)。

  The above price excludes your commission.上述價(jià)格不包括傭金在內(nèi)。

  This amount includes all commission.這一數(shù)字包括所有傭金在內(nèi)。

  Our quotation is subject to a 4% commission.我方報(bào)價(jià)包括百分之四的傭金在內(nèi)。

  Generally speaking, commission depends on the quantity of goods ordered.一般來(lái)說,傭金多少由訂貨量決定。

  You can get a higher commission rate if you order a bigger quantity.如果你們訂貨量大,傭金率就會(huì)高。

  It's better for us to start business on commission basis first.對(duì)我們來(lái)說,最好能在給傭金的基礎(chǔ)上開展交易。

  We don't pay any commission on our traditional products.對(duì)我們的傳統(tǒng)產(chǎn)品,概不付給傭金。

  Commission is allowed to agents only.我們只對(duì)代理付傭金。

  We don't pay commission to firms dealing with us on principal-to principal basis.對(duì)于不通過中間商直接往來(lái)的商號(hào),我們一概不付給傭金。

  The commission has been increased to 5% in your favour.貴方傭金已增至百分之五。

  You can grant us an extra commission of 2% to cover the additional risk.你們可以獲得另外百分之二的傭金,以補(bǔ)償你受的額外風(fēng)險(xiǎn)。

  We'll get 0.5% more in commission for our effort.經(jīng)過努力,我們可以多謀到百分之零點(diǎn)五的傭金。

  For every additional 10 pieces of pianos sold, we'll give you 0.2% more commission.每筆交易若能多賣出10架鋼琴,你們可以多得百分之零點(diǎn)二的傭金。

  We can't agree to increase the rate of commission.我們不能同意增加傭金率。

  A 5% commission means an increase in our price.百分之五的傭金就等于價(jià)格提高了。

  A higher commission means a higher price.如果傭金提高了,價(jià)格也要提高。

  A 4% commission is the maximum.我們最多給百分之四的傭金。

  Is it possible to increase the commission to 4%?能不能把傭金提高到百分之四呢?

  Even a 6% commission is not high.甚至百分之六的傭金都不算高。

  2% commission is not enough, is it?百分之二的傭金是不是少了點(diǎn)?

  The present commission isn't enough.現(xiàn)有的傭金不夠。

  There are three items of commission left unpaid.只剩三筆交易的傭金未付。





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