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安卓版本:8.7.11 蘋(píng)果版本:8.7.11






來(lái)源: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 編輯: 2011/09/29 10:16:18  字體:

  Shanghai's subway operator was quick to post an Internet apology Tuesday after a subway accident that left about 260 people injured.


  Then it was just as quick in taking it down.


  Not long after the midafternoon subway accident in central Shanghai, Shanghai Metro, the operator of Shanghai subway system, issued an apology on Sina Weibo, the popular micro blogging service.

  周二午后上海地鐵發(fā)生事故后不久,上海地鐵運(yùn)營(yíng)商上海申通地鐵集團(tuán)有限公司(Shanghai Metro)在新浪微博上發(fā)布了一則致歉的帖子。

  “Today is the darkest day in the operation of Shanghai subway,” the Weibo posting said. “No matter what the final reason or responsibility, [we] feel extremely ashamed and regretful for the harm and loss created for the city residents. … No matter how much we apologize, it only pales in comparison with the practical damage [the accident caused]. Still, [we] want to issue our deep apology.”


  But the posting was mysteriously deleted shortly afterwards, prompting discussion and anger among Weibo users.


  Wang Ran, CEO of eCapital, a boutique investment bank, commented, “I was going to praise how the Weibo apology post demonstrates humanity and a [good] sense of crisis management,” but he added, “it's not easy for them to follow the correct track.”


  Other Weibo users were more cynical. Lawyer Yuan Yulai wrote, “The current [social] system won't allow normal human feelings.” Another lawyer, Cui Xiaoping, said, “The original statement was deleted because it didn't follow the [appropriate] propaganda style.”


  A couple hours later, Shanghai Metro posted a positive-sounding Weibo message. It said operations will resume and further investigation into the cause of the accident will be conducted. Like most other official statements on disasters in China, it emphasizes how the victims helped each other and how the rescue workers and firemen came to the scene quickly. It ends by saying, “we did not do well. Please believe us, we'll definitely do better!”


  That posting was met with even more furious comments. Weibo user Zetongzhi sarcastically wrote, “Take back your apology. The subway did no wrong. It was the people [on the subway] who were destined for a bad fate.”


  Shawnzuimengxiaoqingxin wrote, “After such a serious accident, the official public transportation system simply wants to gloss it over with pleas for trust and forgiveness. Does it believe that the citizens are its wife? As a monopoly, Shanghai Metro faces no pressure whatsoever.”


  Still others tied the accident to widespread public frustration with the July high-speed train crash near southern city Wenzhou that left more than 40 people dead. The official investigation report on that accident has yet to be issued.


  Then, mysteriously, the second apology posting was deleted as well.


  About five hours after the accident, Shanghai Metro posted that the No.10 line has resumed service. And an hour after that, an apology posting similar to the original version was restored.


  It's not clear why the postings were deleted and reposted. But blogger Lengyun wrote, “You can compare the wording of the two postings then you should be able to understand the thinking of the propaganda system.”


  Others worried how whether Shanghai Metro conducted a thorough inspection of the system, given how quickly service resumed. Blogger Wenyifuxingzhifan said, “we don't need apology. We need safety.”


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