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上海樓市減速 房地產(chǎn)中介受沖擊(雙語)

來源: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 編輯: 2011/08/23 11:35:05  字體:

  Business has gotten so bad for Shanghai real-estate agent Zhen Wen that he turns off the lights in his office.


  “We try to keep the lights and air conditioning switched off for as long as possible,” says Mr. Zhen. His agency occupies an office in downtown Shanghai that was once a magnet for millionaire speculators, and is now almost deserted, a sign of how a slump in property transactions in the city has taken a toll on real-estate agencies.


  Official figures released Thursday offer further evidence that the government's efforts to squeeze China's property bubble are having an impact. Prices of newly built homes rose in July in 39 of 70 large and medium-size Chinese cities, down from 44 cities in June, according to a government survey.


  Prices in Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and some other cities were flat in July from June.


  Sales of newly built homes in Shanghai, measured by floor space, fell 5.8% to 8.58 million square meters in the first seven months of the year from a year earlier, while prices rose 2.6% over the period, according to official data.


  But despite a government push this year for more-accurate home-price data from China's National Bureau of Statistics, international markets -- and most Chinese consumers -- remain deeply dubious of the official monthly figures.

  European Pressphoto Agency2011年7月23日,一位婦女走過上海一個高層住宅建筑工地。不過,盡管今年政府努力提高中國國家統(tǒng)計局公布的房價數(shù)據(jù)的準確性,國際市場(以及大部分中國消費者)卻依然對官方公布的月度數(shù)據(jù)表示深深的質疑。

  According to data from the China Real Estate Index System, prices for new apartments in Shanghai have risen by more than 150% in the past five years. That outpaces a 107% increase in wages over the period -- moving homeownership further out of reach for average earners. Official data tell a different story. According to the statistics bureau, prices for new apartments in Shanghai have climbed 20% over the past five years.


  Transactions in the first half of the year have mainly come from first-time buyers or upgraders. Rich businessmen from nearby Zhejiang province, famed for driving up Shanghai's property market in the boom years, have largely pulled out.


  Cracks started appearing in Shanghai's property market after the government in October limited households to buying one additional home, on top of nationwide curbs on bank lending.


  Many investors are sitting tight, waiting for government restrictions to ease. 很多投資者都在靜觀等待政府限制放寬。

  “I regret not selling my apartment in Xintiandi earlier, when prices were much higher,” said one property investor who gave his name only as Mr. Fang. Apart from his apartment in Xintiandi, one of Shanghai's ritziest neighborhoods, Mr. Fang, who comes from Wenzhou, a prosperous city in Zhejiang known for its real-estate speculators, says he owns at least 10 other properties in the city.


  Property analysts generally expect home prices in major Chinese cities to fall 5%-10% this year from the previous year, but say the market will likely avoid a full-scale crash due to a high household savings rate and a belief that government will intervene to prevent disaster. Real-estate investment is a crucial component of Chinese economic growth, equivalent to 12% of China's gross domestic product.


  Real-estate agency Midland Realty, a unit of Hong Kong-based Midland Holdings Ltd., closed its eight sales branches in Shanghai in May, leaving only one representative office open.


  Restrictions on home purchases are forcing some Shanghai residents to desperate measures. One woman, who asked to be identified only by her surname, Chen, says she went through a fake divorce in order to be able to buy a larger home for her family after she gave birth last year. After the divorce, she qualified for a first-home mortgage rate, which is lower than one for a second home.


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