
財稅實(shí)務(wù) 高薪就業(yè) 學(xué)歷教育

安卓版本:8.7.11 蘋果版本:8.7.11






來源: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 編輯: 2011/08/11 09:05:30  字體:

  China’s inflation numbers released Tuesday showed prices increased 6.5 percent in the year to July with food inflation as high as 14.8 percent, causing stock market investors to fret that monetary conditions in China must continue to tighten. Pork prices rose almost 57 percent year on year – pork accounts for a third of the weighting of food prices in China’s CPI.


  The silver lining just about visible amid the clouds is that pork will get cheaper as more pigs are rushed to market in coming months. India’s onion prices – similarly a bellwether of food inflation because of their widespread use in curries and lentil dishes – look more of a structural problem, however.


  Onion prices doubled in some parts of western India last week because of the lateness of the monsoon. India’s food inflation was 8 per cent in July. Last month, the central bank raised interest rates by an unexpected 0.5 percentage points because, it said, inflation was unacceptably high. Economists said expectations among households of double-digit inflation had prompted the central bank to surprise the market with a big hike.


  For both countries, bringing down food inflation is a high priority. But China has the easier challenge. In part, pork prices jumped because the government exacerbated the hog cycle by offering subsidies to pig farmers in 2008. When prices crashed, many farmers got out of the business. But higher prices have prompted them to return and prices are now expected to fall.


  According to Standard Chartered economist Stephen Green, “China could well see another pig glut” in the second half of 2012.

  渣打銀行(Standard Chartered)經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家王志浩(Stephen Green)表示,到2012年下半年,“中國的豬肉市場很可能會再一次出現(xiàn)供過于求的局面”。

  India’s problems on the food front are more intractable. Supply chain problems – such as a lack of decent highways and refrigerated containers to move food – mean that roughly 30 per cent of fruit and vegetables rot before they get to market. Meanwhile, India’s agricultural productivity is much lower than China’s, partly because the government has for decades invested less than it should have done in supporting widespread adoption of drip irrigation, for instance, and partly because educational levels of its farmers lag well behind those of China’s.


  Both countries’ share the problem of surging fertiliser prices as well as a sharp rise in rural wages in the past year or so. China’s has been caused by competition for labour with its factories while India’s has been brought on in part by a government rural job creation scheme that has worked too well, raising competition in the villages for farm labour.


  Given rising incomes in both countries, food inflation may well be something consumers have to get used to. According to the United Nations, the average mainland Chinese citizen ate 49kg of vegetables in 1980; by 2003, that number had risen to 270kg. Some analysts are saying that the Indian government’s work creation scheme in rural India has pushed up demand for vegetables as poor Indians eat better. Given the structural problems in India in terms of both producing and transporting grains and vegetables, food inflation looks set to continue for some time.


  China, on the other hand, should vanquish food inflation sooner – if the Chinese government can resist exacerbating the peaks and troughs of the hog cycle.


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