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來(lái)源: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 編輯: 2011/07/05 17:14:25  字體:

  Thailand is on the cusp of having its first-ever woman prime minister after ousted leader Thaksin Shinawatra's youngest sister won a decisive election victory Sunday that challenges the political dominance of the armed forces.

  泰國(guó)前總理他信(Thaksin Shinawatra)最小的妹妹在周日的選舉中取得了決定性的勝利,挑戰(zhàn)了軍方在政界的主導(dǎo)地位,即將成為泰國(guó)歷史上的首位女總理。

  Unofficial results indicate supporters in Mr. Thaksin's Puea Thai, or For Thais, party won a majority in the hotly-contested elections, winning an estimated 264 seats in the 500-seat legislature with 98% of the count completed, according to Thailand's Election Commission. Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva conceded defeat after his governing Democrat party won just 162 seats, and on Monday morning resigned as Democrat leader, although he will remain in place as caretaker prime minister until a new government is formed.

  Reuters泰國(guó)前總理他信的妹妹英拉•西那瓦(Yingluck Shinawatra)有望成為泰國(guó)歷史上的首位女總理。圖為英拉在曼谷投票后被媒體圍住。

  據(jù)泰國(guó)選舉委員會(huì)說(shuō),據(jù)非官方結(jié)果顯示,他信所在的為泰黨(Puea Thai party)的支持者在激烈的選舉中贏得了多數(shù)席位;在計(jì)票完成了98%時(shí),獲得了議會(huì)500個(gè)席位中的約264個(gè)。泰國(guó)總理阿披實(shí)(Abhisit Vejjajiva)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的執(zhí)政黨民主黨(Democrat party)僅贏得了162個(gè)席位,他承認(rèn)選舉失敗,并于周一早間辭任民主黨黨魁。不過(guò),在新政府組閣前,他將留任泰國(guó)總理。

  That result makes it almost certain that Parliament will elect Mr. Thaksin's younger sister, businesswoman Yingluck Shinawatra, 44 years old, as Thailand's next prime minister in the coming months.

  這一結(jié)果幾乎肯定意味著,未來(lái)幾個(gè)月議會(huì)將選舉他信44歲的妹妹、女商人英拉(Yingluck Shinawatra)擔(dān)任泰國(guó)下任總理。

  It also represents a major victory for Mr. Thaksin, a populist telecommunications billionaire who was ousted by Thailand's military in a coup five years ago but who has continued to rally his supporters from abroad, at times leading to violent clashes in Bangkok and elsewhere. It remains unclear when, or if, he will return from his self-imposed exile in Dubai, but the result means he is likely to play a major role in governing one of Southeast Asia's most important economies for some time.


  At Puea Thai's headquarters in Bangkok, Ms. Yingluck was besieged by photographers as she stepped out to greet supporters. 'Thaksin called me to congratulate and encourage me,' she said. Mr. Thaksin himself also telephoned local television networks to celebrate and urge reconciliation with Thailand's military.


  Later, Ms. Yingluck told a news conference she had already conferred with smaller parties about creating a broader governing coalition. She vowed, too, to deliver on her campaign pledges to raise wages and living standards.


  The question going forward, analysts say, is whether the politically inexperienced Ms. Yingluck will be able to hang on to power for long─and whether she can help stabilize this key U.S. ally at a time when Washington is taking a greater interest in Southeast Asia as it tries to counter China's growing influence in the region.

  泰國(guó)前總理他信的妹妹、為泰黨總理競(jìng)選人英拉在周日的選舉中取得了決定性的勝利,即將成為泰國(guó)歷史上的首位女總理。動(dòng)蕩的泰國(guó)政局是否會(huì)因此出現(xiàn)轉(zhuǎn)折點(diǎn)?這一消息又會(huì)對(duì)市場(chǎng)造成怎樣的影響?《華爾街日?qǐng)?bào)》的Jake Lee和Peter Stein對(duì)以上問(wèn)題進(jìn)行了討論。分析人士說(shuō),接下來(lái)的問(wèn)題是缺乏政治經(jīng)驗(yàn)的英拉是否能夠長(zhǎng)期執(zhí)政,以及她是否能夠幫助穩(wěn)定美國(guó)的這個(gè)重要盟友,而目前華盛頓正努力反制中國(guó)在東南亞日益增強(qiáng)的影響力,開(kāi)始對(duì)這一地區(qū)表現(xiàn)出更大的興趣。

  'The larger the majority, the more stable the Puea Thai government will be and the harder it will be for the army or other institutions to move against it,' said Pavin Chachavalpongpun from the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies in Singapore, referring to the military's long history of intervening in Thai politics.

  新加坡東南亞研究所(Institute of Southeast Asian Studies)的Pavin Chachavalpongpun說(shuō),獲得的多數(shù)席位越多,為泰黨的執(zhí)政將越穩(wěn)定,軍方或其他組織越難以反對(duì)它。他指的是泰國(guó)軍方干預(yù)泰國(guó)政局的漫長(zhǎng)歷史。

  Since the 2006 coup, Thailand has seen its reputation as 'The Land of Smiles' badly tarnished amid violent street protests and an economically damaging airport blockade. Analysts say an increasingly politicized judiciary has also emerged. In 2008 alone, two pro-Thaksin premiers were forced to step down after falling foul of the country's courts─one for accepting payments to appear on a television cooking show and the other for vote buying.


  Already, Thailand's Election Commission says it has received 196 complaints about vote-buying in these latest polls, which could leave the door open to challenges of the results down the road.


  But people familiar with the situation say Puea Thai emissaries and senior military officers have been discussing how to manage the outcome of the elections for weeks in order to guide Thailand out of its cycle of elections, coups and government dissolutions.


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