
財(cái)稅實(shí)務(wù) 高薪就業(yè) 學(xué)歷教育

安卓版本:8.7.11 蘋果版本:8.7.11






來(lái)源: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 編輯: 2011/04/25 09:08:07  字體:

  The last time US unemployment hit double figures was in the early 1980s, when one of the hit films was Red Dawn, a tale of a frustrated Soviet invasion of Colorado that played on the economic insecurity of the time.

  上次美國(guó)失業(yè)率達(dá)到兩位數(shù)水平是在上世紀(jì)80年代初,當(dāng)時(shí)有部熱映影片《赤色黎明》(Red Dawn),講述的是蘇聯(lián)入侵科羅拉多遭遇失敗的故事,反映了人們的經(jīng)濟(jì)不安全感。

  With the number of people out of work hovering around the same level again, Red Dawn is being dusted off for a remake. Except this time it is the Chinese, not the Soviets, who are the baddies. The film begins with the Chinese army taking over Detroit.


  In such a climate it should come as no surprise that China’s currency is becoming a hot-button political issue again.


  Barack Obama, president, recently intensified his calls for China to revalue its currency, arguing that more exports to Asia would mean “hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of jobs here in the US”.

  美國(guó)總統(tǒng)巴拉克?奧巴馬(Barack Obama)最近以更強(qiáng)硬姿態(tài)呼吁中國(guó)讓人民幣升值,他提出,對(duì)亞洲的出口增加,將意味著“美國(guó)幾十萬(wàn),甚至幾百萬(wàn)的就業(yè)崗位”。

  An estimate by the Peterson Institute of International Economics that the renminbi is undervalued by 41 per cent against the dollar was widely picked up in the US, adding to the popular view that China has a large and unfair advantage coming out of the crisis.

  彼得森國(guó)際經(jīng)濟(jì)研究所(Peterson Institute of International Economics)估計(jì),人民幣兌美元匯率被低估了41%。這個(gè)數(shù)字在美國(guó)得到廣泛認(rèn)可,增強(qiáng)了以下流行觀點(diǎn):中國(guó)在擺脫危機(jī)時(shí)擁有巨大的不公平優(yōu)勢(shì)。

  Financial markets are also buzzing with speculation that China is about to make a currency move. Jim O’Neill, the Goldman Sachs economist and “Brics” guru, caused a stir last week when he said “something is brewing in Beijing”.

  金融市場(chǎng)也在風(fēng)傳,中國(guó)即將采取匯率行動(dòng)。高盛(Goldman Sachs)經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家、“金磚四國(guó)”權(quán)威吉姆?奧尼爾(Jim O’Neill)上周表示,“北京正在醞釀著什么”。此言引起了轟動(dòng)。

  This is not the place to rehearse the arguments about appreciation, other than to say that they are becoming stronger as Chinese inflation rises. And the Peterson Institute was not actually recommending a 41 per cent appreciation, but only trying to put a number on the level of undervaluation. Most economists expect only a very modest increase in the value of the renminbi.


  Yet it is worth pointing out that a revaluation of that level would actually exacerbate the very fears behind a film such as the new Red Dawn. Aimed at levelling the playing field, it could instead change the way many people think about China.


  The Chinese economy is currently the third largest in the world measured in dollar terms, just behind Japan. A 41 per cent appreciation in the renminbi would catapult China way beyond Japan and leave it half the size of the US. When Mr O’Neill forecast that China would overtake the US by 2027, some scoffed. All of a sudden those guestimates would start to look a lot more on the money.


  The US dwarfs China in spending on research and on its military and will do so for years to come. But after a big revaluation, China’s budgets in these areas would be equivalent to about a quarter of those in the US – enough to seem like a real competitive threat.


  One of the things that would not change is the value of China’s mammoth foreign exchange reserves, which have been the subject of so much misplaced angst about Beijing becoming the US’s banker. But what about China’s commercial banks? ICBC was already the biggest bank in the world last year by market capitalisation: after a 40 per cent currency appreciation its mainland shares would give it a market value double that of JPMorgan Chase, the biggest US bank. PetroChina would be one and a half times the size of ExxonMobil. No prizes for guessing what US investment bankers would be telling Chinese companies.

  有一件事不會(huì)改變,那就是中國(guó)巨額外匯儲(chǔ)備的價(jià)值。這些儲(chǔ)備引發(fā)了對(duì)于中國(guó)將成為美國(guó)財(cái)產(chǎn)儲(chǔ)蓄機(jī)構(gòu)的不必要擔(dān)憂。但中國(guó)的商業(yè)銀行呢?中國(guó)工商銀行(ICBC)去年就已是全球市值最大的銀行。如果人民幣升值41%,該行在中國(guó)內(nèi)地的股份將使其市值達(dá)到美國(guó)最大銀行摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)的兩倍。中石油(PetroChina)的市值將是埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)的1.5倍。不用猜也知道美國(guó)投資銀行家會(huì)跟中國(guó)企業(yè)說(shuō)些什么。

  By this stage, economists are probably grumbling that exchange rates only reflect relative prices and that a big appreciation would not give the Chinese government a single renminbi more to spend on scientists or soldiers.


  But there is a bigger point. When some of the more extravagant claims about “China’s century” are made, plenty of people – myself included – often point to the many obstacles ahead and stress how poor a country China still is. Yet maybe the fact that the currency has been kept so artificially low has obscured just how far China has already come.


  The revamped Red Dawn says something about the anxieties that China is already provoking. With a stronger currency China would loom even larger in the US consciousness. It would reinforce the perception that China is not just a rival for the distant future but is swiftly becoming an economic and military match for the US.


  The phrase “be careful what you ask for” works as well in Chinese as in English.

  英文警句“當(dāng)心你想要的成了真”(Be careful what you ask for),放在中文里也同樣適用。

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