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安卓版本:8.7.11 蘋(píng)果版本:8.7.11






來(lái)源: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 編輯: 2011/04/25 10:36:14  字體:

  Inflation has the potential to become a serious economic and political problem in China. Not only does it raise living costs for ordinary people, it can also leave them earning negative returns on the very high level of savings (about 30 per cent of disposable income) in deposit accounts. That’s why it’s so important to assess just how high inflation will be this year, and how China’s political leaders will respond.


  In my view the problem is not very serious, and the policy response will be moderate. Yes, China will have to become accustomed to a slightly higher level of structural inflation in the coming years. But rapid growth in income and GDP means a crisis in the consumer price index is not looming.


  The primary driver of CPI inflation in 2010 was bad weather, which led to a sharp fall in fresh vegetable and fruit supplies. As a result, food accounted for 74 percent of the 5.1 per cent year-on-year CPI rise last November. Fresh fruit and vegetables alone contributed almost one-quarter of all of China’s inflation in that month.

  去年CPI上漲的主要原因是,惡劣天氣導(dǎo)致新鮮蔬果供應(yīng)銳減。因此,11月CPI 5.1%的同比漲幅中,有74%由食品價(jià)格上漲貢獻(xiàn)。僅新鮮蔬果一類便貢獻(xiàn)了11月中國(guó)物價(jià)近四分之一的漲幅。

  Better weather has already resulted in vegetable prices falling 17 percent from the early-November peak, and the government’s anti-inflation rhetoric has led some speculators to take profits and look elsewhere. The wholesale price of garlic – one of the few ‘durable’ vegetables subject to speculation – was up 131 percent year-on-year in October, but has since fallen 14 per cent. I expect food inflation to subside by early spring.


  The other major contributor to inflation in China has been the residence expenses component of the CPI basket. This does not include house prices, which are not part of the basket in almost all emerging markets, but it does include utility bills. Beijing’s decision to pass on more of the global increase in energy costs has raised these utility bills, and this accounted for 7 percent of the overall CPI rise last month. The higher cost of building and decoration materials contributed another 5 percent of the CPI increase, while rents added 2 percent.


  Combined, food and residence expenses accounted for 92 per cent of China’s inflation in November. Obviously, food and shelter costs are important, but it’s important to remember one point: rising wealth means Chinese consumers are better able to handle these increases than many of their Asian counterparts.


  Inflation-adjusted income rose by 7 per cent or more in each of the last 10 years in China’s cities, and in each of the last five years in the countryside. The minimum wage has more than doubled since China joined the WTO in 2001.


  Core CPI, which excludes food and energy prices, has been rising due in large part to greater demand stemming from the country’s rapidly increasing wealth. From 2006 to 2009, Core CPI averaged only 0.33 percent annually, while last year the average was 0.9 percent and in November it was 1.5 percent (see graph). But this higher level of structural inflation is not cause for alarm in an economy where nominal income growth will once again be in double-digits and GDP growth will be about 9.5 percent in 2011.

  剔除食品與能源價(jià)格的核心通脹率(Core CPI)的上漲,在很大程度上要?dú)w因于中國(guó)迅速累積的財(cái)富所帶來(lái)的需求增加。從2006年到2009年,年均核心通脹率只有0.33%,而去年的平均值達(dá)到了0.9%,11月的核心通脹率更是高達(dá)1.5%(見(jiàn)圖表)。但結(jié)構(gòu)性通脹率的上升并不足以引發(fā)擔(dān)憂,因?yàn)橹袊?guó)名義收入將再次出現(xiàn)兩位數(shù)的增長(zhǎng),而2011年的GDP增速也將達(dá)到9.5%左右。

  Monetary policy has played a contributing role in the current CPI spike. As part of Beijing’s stimulus program, money supply (M2) growth jumped from 19 per cent in January 2009 to 29 percent in June of that year.


  But there are two reasons why inflation is not ‘always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon’, especially today in China. When Milton Friedman reached that conclusion over 40 years ago, he assumed that the velocity of money (the speed at which money changes hands to buy goods and services) would be constant. But in China the velocity of money fell sharply at the same time M2 rose, effectively neutralizing most of the increase in money supply.

  但是,情況并不像米爾頓·弗里德曼(Milton Friedman)所說(shuō)的“無(wú)論何時(shí)何地,通脹都是一種貨幣現(xiàn)象”,這句話尤其不適用于今日的中國(guó)。原因有二。40多年前弗里德曼(Milton Friedman)得出上述結(jié)論時(shí),他假定貨幣流速(用于購(gòu)買(mǎi)商品和服務(wù)的貨幣的易手速度)是一個(gè)常量。但在中國(guó),在M2大幅增加的同時(shí),貨幣流速卻急劇下降,有效中和了貨幣供應(yīng)量的大部分增長(zhǎng)。

  A second factor is that significant overcapacity limits the ability of Chinese manufacturers to pass on higher input costs. In recent years, when raw material and energy costs have risen, margins have been squeezed while core CPI remained very low.


  All of this adds up to an inflation picture that is far from dangerous. Conquering inflation in 2011 does not require sharp tightening, just normalization of credit and liquidity back to the level of the years prior to the 2009 stimulus.


  And that normalization is already well underway, with M2 growth falling from the 29 percent peak to 19.5 percent in November, and likely to return this year to the five-year pre-stimulus average of 16.7 percent (when CPI averaged 3.6 per cent).


  While I expect CPI growth to be moderate in 2011 (average 4-4.5 percent), high levels of liquidity and rising income are very likely to fuel price rises in China’s two main asset classes, equities and real estate.


  Beijing is likely to continue its current intervention in the housing market, but will also keep credit and liquidity high enough to support a healthy level of investment. Inflation will be conquered, but without a serious shock to China, or to the rest of the world.


我要糾錯(cuò)】 責(zé)任編輯:梓墨

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