
財(cái)稅實(shí)務(wù) 高薪就業(yè) 學(xué)歷教育
安卓版本:8.7.11 蘋果版本:8.7.11


來源: FT chinese 編輯: 2011/01/10 15:41:15  字體:

  Factory output growth eased in India and China in December, but strengthened in South Korea and Taiwan, narrowing a gap in manufacturing activity between much of developing Asia and the region’s emerging economic giants.


  Manufacturing business conditions picked up strongly in Taiwan and improved at the fastest rate in seven months in South Korea, according to purchasing managers’ index data published on Monday by HSBC and Markit, the economics consultancy.


  In India, the HSBC PMI eased slightly from its high in November, although it remained strong by historical standards.


  The data follow December PMI announcements last week for China, which showed continuing strong growth only slightly slower than in November, and for Japan, where the rate of contraction in factory output was the slowest for three months.


  China and India had previously shown signs of accelerating away from the rest of emerging Asia, with strong manufacturing growth in November contrasting with weak or flat data elsewhere.


  In the eurozone, PMI data showed an improvement in manufacturing spreading from the so-called “core” economies, led by Germany, to the “periphery” countries such as Ireland and Spain which have so far lagged behind in the economic recovery.


  The US manufacturing sector also grew in December – for the 17th straight month – boosting hopes that the economic recovery is gathering pace.


  The renewed strength of the factory sectors in South Korea and Taiwan, combined with continued expansion in India and China and other signs of accelerating economic activity, will add to concerns that inflation may be about to take off across the region.


  Leif Eskesen, India chief economist at HSBC in Singapore, said the data from New Delhi suggested the Reserve Bank of India would raise interest rates again sooner rather than later. “The [India] PMI numbers show that the economy remains in high gear, but this is becoming increasingly difficult to reconcile with a comfortable level of inflation,” he said.

  匯豐駐新加坡首席印度經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家雷夫•埃斯克森(Leif Eskesen)表示,來自新德里的數(shù)據(jù)表明,印度央行(RBI)將提前而非推遲再次加息。“(印度的)PMI數(shù)據(jù)顯示,經(jīng)濟(jì)仍保持高速增長,但這越來越難以與令人舒適的通脹水平相調(diào)和,”他表示。

  The Chinese central bank raised official interest rates on Christmas day, the second rise in a few weeks, and other Asian central banks are expected to follow if data due during the next few weeks confirm the general picture of renewed economic growth.


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