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安卓版本:8.7.11 蘋果版本:8.7.11

重慶農(nóng)商行赴港上市 擬籌資17.8億美元(雙語(yǔ))

來(lái)源: FTCHINESE 編輯: 2010/12/29 09:15:11  字體:

  Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank, one of China’s largest lenders to farmers and small businesses, plans to raise up to $1.78bn in an initial public offering in Hong Kong in what is expected to be the first in a wave of listings by smaller rural-focused Chinese banks.

  中國(guó)面向農(nóng)民和小企業(yè)的最大銀行之一——重慶農(nóng)村商業(yè)銀行(Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank, CRCB)計(jì)劃在香港進(jìn)行首次公開發(fā)行(IPO),籌資至多17.8億美元。預(yù)計(jì)在這宗IPO之后,面向農(nóng)村的中小規(guī)模中資銀行將掀起一波上市潮。

  The bank launched its IPO roadshow in Hong Kong on Monday in spite of an uncertain market that prompted at least two other companies to cancel their planned listings in the city in the last week.


  CRCB will sell 2bn new shares for between HK$4.50 and HK$6.00, raising as much as $1.55bn, or up to $1.78bn if investors show a lot of interest and a “greenshoe” over- allotment quota is exercised.


  CRCB was formed through the merger of dozens of struggling rural credit cooperatives in Chongqing municipality in western China in 2008 and will be the ninth mainland Chinese bank to list in Hong Kong.


  But it will be the first of China’s regional rural commercial banks, which cater mostly to China’s vast impoverished rural hinterland, to list anywhere and could be followed by some of its peers around the country, many of which have already applied to list on the Shanghai stock exchange.


  In the country’s affluent eastern province of Jiangsu alone, four such banks have already applied to regulators to sell shares in IPOs, according to senior regulatory officials.


  These banks are some of the least transparent and worst performing financial institutions in the country but are increasingly catching the attention of domestic and international investors now that nearly all of China’s large state-controlled national lenders have already listed in Shanghai or Hong Kong.


  Investors are being enticed by the strong post-IPO performance of larger lenders such as Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, China Construction Bank and Agricultural Bank of China, which has seen its shares rise 28 per cent since its mid-July IPO in Hong Kong.

  投資者受到大型銀行上市后股價(jià)表現(xiàn)的吸引,如中國(guó)工商銀行(ICBC)、中國(guó)建設(shè)銀行(CCB)和中國(guó)農(nóng)業(yè)銀行(Agricultural Bank of China),后者自7月中旬在香港上市以來(lái),股價(jià)已上漲28%。

  CRCB, like most rural commercial banks in China, seriously lags behind its larger counterparts in terms of profitability, fee income and asset quality but the bank’s underwriters and some analysts say that this makes the bank a better investment because of room for future improvement.


  They also cite very strong backing from the Chongqing government, which should protect the bank in the event of possible future financial crises, and the bank’s focus on China’s under-banked countryside as reasons for investor optimism.


  The bank says that it has reduced its non-performing loan ratio in recent years from 11.5 per cent to 2.73 per cent, while rapidly increasing its profits.


  It has 1,800 outlets across Chongqing municipality and it ranked as China’s 20th largest bank by assets by the middle of this year, with total assets of Rmb264.5bn.


  Morgan Stanley and Nomura are underwriters for CRCB’s Hong Kong IPO, which prices and closes on December 8.

  摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)和野村(Nomura)是重慶農(nóng)商行香港IPO的承銷商。此次IPO將在12月8日結(jié)束認(rèn)購(gòu)并確定發(fā)行價(jià)。

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