
財稅實務 高薪就業(yè) 學歷教育
安卓版本:8.7.11 蘋果版本:8.7.11


來源: FTCHINESE 編輯: 2010/10/22 16:29:44  字體:

  China Investment Corp, the country’s main sovereign wealth fund, has established its first business unit outside mainland China in Hong Kong as it prepares to expand its in-house operations and take more direct control over its investments.

  中國主要主權財富基金——中國投資公司(China Investment Corp)已在香港成立其首家境外子公司。中投正準備擴大內(nèi)部運作,對旗下投資進行更直接的控制。

  CIC’s new subsidiary, CIC International (Hong Kong) Co, has already established an office in Citic Tower in central Hong Kong and has appointed Lawrence Lau, a prominent Hong Kong economics professor and former member of CIC’s international advisory council, as its chairman.

  中投新的子公司——中投國際(香港)公司(CIC International (Hong Kong) Co)已在香港中環(huán)的中信大廈(Citic Tower)設立辦公室,且已經(jīng)任命香港著名經(jīng)濟學教授、中投國際咨詢委員會前委員劉遵義(Lawrence Lau)出任子公司董事長。

  The fund is planning a formal opening ceremony for the new office in the next few weeks.


  With $300bn of the country’s foreign exchange reserves under management, CIC has been actively recruiting dozens of new fund managers, investment specialists and support staff in recent months, as it ramps up its ability to invest in all kinds of asset classes around the world.


  When the fund was set up with a skeleton staff in 2007, it made a number of high-profile and ill- fated investments, most notably in US private equity firm Blackstone and investment bank Morgan Stanley, both of which saw their share price drop as the financial crisis progressed.

  當該基金于2007年成立時,它僅有少數(shù)幾個基干職員。它做了一些引人矚目但時機不佳的投資,尤其是對美國私人股本公司百仕通(Blackstone)與投行摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)的投資。在金融危機愈演愈烈時,這兩家公司的股價直線下滑。

  But CIC also handed out large mandates to international portfolio fund managers and gave money to large US private equity funds to invest on its behalf.


  With its own offices and a new offshore legal entity in Hong Kong, CIC is now positioning itself to make more of these investments itself.


  CIC, which also holds the government’s controlling stakes in many of the country’s largest financial institutions, was set up with $200bn of the country’s foreign reserves and a mandate to invest in more risky offshore assets.


  By setting up in Hong Kong, CIC is following in the footsteps of China’s State Administration of Foreign Exchange, which is in charge of investing the bulk of the country’s foreign exchange reserves in more conservative and stable assets, such as US Treasury bonds.


  Safe already has offices in Hong Kong, Singapore, London and New York, which it uses to manage its enormous portfolio of financial assets across the globe.


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