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安卓版本:8.7.11 蘋果版本:8.7.11


來源: FTCHINESE 編輯: 2010/05/28 09:46:51  字體:

  Prudential is trying to renegotiate the $35.5bn price tag on the Asian businesses of AIG in a last-ditch attempt to win over some of its biggest investors and head off a “no” vote on its planned takeover of AIA.


  The UK life assurer has sounded out investors opposed to the deal about whether a cut price would win their favour.


  It now hopes to reduce the price to as low as $30bn, according to people familiar with the situation.


  However, even at this lower level some shareholders remain concerned about the costs of the deal and how long it would take to achieve an acceptable return on their investment.


  Many investors accept the strategic rationale for the deal, which would make the Pru by far the biggest foreign insurer in the fast-growing Asian markets and the largest life assurer outside of China. However, a significant number are unhappy with the price.


  The Pru needs 75 per cent approval from shareholders.


  People close to the situation said the AIG board and the US government had yet to decide whether to accept a reduced price or scrap the deal and revert to their original plan of listing AIA in Hong Kong.


  “It is a close call,” a person familiar with the matter said. “There is less than a 50/50 chance that the deal with Pru gets done. It is easy for us to go forward with an initial public offering when market conditions permit.


  “While all the major IPOs in Hong Kong are being pulled, and you could argue that with markets down 10 per cent to 15 per cent, we should be flexible, we think the thesis [in favour of an IPO] is still intact.”


  While disgruntled investors have made it clear to the Pru how unhappy they are with the deal, they are wary of losing Tidjane Thiam, chief executive, and destabilising the company, which would be likely if the deal was voted down.

  盡管滿腹牢騷的投資者清楚地向保誠表明,自己對(duì)交易有多么不滿,但他們?nèi)圆幌Mナ紫瘓?zhí)行官迪德簡•蒂亞姆(Tidjane Thiam),破壞公司的穩(wěn)定——如果交易被投票否決了,這種情況就相當(dāng)可能發(fā)生。

  Proxy votes for the Pru deal must be submitted early next week but the mechanics of registering votes with custodians means that some of the biggest investors must vote by tomorrow.


  More than 15 per cent of large UK shareholders intend to vote against the deal.


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