
財稅實務(wù) 高薪就業(yè) 學(xué)歷教育

安卓版本:8.7.11 蘋果版本:8.7.11






來源: 正保會計網(wǎng)校 編輯: 2014/07/22 10:32:45 字體:


  Modified Accrual Accounting

  The similarities of modified accrual accounting with commercial GAAP.

  Both have equation for statements of financial position/B.S.In modified accrual,“Current assets and deferred outflows of resources=current liabilities and deferred inflows of resources+fund balance”

  Both producing operating statements.

  Both use historical cost and comply with most GAAP

  Both are concerned with safeguarding assets and providing information for internal and external use.

  Both can use double entry.

  Terminology is similar.

  The difference of modified accrual accounting with commercial GAAP

  三層皮對一層皮。(“Budgetary accounting+Activity accounting+Encumbrance accounting=government fund accounting” Vs.Commercial accounting)

  Governmental funds must comply with both legal statutes and GAAP.

  Because governmental funds have NO profit motive,so there are no income determination.

  Each fund is a separate entity;a self-balancing set of accounts.

  Sources of governmental resources

  1st tier Revenue Vs.Other Financing Sources

  2nd tier of Revenue include:

  Taxes-Income and sales

  Taxes–Property and real estate

  Fines and penalties

  2nd tier of Other Financing sources include:

  Debt proceeds(bonds and notes)

  Interfund transfers


  Budget 預(yù)算+Activity 活動+Encumbrance占位






  Budgetary accounting is used to control expenditures and to account for the levy of taxes sufficient to cover estimated expenditures.The major features of budgetary accounting are the use of budgetary accounts and the use of encumbrances.

  Budgetary accounting is used to control expenditures and to account for the levy of taxes sufficient to cover estimated expenditures.The major features of budgetary accounting are the use of budgetary accounts and the use of encumbrances.

  Encumbrances. Open purchases orders represent an encumbrance or reduction of the appropriations of a government.In order for governmental managers to effectively monitor the degree to which they have used their budgetary appropriations,governmental accounting systems reflect not only the expenditures but also the obligations to spend (purchase orders)。This is done to prevent overspending of appropriations.

  Budgetary accounts are “estimated accounts,”which are the opposite (in terms of “natural” debit and credit balances)from “real,”“proprietary,”or “actual” accounts.

  Budgetary accounts are posted only twice during the year(unless a supplemental appropriation is made)

  Estimated revenues–appropriations=Budgetary control(an Equity account)

  At the beginning of the year

  Dr.Estimated revenue control

  Dr.Estimated other financing sources

  Dr./Cr.Budgetary control

  Cr.Appropriations control

  Cr.Estimated other financing uses

  At the end of the year,the budget is reversed and closed.The entry‘s debit and credit are reversed.The accounts and amount are exactly SAME.

  Governmental fund revenues are recorded when measurable and available.

  Available means the collection period does NOT exceed 60 days after fiscal year-end.

  Governmental fund revenues often arise from non-exchange transactions.

  Non-exchange transaction is a transaction in which a government gives or receives value without directly giving or receiving equal value in return.

  There are four classifications of non-exchange revenues that serve as the basis for most government fund resources.特點:No underlying exchange transaction for those revenue.

  Derived Non-exchange Tax Revenue.所得稅與流轉(zhuǎn)稅。Accrued and recognized as revenue if

  a)measurable,b)due at year end,c)actually received within 60 days of year end.

  Imposed Non-exchange Revenue. 財產(chǎn)稅與罰款。Accrued and recognized if a)billed.

  Government Mandated Non-exchange Transactions.上級政府專項拔款。類似中央財政向?qū)幭南掳我S干渠維護專項資金。條件是干渠日常維護達到中央設(shè)定標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。Accrued and recognized as revenue if a)measurable,b) available,c) Eligibility requirements are met.

  Voluntary Non-exchange Transactions.政府間自愿劃拔。北京市向西藏劃拔資金,支援西藏中學(xué)建設(shè)。Accrued and recognized as revenue if a)restriction are met

  Governmental funds revenue recognition summary:

  Billed/Recorded:Imposed non-exchange revenues(Real estate taxes,fines and penalties)

  Received:Derived tax revenue(income taxes,sales taxes)

  Earned:Cash have been collected in advance.Or collection is sured.

  Accrual of real property tax

  Dr.Real property taxes receivable–current 1800K

  Cr.Revenues–property taxes 1620K

  Cr.Allowance for uncollectible taxes receivable–current 180K

  Collection of real property tax

  Dr.Cash 1458K

  Cr.Real property taxes receivable–current 1458K

  Reclassify receivables to delinquent:

  Dr.Property taxes receivable–delinquent 342K

  Cr.Property taxes receivable–current 342K

  Adjust revenue of real property tax

  Dr.Revenues–property taxes 162K

  Dr.Allowance for uncollectible taxes–current 180K

  Cr.Property taxes receivable–delinquent 342K

  Expenditures=Operating expenditures+Capital purchase+Debt services payments

  In governmental fund there is NO matching principle,so all items are expenditures:fixed assets,bond issue costs,and debt payments.

  Operating expenditures entry



  Purchase of a capital item entry

  Dr.Expenditures–capital outlay

  Cr.Voucher payable or Cash

  Principal payment on debt entry

  Dr.Expenditures–Debt service


  Expenditure is recognized when the voucher payable is recorded OR cash is paid,which is earlier.

  Alternatives for Expenditure Recognition

  For current assets only,include supplies,prepaid(insurance),inventory.

  Purchase Method Vs.Consumption Method

  Purchase method 1st expenditure current asset when purchase,2nd Set-up current asset for items not used during period(still on hand)

  Consumption method 1st set up as a current asset when purchased,2nd expenditure items as consumed(by periodic physical count)

  Purchase method–收貨時一次記入P&L,年底存貨擠回B/S,同時調(diào)整Nonspendable FB inventory.

  Consumption method–收貨時全記B/S,年底時,將全年消耗擠入P/L

  采購法(Purchase)與消耗法(Consumption)相比,記入expenditure的金額要多,多出的金額應(yīng)是年底的存貨。此部分通過增加貸方的nonspendable FB inventory來抵銷。

  Transfers between Funds represent the use of financial resources.

  Dr.Other financing uses–transfers out,debt service fund

  Cr.Cash(from the general fund)

  Classification of Governmental Expenditures by purpose

  1st tier by Function or program(Public safety, education,highways,etc.)

  2nd tier by Organizational unit(police and fire departments combine to form the public safety function)

  3rd tier Activity(Drug,highway of police)

  Classification of Governmental Expenditures by benefit period

  Current expenditures:Benefit current

  Capital outlays:Benefit both the present and future.

  Debt service:Benefit past,present,and future,

  Intergovernmental:one governmental unit transfers resources to another

  Classification of Governmental Expenditures by object

  Personnel services


  Principal and interest payments

  Fixed Assets(purchased,constructed,and leased)

  In governmental funds,fixed assets do NOT generate revenue,so do NOT capitalized on the funds books.They are expenditures on the funds books.The accounts is “expenditure – capital outlay”

  Dr.Expenditure–capital outlay

  Cr.Vouchers payable(or cash)

  The government-wide F/S adopt accrual accounting.Fixed assets are capitalized from funds‘ “expenditure-capital outlay” to government-wide F/S’ PP&E.

  In proprietary funds and fiduciary funds,fixed assets do generate revenue,so capitalized on the funds books.


  Proceeds from long-term debts are recorded in the governmental funds as “other financing sources.”

  Issue bonds


  Cr.Other financing sources–bonds issued

  Repayment of long-term debts




  Encumbrances(直譯“阻礙”,意譯“占位”):Commit funds for purchase orders

  Open purchase orders represent an encumbrance(commitment of the available appropriations of a government.)

  Spendable fund balance=Budgetary–Activity expenditure–Encumbrance

  If governmental accounting systems do not adopt the encumbrance concept,the appropriation may be overspending.

  When order issued,set up encumbrance entry

  Dr.Encumbrances 90K(45K * 2 truck)

  Cr.Budgetary control 90K

  When 1 truck is received,and price is 44K reverse encumbrance entry by original proportion.

  Dr.Budgetary control 45K

  Cr.Encumbrances 45K

  Record the actual expenditures of 44K

  Dr.Expenditure–capital outlay 44K

  Cr.Voucher payable 44K

  If an encumbrance is outstanding at year-end and appropriations do not lapse.Please do two entry.

  1st to close(reverse)budgetary accounts related to encumbrances

  Dr.Budgetary control 45K

  Cr.Encumbrance 45K

  2nd to reclassification of fund balance relative to outstanding encumbrance of prior year,from unassigned to committed/assigned

  Dr.Unassigned fund balance 45K

  Cr.Fund balance,committed 45K

  In the following year,the spend of prior year‘s outstanding purchase order,will be recorded as an expenditure of prior year.

  Dr.Expenditure–prior year 45K

  Cr.Vouchers payable 45K














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我要糾錯】 責(zé)任編輯:小敏


  • 章小炎《財務(wù)會計與報告》


  • 李向祎《審計與鑒證》



  • 美國注冊會計師思維導(dǎo)圖


  • 美國注冊會計師學(xué)習(xí)計劃


  • 美國注冊會計師科目特點


  • 美國注冊會計師報考指南


  • 美國注冊會計師歷年樣卷


  • USCPA常用財會英語詞匯



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