

84785005| 提問時間:2023 12/28 13:57
Business combination is a general term that encompass all forms of combining previously separate business entities. (√) 正確。Business combination 是一個通用術(shù)語,涵蓋了之前獨(dú)立經(jīng)營實(shí)體的所有形式的合并。 Firms must show goodwill impairment losses separately in the income statement, as a component of income from continuing operations. (x) 錯誤。在IFRS中,商譽(yù)減值損失不需要單獨(dú)在損益表中列示,也不需要作為持續(xù)經(jīng)營收益的組成部分。它只是減記商譽(yù)的賬面價值。 Business combination is the combination of firms in the same business lines and markets.(x) 錯誤。Business combination 可以發(fā)生在同一業(yè)務(wù)線和市場,也可以發(fā)生在不同的業(yè)務(wù)線和市場。這是一個更寬泛的概念。 A merge occurs when one corporation takes over all the operations of another business entity and that entity is dissolved.(√) 正確。兼并是指一個公司接管另一個實(shí)體的所有業(yè)務(wù),導(dǎo)致該實(shí)體解散。 The acquired company need be dissolved, the acquired company have to go out of existence. ( x) 錯誤。被收購的公司不需要解散或消失,只是被另一個公司控制。 Accounting for business combinations was a major joint project of IFRS and GAAP.(x) 錯誤。會計準(zhǔn)則制定機(jī)構(gòu)是IFRS和GAAP,而不是IFRS和GAAP是一個項目。 GAAP provides guidance on the determination of fair values.(√) 正確。一般公認(rèn)會計原則(GAAP)為確定公允價值提供了指導(dǎo)。 A corporation becomes a parent company when another corporation acquires a controlling interest in its outstanding voting stock.(x) 錯誤。一個公司成為母公司,不是因為另一個公司獲得了其在外流通的投票股的控股權(quán),而是因為另一個公司控制了它。 Required consolidated financial statements just include a consolidated balance sheet. ( x) 錯誤。所需的合并財務(wù)報表不僅包括合并資產(chǎn)負(fù)債表,還包括合并利潤表和合并現(xiàn)金流量表。 Acquisition accounting requires the recording of assets acquired and liabilities assumed at their fair values at the date of combination.( ) 正確。收購會計要求記錄在合并日期的資產(chǎn)和負(fù)債的公允價值。 Liquidation is typically carried out by an external party, such as a court-appointed liquidator. (x) 錯誤。清算可以由外部方進(jìn)行,但也可以由公司內(nèi)部進(jìn)行,例如在公司自愿清算的情況下。 The acquisition method generally requires assets acquired and liabilities assumed to be measured at their book values at the acquisition date. (x) 錯誤。在購買法下,資產(chǎn)和負(fù)債應(yīng)以購買日的公允價值進(jìn)行計量,而不是賬面價值。 Goodwill = The investment cost - the total fair value of identifiable net assets. ( ) 正確。商譽(yù)等于投資成本減去可識別凈資產(chǎn)的公允價值總額。 The initial recognition of long-term equity investments includes the total incurred in purchasing another company and other direct costs of the business combination(such as accounting, legal, consulting and finders' fees.() 錯誤。長期股權(quán)投資的初始確認(rèn)應(yīng)僅限于購買的股份的成本,其他與業(yè)務(wù)合并有關(guān)的成本應(yīng)作為費(fèi)用處理。 Deferred tax liabilities are recognized when the tax base of an liability exceeds its carrying value, resulting in future taxable amounts. () 正確。遞延稅項負(fù)債在負(fù)債的計稅基礎(chǔ)超過其賬面價值時確認(rèn)為未來的應(yīng)納稅額。
2023 12/28 14:18
2023 12/28 14:20
16-20 Intercompany transactions are intracompany transactions from the viewpoint of the consolidated entity; therefore, we should eliminate their effects in the consolidation process. ( ) 正確。從合并實(shí)體的角度來看,內(nèi)部公司交易是公司內(nèi)部的交易。在合并過程中,應(yīng)消除其影響。 The use of foreign currency accounting is mandatory for all companies conducting international business transactions. () 錯誤。不是所有進(jìn)行國際業(yè)務(wù)交易的公司都必須使用外幣會計。這取決于公司的具體業(yè)務(wù)和交易。 The purpose of liquidation is to settle the company's debts and distribute any remaining funds to shareholders. () 正確。清算的目的是清算公司的債務(wù),并將剩余的資金分配給股東。 In foreign currency accounting, the functional currency is the currency of the country where the company is headquartered. () 錯誤。在功能貨幣會計中,功能貨幣是主體日常經(jīng)濟(jì)活動所使用的貨幣,而不僅僅是公司總部的所在貨幣。 A foreign transaction must be a foreign currency transaction. () 錯誤。不是所有外國交易都是外幣交易。有些交易可能是用當(dāng)?shù)刎泿呕蚱渌泿胚M(jìn)行的,而不是外幣。


