速問速答《外匯管理條例》(The Regulations on the Administration of Foreign Exchange)的適用范圍涵蓋全國范圍內的外匯活動,其中包括外匯的收支、儲備及結售匯交易等。外匯收支包括中國境內的外匯資金流出和流入,主要形式包括服務貿易結算、外資對外投資、商業(yè)貸款、貨物出口進口、外國旅客個人資金等。
Foreign exchange reserves include both official foreign exchange assets held by China's central bank and foreign exchange assets purchased by the people from the official foreign exchange market. On the other hand, foreign exchange transactions refer to foreign exchange transactions approved by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, including purchase and sale of foreign exchange for capital account, current account and capital account transactions, etc.
2023 01/30 20:42
閱讀 225