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2012-02-10 16:43 來(lái)源:正保會(huì)計(jì)網(wǎng)校 打印 | 收藏 |

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To Have and Have Not

  It had been boring hanging about the hotel all afternoon. The road crew were playing a game with dollar notes. Folding them into small planes to see whose would fly the furthest.1 Having nothing better to do,I joined in and won five,and then took the opportunity to escape with my profit. Despite the evil-looking clouds,I had to get out for a while.

  I headed for a shop on the other side of the street. Unlike the others,it didn't have a sign shouting its name and business,and instead of the usual impersonal modern lighting,there was an appealing glow inside. Strangely nothing was displayed in the window. Not put off by this,I went inside.

  It took my breath away. I didn't know where to look, where to start. On one wall there hung three hand-stitched American quilts that were in such wonderful condition they might have been newly-made. I came across tin toys and antique furniture, and on the wall in front of me, a 1957 Stratocaster guitar , also in excellent condition. A card pushed between the strings said $50. I ran my hand along a long shelf of records, reading their titles. And there was more...

  "Can I help you?" She startled me. I hadn't even seen the woman behind the counter come in. The way she looked at me, so directly and with such power. It was a look of such intensity that for a moment I felt as if I were wrapped in some kind of magnetic or electrical field. I found it hard to take and almost turned away. But though it was uncomfortable. I was fascinated by the experience of her looking straight into me, and by the feeling that I was neither a stranger, nor strange, to her.

  Besides amusement her expression showed sympathy. It was impossible to tell her age;she reminded me faintly of my grandmother because, although her eyes were friendly, I could see that she was not a woman to fall out with. I spoke at last. 'I was just looking really,' I said, though secretly wondering how much of the stuff I could cram into the bus.

  The woman turned away and went at once towards a back room, indicating that I should follow her. But it in no way lived up to the first room. The light made me feel peculiar, too. It came from an oil lamp that was hung from the centre of the ceiling and created huge shadows over everything. There were no rare electric guitars, no old necklaces, no hand-painted boxes with delicate flowers. It was also obvious that it must have taken years, decades, to collect so much rubbish, so many old documents arid papers.

  I noticed some old books, whose gold lettering had faded, making their titles impossible to read. 'They look interesting,' I said, with some hesitation. 'To be able to understand that kind of writing you must first have had a similar experience,' she said clearly. She noted the confused look on my face, but didn't add anything.

  She reached up for a small book which she handed to me. 'This is the best book I can give you at the moment,' she laughed. "If you use it." I opened the book to find it full. or rather empty, with blank white pages, but paid her the few dollars she asked for it, becoming embarrassed when I realised the notes were still folded into little paper planes. I put the book in my pocket, thanked her and left.


  impersonal  adj. 客觀的;非個(gè)人的;沒(méi)有人情味的;[語(yǔ)] 非人稱的 n.[語(yǔ)]非人稱動(dòng)詞;不具人格的事物

  antique adj. 古老的,年代久遠(yuǎn)的 n. 古董,古玩

  startle vt. vi. 使嚇一跳,使驚奇 n.驚愕,驚恐

  arid  adj. 干旱的,枯萎的。毫無(wú)生氣的

  magnetic   adj. 有吸引力的,磁極的


  1. The road crew were playing a game with dollar notes. Folding them into small planes to see whose would for the furthest.


  2. I was fascinated by the experience of her looking straight into me, and by the feeling that I was neither a stranger , nor strange, to her. 我還是覺(jué)得那種被直視的感覺(jué)很美妙,那種感覺(jué)是我既不是陌生人而且對(duì)她來(lái)說(shuō)并不陌生。

  3. The light made me feel peculiar, too. It came from an oil lamp that was hung the centre of the ceiling and created huge shadows over everything.



  1. Why did the writer want to leave the hotel?

  A) To enjoy the good weather.

  B) To have a change of scene.

  C) To spend all his winnings.

  D) To get away from the crew.

  2. What attracted the writer to the shop?

  A) The lack of a sign or name.

  B) The fact that it was nearby.

  C) The empty window display.

  D) The light coming from inside.

  3. The writer found the stock in the front of the shop__________.

  A) of top quality

  B) of good value

  C) difficult to get at

  D) badly displayed

  4. What was unusual about the way the woman looked at him?

  A) It made him feel self-conscious.

  B) She was happy to stare at him.

  C) She seemed to know him well.

  D) It made him want to look away.

  5. The writer disliked the back room because__________.

  A) there was hardly anything in it

  B) she had ordered him to go there

  C) he saw nothing he really liked

  D) it was too dark to look around


  1. B 本題的問(wèn)題是:為什么作者想要離開賓館?由本文第一段第一句可以得出答案。在賓館是十分無(wú)聊的,最后一句也寫出作者不顧天氣不好而想要出去走走,A,C選項(xiàng)錯(cuò)誤,D選項(xiàng)未提及。

  2. D 本題的問(wèn)題是:是什么吸引作者到那個(gè)商店?由第二段中間"there was an appealing glow inside." 可以得出答案。A,C選項(xiàng)不切題。D選項(xiàng)未提及。

  3. A 本題的問(wèn)題是:作者發(fā)現(xiàn)在小店前面存放的物品是怎樣的?從第三段對(duì)于物品的詳細(xì)描述可以得出答案。" On one wall there hung three hand-stitched American quilts that were in such wonderful condition they might have been newly-made. I came across tin toys and antique furniture, and on the wall in front of me, a 1957 Stratocaster guitar , also in excellent condition."

  4. C 本題的問(wèn)題是:那個(gè)女人看他的方式有什么不同?由第四段最后一句"I was fascinated by the experience of her looking straight into me, and by the feeling that I was neither a stranger, nor strange, to her."有一種似曾相識(shí)的感覺(jué)。

  5.C 本體的問(wèn)題是:作者不喜歡后屋的原因?從文中的第六段和第七段可以得出結(jié)論,他認(rèn)為沒(méi)有什么他真正喜歡的東西。"It was also obvious that it must have taken years, decades, to collect so much rubbish, so many old documents arid papers.""I noticed some old books, whose gold lettering had faded, making their titles impossible to read. 'They look interesting,' I said, with some hesitation."


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學(xué)員:chuhero 感謝周涵老師,職稱英語(yǔ)過(guò)了。我覺(jué)得應(yīng)該在這里跟老師說(shuō)聲謝謝,老師的講課很實(shí)用,針對(duì)性強(qiáng),是很有學(xué)習(xí)價(jià)值的課程,如果你想通過(guò)職稱英語(yǔ)考試,就聽周老師的課程吧。

學(xué)員:王仁芝 我去年7月開始差不多從零學(xué)起,堅(jiān)持到考試,考了72分,十分感謝老師及網(wǎng)校的輔導(dǎo)!

學(xué)員:lilizhangx 職稱英語(yǔ)通過(guò)了!畢業(yè)10年了,沒(méi)怎么接觸英語(yǔ),跟著周涵老師學(xué)習(xí),一次通過(guò)!

學(xué)員:張洪杰 首先感謝周涵老師,好多年沒(méi)有學(xué)習(xí)了,經(jīng)過(guò)老師的講解順利過(guò)關(guān),這已經(jīng)出乎我的預(yù)料,真的很激動(dòng),終于沒(méi)讓老師們失望,通過(guò)了,很高興。

學(xué)員:xsqxxlxzj 十多年沒(méi)有學(xué)習(xí)過(guò)英語(yǔ)了,通過(guò)職業(yè)培訓(xùn)教育網(wǎng)3個(gè)多月的學(xué)習(xí),83分通過(guò)職稱英語(yǔ)綜合C級(jí)考試,非常感謝周涵老師,謝謝您!

學(xué)員:best888zhou 畢業(yè)以后就沒(méi)有翻過(guò)英語(yǔ)了,丟了有七年了,雖然以前基礎(chǔ)還不錯(cuò),但這次真的是沒(méi)有信心,過(guò)年后開始復(fù)習(xí),用了差不多一個(gè)月的時(shí)間,B級(jí)綜合考了80分,很開心,謝謝周涵老師的細(xì)致講解!








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