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2010-02-20 09:48 來源:外語教育網(wǎng) 打印 | 收藏 |

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  1 The nursery is bright andcheerful.
    A pleasant         B clean
    C peaceful         D large
  2 This kind of material was seldom used in building houses during the middle Ages.
    A never          B rarely
    C often          D only
  3 People from many places were drawn to the city by its growing economy.
    A fetched         B carried
    C pointed         D decided
  4 The soldier displayed remarkable courage in the battle.
    A placed          B showed
    C pointed         D decided
  5 How do you account for your absence from the class last Thursday?
    A explain                 B examine
    C choose                D expand
  6 Almost all economists agree that nations gain by trading with one another
    A work                  B profit
    C rely                   D prove
  7 The conference explored the possibility of closer trade links.
    A denied                 B investigated
    C stressed                D created
  8 The chemical is deadly to rats but safe to cattle.
    A fatal                   B hateful
    C good                  D useful
  9 During his lifetime he was able to accumulate quite a fortune.
    A control                 B spend
    C collect                 D exchange
  10 It's impolite to cut in when two persons are holding a conversation.
    A leave                  B spend
    C stand up                D interrupt
  11 We are debating where we should go for a holiday.
    A making                B talk loudly
    C discussing              D expecting
  12 His behaviour is in every way perfect.
    A attitude                B conduct
    C intelligence              D character
  13 I remember seeing him somewhere previously.
    A before                 B ahead
    C seldom                D secretly
  14 We guarantee that letters posted first class will arrive the next day.
    A request                B realize
    C ensure                 D doubt
  15 Some desirable changes have taken place in this town.
    A identical                B uncertain
    C frequent                D satisfactory

Nobody Had Believed It Was Possible

  In 1912, the Titanic hit an iceberg on its first trip across the Atlantic, and it sank four hours later. It was carrying 2207 people, but it had taken on enough lifeboats for only 1178 people. When the passengers tried to leave the ship, only 651 of them were able to et into lifeboats and 1502 people lost their lives.
  Throughout the whole tragedy, the California was only ten miles away. Its officers were close enough to see the Titanic, but they did not understand the situation. They never received the Titanic 's call for help, and they did not come to the rescue until too late.
  First of all, nobody had prepared for such a tragedy. Nobody had believed that the Titanic could sink. The steamship company had thought that its ship would be completely safe in all situations. They followed an old rule for the number of lifeboats, so they had supplied lifeboats for only half the people. And the passengers had not practiced lifeboat drills before the accident and they did not believe they were in danger.
  The ship had already received six ice warnings on its radio when it struck the iceberg. But it had not changed its direction or its speed. It was impossible to change direction quickly enough when the iceberg came in sight. When the Titanic hit the iceberg, the radio officer on the California had just gone to bed. He had tried to warn the officers on the Titanic about the ice before he went to bed, but the officers had not listened.
  After this accident, ocean travel change. Now there are always enough lifeboats for everybody. Ships do not go so far north in winter, and they watch carefully for ice. Radio officers work 24 hours a day. A tragedy like the sinking of the Titanic should never happen again.
  16. Over 1,000 passengers were able to escape in lifeboats from the sinking Titanic.
    A. Right           B. Wrong            C. Not mentioned
  17. Throughout the whole tragedy, the California didn't received the Titanic's call for help.
    A. Right           B. Wrong            C. Not mentioned
  18. The Titanic has 1,178 lifeboats for 2,207 people, but 1,502 people lost their lives because many people did not know how to get into their lifeboats.
    A. Right           B. Wrong            C. Not mentioned
  19. The California didn't come in time to save the passengers on the Titanic because its officers were not clear about what was happening on the Titanic.
    A. Right           B. Wrong            C. Not mentioned
  20. The ship might not have sunk if its radio officer had listened to the warning from the California.
    A. Right           B. Wrong            C. Not mentioned
  21. After the accident, ships are not allowed to travel into the north in winter to ensure safe ocean travel.
    A. Right           B. Wrong            C. Not mentioned
  22. A tragedy like the sinking of the Titanic never happened again.
    A. Right           B. Wrong            C. Not mentioned

Keeping Cut Flowers

  1 While everybody enjoys fresh cut flowers around his house, few people know how to keep them for as long as possible. This may be done by keeping in mind a few simple facts.
  2 An important thing to remember about cut flowers is that they are sensitive to temperature. For example, studies have shown that cut carnations(康乃馨) retain their freshness eight times longer when kept at 12oC than when kept at 260c. Keeping freshly harvested flowers at the right temperatures is probably the most important aspect of flower care.
  3 Flowers are not intended by nature to live very long. Their biological purpose is simply to attract birds or insects, such as bees, for pollination (授粉). After that, they quickly dry up and die. The process by which flowers consume oxygen and produce carbon dioxide (二氧化碳), called respiration (呼吸), generates the energy the flower needs to give the flower its shape and colour. The making of seeds also depends on this energy. While all living things respire, flowers have a high level of respiration. A result of all this respiration is heat, and for flowers the level of heat relative to the mass of the flower is very high. Respiration also brings about the eventual death of the flower. Thus the greater the level of respiration, the sooner the flower dies.
  4 How, then, to control the rate at which flowers die? By controlling respiration. How is respiration controlled? By controlling temperature. We know that respiration produces heat, but the reverse is also true. Thus by maintaining low temperatures, respiration is reduced and the cut flower will age more slowly.
  5 Another vital factor in keeping cut flowers is the quality of the water in which they are placed. Flowers find it difficult to "drink" water that is dirty or otherwise polluted. Even when water looks and smells clean, it almost certainly contains harmful substances that can endanger the flowers. To rid the water of these unwanted substances, household chlorine bleach (含氯漂白劑) can be used in small quantities. It is recommended that 15 drops of chlorine bleach(at 4% solution) be added to each litre of water. The water and solution should also be replaced each day.
  23 Paragraph 2 _____
  24 Paragraph 3 _____
  25 Paragraph 4 _____
  26 Paragraph 5 _____
  A. Control of Respiration
  B. Beauty of Fresh Cut Flowers
  C. Role of Respiration
  D. Most Important Aspect of Flower Care
  E. Need for Clean Water
  F. Ways of Stopping Respiration
  27 A few simple facts will help you keep cut flowers_______________
  28 Respiration plays a key role________________
  29 The aging of cut flowers can be slowed down_________________
  30 Another important way to prolong the life of cut flowers is ____________________
  A. by keeping its original shape and colour
  B. in the life of the cut flower
  C. to produce carbon dioxide
  D. for as long as possible
  E. by controlling temperature
  F. to replace the water and solution every day

Healthful Living

  Good posture is an indication of good health. It also adds to a body's vitality and beauty. The body is not handsome when the back is bent and the neck thrusts forwards. Bad posture creates the impression that a person is tired, lacking in energy, bored, or weak. Fatigue may sometimes be the cause of bad posture. Most often, however, it is due to carelessness and poor health habits. Whatever its cause, bad posture affects one physically. The muscles are stretched and pulled into unnatural positions, which can lead to poor functioning of the body's various systems.
  Nutrition is the study of how the body takes food and uses it. This science provides information about the kinds of food a person must eat to promote and maintain good health. Such knowledge helps him develop and apply proper nutritional habits to his problems of healthful living. Proper habits of nutrition can be developed by paying attention to: (1) the variety of foods included in the diet; and (2) the quantity of each kind of food eaten. A diet, or the food regularly eaten, must contain all the nutritional elements.
  Many physicians believe that overweight is one of the greatest dangers to good health. This condition often leads to a shorter lifespan. An overweight person is also more apt to suffer from diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease and various disorders of the digestive system. A person's weight is directly related to the amount of food he eats.
  All foods can make a person fat if too much is eaten. In reducing, the maximum safe body weight loss is about two pounds a week. The sensible way to lose weight is to decrease the intake of starchy foods, fats and sweets in the diet.
  31. According to the passage, which of the followings is suggested about the good health habits?
  A. Good way of holding your body.
  B. Balanced food.
  C. Right body weight.
  D. All of the above
  32. According to the passage, bad posture is most probably caused by
  A. tiredness, boredom and weakness
  B. lack of energy
  C. carelessness and poor health habits
  D. overworking and illness
  38. Which of the following eating habits is NOT proper in terms of maintaining good health?
  A. Vegetables, meat and water only
  B. A suitable quantity of each kind of food
  C. Fats being part of the diet
  D. Various foods included in the diet
  34. We can infer from the statement " all foods can make a person fat if too much is eaten" that
  A. to lose weight you had better eat little for your daily meals.
  B. the most effective way to lose weight is to have no fat and sweet.
  C. even vegetables can make you put on weight if you eat too much of them.
  D. a shorter life span is a sure result of overweight.
  35. The original title of the passage can be probably replaced by
  A. Good Posture and Proper Nutrition
  B. Ways of Keeping Fit
  C. Bad Effects of Overweight
  D. Importance of Weight Loss

Declining Interest in Developing Foreign Language Skills

  Australia's foreign language skills are declining, Voice of America1 has reported. New figures show that only 13 percent of high school graduates can speak a foreign language. But four decades ago, 40 percent had foreign language skills.2
  Professor Elise Tipton, from the University of Sydney, says increasingly students do not feel the need to learn another language to boost their career. She believes that Australia's economic boom, which is driven by red-hot demand for its minerals, is helping mask serious deficiencies in its language skills.
  Australia does business very successfully in English with most of its trading partners. But as the world's economic power shifts to emerging regions such as Asia, its language gap could soon be exposed. According to the new figures, less than 6.5 percent of high school graduates are proficient in an Asian language. Academics worry that this means Australia will increasingly be isolated from its economically important Asian neighbors. Dilip Dutta, from the economics and business faculty at Sydney University, says language skills can enhance trading opportunities. If Australians want to trade with Asian countries, it is very important for them to learn the language that will help them to get closer to the culture.
  But students have different opinions about Asian language learning. Pippa McCowage, a 22-year-old Australian student, says many young Australians have a half-hearted approach to foreign languages3, and the language curriculum is often weak. "While we're encouraged in high school to learn another language, it's not really apparent to me as a realistic expectation that you will have to speak it," said McCowage. "For example, I learned Japanese in high school, when I went on an exchange in Year 10, I found that the Japanese students of my age had a much greater proficiency in English than I did in Japanese. So in that sense, it almost discourages you.
  At present, about 70 percent of Australia's major exports go to Asia and the Australian government has been keen on developing closer economic and diplomatic ties with Asia. Academics say that, as Asia becomes one of the world's economic powerhouses, Australia needs to improve its language skills if it is to take full advantage of the business opportunities on its doorstep.
  36. How much percent of high school graduates were proficient in foreign languages forty years ago?
  A) 70.
  B) 13.
  C) 40.
  D) 6.5.
  37. What can be inferred from paragraph 2?
  A) Australia has rich deposits of minerals.
  B) Australia is essentially a self-sufficient country.
  C) Australia has no intention to trade with Asian countries.
  D) Australian students are not required to learn a foreign language.
  38. What does Dilip Dutta think language skills can do?
  A) Improve your relation with your partner.
  B) Help settle international conflicts.
  C) Remove barriers in negotiations.
  D) Increase trading opportunities.
  39. Why has the Australian government been keenly interested in strengthening ties with Asia?
  A) Because Asia is where Australia is located.
  B) Because Asia is where Australia's major exports go.
  C) Because Asia is where Australians go and spend their holidays.
  D) Because Asia is where Australia can play a big role in international affairs.
  40. The word faculty in paragraph 3 can be replaced by
  A) college.
  B) institute.
  C) university.
  D) department.


  It is difficult to imagine what life would be like without memory. The meanings of thousands of everyday perceptions, the basis for the decisions we make, and the roots of our habits and skills are to be found in our past experiences, which are brought into the present by memory.
  Memory can be defined as the capacity to keep information available for later use. It includes not only " remembering" things like arithmetic or historical facts, but also involves any change in the way an animal typically behaves. Memory is involved when a rat gives up eating grain because he has sniffed something suspicious in the grain pile.
  Memory exists not only in humans and animals but also in some physical objects and machines. Computers, for example, contain devices for storing data for late use. It is interesting to compare the memory storage capacity of a computer with that of a human being. The instant-access memory of a large computer may hold up to 100,000 "words"—— strings of alphabetic or numerical characters——ready for instant use. An average U.S. teenager probably recognizes the meaning of about 100,000 words of English. However, this is but a fraction of the total amount of information which the teenager has stored. Consider, for example, the number of faces and places that the teenager can recognize on sight.
  The use of words is the basis of the advanced problem-solving intelligence of human beings. A large part of a person's memory is in terms of words and combinations of words. But while language greatly expands the number and kind of things a person can remember, it also requires a huge memory capacity. It may well be this capacity that distinguishes humans, setting them apart from other animals.
  41.What do the sentences at the beginning of the passage suggest?
  A. Memory is useful.
  B. Memory is important.
  C. There is a relationship between memory and habits.
  D. The past is connected with the present by memory.
  42. According to the passage, memory is helpful in our daily life in the following aspects except
  A. involving the change in the behavior.
  B. keeping information for later use.
  C. warning people not to do things repeatedly.
  D. remembering events that happened in history.
  43. With respect to the memory storage capacity, what is the author's idea about the comparison between human beings and computers?
  A. Computers have no memory at all.
  B. Computers are more powerful than adults.
  C. Teenagers are inferior to computers.
  D. Human beings are far superior to computers.
  44. What is the major characteristic of a human being's memory capacity according to the text?
  A. It can be expanded by language.
  B. It can remember all the combined words.
  C. It may keep all the information in the past.
  D. It may change what has been stored in it.
  45. According to the passage, human beings make themselves different from other animals by
  A. having the ability to realize danger.
  B. having a special memory capacity.
  C. having a distinguished memory capacity.
  D. having the ability to control himself.

Comparative Labor Costs

  ___(46)___. Together, they constitute the unit labor cost involved in producing a commodity.
  Some countries may find that the labor wages are very low, yet they are not in a competitive position when trading with other countries, whose labor wages are very high.
  ___(47)___. On the other hand, some countries find that their productivity is much higher than that of their trading partners, yet they are not in a competitive trading position either. This is because their labor wages are much higher than those of their trading partners. ___(48)___. For instance, wages are low in most developing countries. ____(49)_____. Their productivity is low too. Success depends on the unit labor cost of the products in certain industries, such as radio production and television set assembling, unit labor cost may be low and thus they would be in a competitive position, while in others, low labor wages are offset by very low productivity. Their unit labor cost is high and they are in an unfavorable position in trading with other countries.
  Unit labor cost is an important determinant of prices of manufactured goods, but other costs also influence prices: notably, those of capital, energy and raw materials. ___(50)___.
  A. Moreover, a country's competitive position is not solely determined by price salesmanship. Credit terms, adherence to delivery schedules and so on also affect competitiveness.
  B. At least two factors determine a country's comparative position: labor productivity and wage level.
  C. So it is the unit labor cost that determines the competitive position, but only low wages or only high productivity.
  D. This may be because they neglect their low productivity.
  E. Does this mean that these countries are in a favorable position in trade? It is not necessarily so.
  F. Generally speaking, all the countries are paying more and more attention to their wage levels.

New Ideas

  Iceland's President Olafur Grimsson is trying to drive carbon dioxide1 underground to __51__ its release into the air.
  Over the next two years, a team of scientists will try to __52__ carbon dioxide-charged water2 into the rock underground. Scientist theory says this should work3. The CO2 will react with the rock to form a stable mineral that remains in the __53__ for millions of years.
  If the experiment succeeds, Iceland could give the world a new __54__ to reduce CO2 emissions.
  Sigurdur Gislason, a university professor in Iceland, says his country has an __55__ over other countries: "We have enormous amounts of clean __56__ and a small society. You can do experiments here that you can't do anywhere else."
  In an attempt to cut back on the use of air conditioners during summer, the Japanese government in 2005 __57__ a campaign to keep office temperatures at 28°C degrees in summer. Men were also encouraged to change business suits for __58__ wear. In other words, no more ties.
  "The __59__ is meant to show the government's resolve to achieve Japan's target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 6 percent," said Chief Cabinet Secretary Hiroyuki Hosoda. The __60__ has cut an estimated 79,000 tons of carbon dioxide gas emissions each year.
  As the country's 2005 Energy Policy Act __61__ into force this year, more
  Americans will be encouraged to use __62__ cars and energy sources.
  According to the new law, those who buy hybrid cars such as the Toyota Prius can earn tax credits; or rebates, of __63__ to $2,600 a year. Homemakers can also save when they renovate, claiming tax rebates __64__ up to $500 simply by fitting their homes with energy-saving insulation. If they.__65__ in solar water heating, the payoff at tax time is equal to 30 percent of the appliance's cost or a maximum of $2,000.
  51. A) reduce    B) narrow  C) interrupt  D) interfere
  52. A) spread    B) splash  C) inject   D) flow
  53. A) air    B) rock   C) water   D) soil
  54. A) era    B) period  C) page    D) way
  55. A) merit   B) benefit  C) profit   D) advantage
  56. A) oil    B) energy  C) gas     D) solar-power
  57. A) mounted   B) called  C) opened   D) held
  58. A) decent    B) formal  C) casual   D) fashionable
  59. A) pledge    B) move   C) promise  D) statement
  60. A) campaign   B) war   C) activity  D) move
  61. A) makes     B) takes  C) bring   D) comes
  62. A) fast    B) cheap  C) expensive D) environment-friendly
  63. A) under   B) up    C) on     D) from
  64. A) putting   B) worth  C) building  D) buying
  65. A) spend   B) give   C) invest   D) donate



  第二部分 BAAAABC

  第三部分 DCAE DBEF


  第五部分 BDCEA


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學(xué)員:chuhero 感謝周涵老師,職稱英語過了。我覺得應(yīng)該在這里跟老師說聲謝謝,老師的講課很實(shí)用,針對(duì)性強(qiáng),是很有學(xué)習(xí)價(jià)值的課程,如果你想通過職稱英語考試,就聽周老師的課程吧。

學(xué)員:王仁芝 我去年7月開始差不多從零學(xué)起,堅(jiān)持到考試,考了72分,十分感謝老師及網(wǎng)校的輔導(dǎo)!

學(xué)員:lilizhangx 職稱英語通過了!畢業(yè)10年了,沒怎么接觸英語,跟著周涵老師學(xué)習(xí),一次通過!

學(xué)員:張洪杰 首先感謝周涵老師,好多年沒有學(xué)習(xí)了,經(jīng)過老師的講解順利過關(guān),這已經(jīng)出乎我的預(yù)料,真的很激動(dòng),終于沒讓老師們失望,通過了,很高興。

學(xué)員:xsqxxlxzj 十多年沒有學(xué)習(xí)過英語了,通過職業(yè)培訓(xùn)教育網(wǎng)3個(gè)多月的學(xué)習(xí),83分通過職稱英語綜合C級(jí)考試,非常感謝周涵老師,謝謝您!

學(xué)員:best888zhou 畢業(yè)以后就沒有翻過英語了,丟了有七年了,雖然以前基礎(chǔ)還不錯(cuò),但這次真的是沒有信心,過年后開始復(fù)習(xí),用了差不多一個(gè)月的時(shí)間,B級(jí)綜合考了80分,很開心,謝謝周涵老師的細(xì)致講解!








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