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2010-02-20 09:53 來源:外語教育網(wǎng) 打印 | 收藏 |

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  1. Philip Roth was hailed as a major new author in 1960.
    A) published       B) challenged
    C) acclaimed       D) guided
  2. He was one of the principal organizers of the association.
    A) planners       B) employees
    C) actors        D) recipients
  3. It is postulated that population trends have an effect on economic fluctuations.
    A) challenged      B) assumed
    C) deducted       D) decreed
  4. This kind of animals are on the verge of extinction, because so many are being killed for   their fur.
    A) drying up       B) dying out
    C) being exported     D) being transplanted
  5. The train came to an abrupt stop, making us wonder where we were.
    A) slow         B) noisy
    C) sudden        D) jumpy
  6. During the Second World War, all important resources in the U. S. were allocated by the federal government.
    A) nationalized      B) commandeered
    C) taxed         D) distributed
  7. The little boy was so fascinated by the mighty river that he would spend hours sitting on its bank and gazing at the passing boats and rafts.
    A) very strong      B) very long
    C) very great       D) very fast
  8. The stories of Sarah Orne Jewett are considered by many to be more authentically regional than those of Bret Harte.
    A) elegantly       B) genuinely
    C) intentionally      D) thoroughly
  9. The number of the United States citizens who are eligible to vote continues to increase.
    A) encouraged      B) enforced
    C) expected       D) entitled
  10. Formulated in 1823, the Monroe Doctrine asserted that the Americas were no longer open to European colonization,
    A) stated firmly      B) argued light-mindedly
    C) thought seriously    D) announced regrettably
  11. Smoking is not permitted in the office,
    A) probable       B) possible
    C) admitted       D) allowed
  12. The chairman proposed that we should stop the meeting.
    A) stated        B) declared
    C) suggested       D) announced
  13. I feel regret about what's happened.
    A) sorry         B) disappointed
    C) shameful       D) disheartened
  14. She has proved that she can be railed on in a crisis.
    A) lived on       B) depended on
    C) lived off       D) believed in
  15. John removed his overcoat.
    A) took away       B) left aside
    C) took off        D) washed off

Plants in Desert

  Only special plants can survive the terrible climate of a desert, for these are regions where the annual range of the soil temperature can be over 75 C. Furthermore. During the summer there are few clouds in the sky to protect plants from the sun's ray. Another problem is the fact that there are frequently strong winds which drive small, sharp particles of sand into the plants, tearing and damaging them. The most difficult problem for all forms of plant life, however, is the fact that the entire annual rainfall occurs during a few days or weeks in spring.Grasses and flowers in desert survive from one year to the next by existing through the long, hot, dry season in the form of seeds. These seeds remain inactive unless the right amount of rain falls. If no rain falls, or if insufficient rain falls, they wait until the next year, or even still the next. Another factor that helps these plants to survive is the fact that their life cycles are short. By the time that the water from the spring rains disappears-just a few weeks after it falls-such plants no longer need any.
  The perennials have special features which enable them to survive as plants for several years. Thus, nearly all desert perennials have extensive root systems below ground and a small shoot system above ground. The large root network enables the plant to absorb as much water as possible in a short time . The small shoot system, on the other hand, considerably limits water loss by evaporation.
  Another feature of many desert perennials is that after the rainy season they lose their leaves in preparation for the long, dry season, just as trees in wetter climates lose theirs in preparation for the winter. This reduces their water loss by evaporation during the dry season. Then, in next rainy season, they come fully alive once more, and grow new branches, leaves and flowers, just as the grasses and flowers in desert do.
  16. Ordinary plants are unable to survive in the desert mainly because of the changeable weather.
    A  Right    B Wrong    C Not mentioned
  17. Grasses and flowers in desert are able to survive because they stay in the form of seeds to wait for the right amount of water to come.
    A  Right    B Wrong    C Not mentioned
  18. Grasses and flowers in the desert whose life cycles are short shows their ability to adapt to the quick disappearance of rainwater there after it falls in spring.
    A  Right    B Wrong    C Not mentioned
  19. Winter is the toughest season for grasses and flowers to survive in desert.
    A  Right    B Wrong    C Not mentioned
  20. The shoot system of perennials can help the plants absorb less of the sun's ray.
    A  Right    B Wrong    C Not mentioned
  21. The theme of the second last paragraph is why the perennials can survive as plants for several years.
    A  Right    B Wrong    C Not mentioned
  22. Desert perennials lose their leaves after the rainy season just as trees lose theirs in wetter climates before winter arrives, but the reasons for this feature are different.
    A  Right    B Wrong    C Not mentioned


  1. Horticulture is the science and art of cultivating fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants. The word horticulture originates from the Latin words horta, which means garden, and culture, which means cultivation.
  2. Human use of plants for food and ornament has its origin in antiquity. As civilization evolved, the deliberate cultivation and domestication of edible plants replaced less efficient food-gathering practices of primitive societies. The advancement of horticulture is intertwined with the history of civilization and of scientific and technological development from the earliest times to the present. Horticulture and agriculture are not modern -day inventions but have gone through continuous transformation as civilization progressed technologically.
  3. Horticulture has many branches and can be divided into categories based on types of plants. Fruit culture is the branch of horticulture that covers the growing of tree fruits such as apples and oranges. Vegetable culture is the growing of vegetables. Vegetables are grown for their fruits, leaves, roots, or pods. This branch of horticulture is often the most popular with homeowners.
  4. Unlike fruit trees, vegetables usually have a short growing season and must be replanted each year. Ornamental horticulture is the production and use of plants as ornaments, whether they are used in open spaces or containers. Landscape horticulture is the use of ornamental plants and trees with other elements to beautify an area. Shopping malls, playgrounds, homes, and office complexes have ornamental plants and trees to make the area more pleasing.
  5. Growing, harvesting, and tasting your own fresh fruit is one of the most satisfying pleasure of having a garden. A fruit garden may be highly decorative as well as productive. Fruit trees can be trained to grow in a variety of ways: rows of trees, bushes, or in containers. Fruit trees can be grown in a separate area or among other plants. Most fruit trees are not self-fertile and need to be planted by a tree of the same fruit. Fruit trees require fertile, well-drained soil, plenty of sun, spray protection against insects, and annual pruning.
  6. Apples are one of the most widely grown fruits. There are about 7,000 varieties worldwide, with 2,500 in the United States alone. Apples are available fresh throughout the year. Apples are ripe when picked and need to be kept cold so they do not become soft. It takes only two days on the counter for apples to lose their crispness. When refrigerated, apples will keep for about six weeks.
  23. Paragraph 1 _____
  24. Paragraph 2 _____
  25. Paragraph 3 _____
  26. Paragraph 4 _____
  27. There was once a time when humans gathered wild plants to eat instead of _____.
  28. Horticulture developed as _____.
  29. Vegetables have a shorter growing period than fruits and _____.
  30. Horticulture provides us with not only fruits but sometimes also _____.


  It is difficult to imagine what life would be like without memory. The meanings of thousands of everyday perceptions, the basis for the decisions we make, and the roots of our habits and skills are to be found in our past experiences, which are brought into the present by memory.
  Memory can be defined as the capacity to keep information available for later use. It includes not only " remembering" things like arithmetic or historical facts, but also involves any change in the way an animal typically behaves. Memory is involved when a rat gives up eating grain because he has sniffed something suspicious in the grain pile.
  Memory exists not only in humans and animals but also in some physical objects and machines. Computers, for example, contain devices for storing data for late use. It is interesting to compare the memory storage capacity of a computer with that of a human being. The instant-access memory of a large computer may hold up to 100,000 "words"—— strings of alphabetic or numerical characters——ready for instant use. An average U.S. teenager probably recognizes the meaning of about 100,000 words of English. However, this is but a fraction of the total amount of information which the teenager has stored. Consider, for example, the number of faces and places that the teenager can recognize on sight.
  The use of words is the basis of the advanced problem-solving intelligence of human beings. A large part of a person's memory is in terms of words and combinations of words. But while language greatly expands the number and kind of things a person can remember, it also requires a huge memory capacity. It may well be this capacity that distinguishes humans, setting them apart from other animals.
  31.What do the sentences at the beginning of the passage suggest?
  A. Memory is useful.
  B. Memory is important.
  C. There is a relationship between memory and habits.
  D. The past is connected with the present by memory.
  32. According to the passage, memory is helpful in our daily life in the following aspects except
  A. involving the change in the behavior.
  B. keeping information for later use.
  C. warning people not to do things repeatedly.
  D. remembering events that happened in history.
  33. With respect to the memory storage capacity, what is the author's idea about the comparison between human beings and computers?
  A. Computers have no memory at all.
  B. Computers are more powerful than adults.
  C. Teenagers are inferior to computers.
  D. Human beings are far superior to computers.
  34. What is the major characteristic of a human being's memory capacity according to the text?
  A. It can be expanded by language.
  B. It can remember all the combined words.
  C. It may keep all the information in the past.
  D. It may change what has been stored in it.
  35. According to the passage, human beings make themselves different from other animals by
  A. having the ability to realize danger.
  B. having a special memory capacity.
  C. having a distinguished memory capacity.
  D. having the ability to control himself.

Road Trip Vacations

  It's summer. In the United States, it's the season of swimming pools, barbeques, camping and road trips.
  Road trip vacations where the car journey is part of the fun are especially popular with college students, who like to explore the country on wheels. These budget trips are ideal for students who often have plenty of free time but little money.
  "Ever since I went to college, I've been traveling around a lot, exploring the country," said Austin Hawkins, a 19-year-old college student from New York. This summer, Hawkins and his friends have spent weekends traveling in New England.
  The best part about car trips, said Hawkins, is that you can be spontaneous. "On a road trip, if you get interested in things you see along the way you can stop and explore."
  Matt Roberts, a 20-year-old student from Ohio who drove to Montreal, Canada, agrees. "With road trips you don't have to plan in advance, you can just get into a car and drive."
  Even with high gas prices, driving with friends is cheaper than flying. Roberts paid about 40 dollars for gas, but a round trip plane ticket would have cost nearly 400 dollars.
  Driving trips first became popular in the 1920s. Newly paved roads and improved, cars made it possible to travel longer distances. Motels started appearing outside cities.
  By the 1950s, car ownership became the norm. Construction of the US interstate highway system began in 1956 and motel and restaurant chains popped up1 everywhere making long distance trips easier.
  Today, the US has the highest car ownership rate in the world. Only 8 percent of American homes have no car, according to the most recent US census.
  Though many college students don't own a car, most have access to one. 2 On many of Hawkins' trips, they used a borrowed van.
  Hawkins' most memorable road trip took place over spring break. He and two friends drove from New York to New Orleans to volunteer, helping rebuild the city after Hurricane Katrina hit it last July. They crossed the country in two days and slept in their car in church parking lots.
  Roberts' road trip to Canada last winter was even more eventful. Upon arriving in Montreal, they were lost in a blizzard and shivering in the -25°cold. To find their hotel, they turned on a laptop and drove around in circles until they found a spot with wireless Internet coverage.3
  "I know we should have planned better, but we're young. Now, when I see those guys I always say: 'Remember when we were lost in the snow storm!' I'll never forget that."
  36. Which of the following statements is NOT true of American college students?
  A) They have little money.
  B) They like traveling by bike.
  C) They like to explore the country.
  D) They often have plenty of free time.
  37. What will Hawkins do when he sees something interesting on a road trip?
  A) He will turn back.
  B) He will drive around.
  C) He will stop to explore.
  D) He will stop exploring.
  38. When did motels suddenly appear?
  A) After the work to build the interstate highway system started.
  B) When driving trips became popular.
  C) After many roads were paved.
  D) After new cars were made.
  39. Which of the following words can best describe Hawkins' trip to New Orlends?
  A) Eventful.
  B) Colourful.
  C) Delightful.
  D) Unforgettable.
  40. The word blizzard in paragraph 12 can be replaced by
  A) snowstorm.
  B) hurricane.
  C) mist.
  D) fog.

From Sundials to Multi-functional Watches

  It was probably around 3,000 years ago that people first began inventing ways to help themselves measure the time. Having observed that shadow move around trees as the sun moves across the sky, someone drew a circle and put a stick in the center. As the sun passed overhead, he marked even division on the circle as the shadow of the stick crossed it. Then people could tell which part of the day it was by noticing which mark on the circle the shadow fell across. These circles were called "sundials".
  A water clock was another way to tell time. A container had a line with a number beside it for every hour. It also had a tiny hole in the bottom. The container was filled with water that dripped through the hole. When the water level reached the first line, one hour had passed. Each time the water level fell to another line, one more hour has passed.
  It was about 600 years ago that the first clock with the face and an hour hand was made. Watches came into use as soon as clocks were made small enough to be carried. Then in the last century came automatic watches, electric watches and quartz watches, etc.
  It is interesting to review briefly the history of the clock and watch development. Now, people have some new conception about watches. They think that watches don't just tell you the time, they also make a statement about your personal style, and even your character. They reveal the taste, personal preferences and hobbies of the person that wear them.
  Now we bring you the latest offerings from a famous Japanese watchmaker so you won't be behind the times.
  Casio watches are mostly digital, a good choice for those who prefer to stay in the digital age.
  The Forester series is designed to suit hikers: bands made of leather or cloth, outer shell in frosted metal. A watch of this type has an automatic lighting function. If you turn it 30 degrees in the dark, the light on the back of the dial will come on.
  There is a series for women, too. Light colours and streamlined design add some feminine flavour to the stiff numbers of the range.
  The Data Bank series is a great help to those with bad memories. You can store as many as 30 phone numbers in it, and set five alarms.
  Another Casio offering is a Futurist series with square dials. Two in this range have a vibrating function in the place of an alarm so that their reminder won't go unnoticed even in noisy environment and you can avoid embarrassing noisy alarm calls on occasions requiring quiet.
  Those in the Pela series are also named film watch, because they are super-thin. They have plenty of function: dial time, phone number memory and stopwatch.
  Casio has announced its new wrist audio player has been launched to the market. MP3 music documents can be downloaded from the Internet, or CD through computer and then played on the new watch. This " first wrist audio player" will undoubtedly be equipment for the new generation.
  Baby-G series offers an interesting feature —— fortune-telling. Your luck, health, personal relationships and everything can be divined through the piece's index.
  41. A sundial is a device to tell people the time by using
  A. the sun
  B. the tree
  C. the stick
  D. the circle
  42. What is the main feature of the Casio Forester series?
  A. The music function
  B. The automatic lighting function
  C. The memory function
  D. The compass function
  43. Where are the two types of the Futurist series most suitably used?
  A. A place requiring intelligence.
  B. A place requiring feminine flavour
  C. A place requiring politeness
  D. A place requiring silence
  44. What does the word film mean? ( Paragraph 3 from the bottom )
  A. Movies
  B. Something used in picture taking
  C. Extra-thin
  D. Shooting pictures
  45. The audio player has all the following functions EXCEPT that
  A. you can wear it on your wrist
  B. it can play music
  C. it can tell you the time
  D. it can record the phone message

Broken: Dreams of Rural Peace

  It was dusk in Tubney Woods, deep in rural Oxfordshire. The birds were singing at the end of another perfect day. The woman living at the edge of the forest could stand it no longer. She phoned the local noise pollution officer.
  "It's the rooks," she said. "I can't bear that awful cawing noise. Can you do something about it?"
  The call was no surprise to officials at the Vale of White Horse District Council. ___(46)___. The countryside, as every country-dweller knows, can be a hellishly noisy place.
  Last week David Stead, a West Yorkshire farmer, appeared in court in Wakefield accused of allowing his cocks to break noise regulations by crowing at dawn, waking a neighbor. ___(47)___. Six months ago Corky, a four-year-old cock, was banned from crowing after complaints in the Devon village of Stoke.
  Complaints about noise reasonable or not —— are at record levels in country areas. Environmental health officers say this is partly because of an increase in noisy activity. However, a significant number of complaints come from newcomers to the countryside.
  There are many sources of rural noise. ___(48)___. Mechanized grain driers, usually switched on for three weeks in September, can produce a maddening low-frequency hum. Mike Roberts, chief environmental health officer at Vale of White Horse, said noise often sounded worse in the countryside than in cities. With less background sound, unwelcome noises can seem louder and travel further.
  The oddest complaints, however, are the ones council officials can do nothing about. Vale of White Horse officials have been asked to silence not only nesting rooks. Pigeons and pheasants have also caused concern. In Kent, council officials have been asked to silence baby lambs. ___(49)___. Another insisted he could hear an alien spaceship landing over the garden fence.
  " We get regular complaints. They usually come from retired people who have just moved into the country. We send them a polite letter."
  And the lady who complained about the rooks? She was politely told she would have to put up with it. " ___(50)___." Said Mr. Roberts. " In the end, she accepted there was nothing much she could do—— except move out." It is not recorded who won, the lady or the rooks.
  A. We asked her what we were supposed to do, shoot the birds or chop the trees down?
  B. They have heard every kind of complaint.
  C. Mr. Stead said they were only doing what comes naturally.
  D. The council will ask the farmer to move it.
  E. One man rang to say he was kept awake by the splashing of a fountain in the garden next door.
  F. Farm machinery is a common cause.

Improve Computer-research Skills

  Like many college students, Jose Juarez carries around a pocket-sized computer that lets him watch movies, surf the Interact and text-message his friends1.
  He's part of "Generation M" - those born after 1985 who __51__ up connected to everything from video game to cellphones.
  "For us, it's everyday life," said Juarez, 18, a freshman __52__ California State University at Sacramento (CSUS).
  __53__,educators are now saying that not all Generation M-ers can synthesize the piles of information they're accessing.
  "They're geeky2, but they don't know what to __54__ with their geekdom," said
  Barbara O'Connor, a Sacramento State communications studies professor who has been involved in a nationwide __55__ to improve students' computer-research skills.
  In a recent nationwide test to __56__ their technological "literacy" their ability to use the Interact to complete class assignments - only 49 percent correctly evaluated a set of Web sites for objectivity, authority and timeliness. Only 35 per cent could correctly narrow an overly __57__ Internet search.
  About 130 Sacramento State students, including Juarez, participated in the experimental test, __58__ to 6,300 college students across the country.
  The hour-long assessment test is conducted by Educational Testing Service. It is a web-based scavenger hunt3(拾荒游戲) __59__ simulated Interact search engines and academic databases that spit out purposely misleading information.
  "They're very good at __60__ in and using the Internet, but don't always understand what they get back," said Linda Goff, head of instructional services for the CSUS library.
  "You see an open search box, you type in a few words and you __61__ the button," said Goff, who is involved in the testing.
  "They take at face value __62__ shows up at the top of the list as the best stuff."
  Educators say that these sloppy research skills are troubling.
  "We look at that as a foundational skill, in the same way we __63__ math and English as a foundational skill," said Lorie Roth, assistant vice-chancellor for academic programmes in the CSU5 system.
  Measuring how well students can "sort the good __64__ the bad" on the Internet has become a higher priority for CSU, Roth said.
  CSU is considering __65__ a mandatory assessment test on technological literacy for all freshmen, much as it has required English and math placement tests since the 1980s.
  Students in freshman seminars at Sacramento State were asked to take the test early in the semester and were expected to finish another round this week to measure their improvement.
  51. A) brought   B) built   C) stood     D) grew
  52. A) about     B) near   C) at       D) near
  53. A) Besides   B) However C) In addition D) Of course
  54. A) do       B) work   C) make     D) deal
  55. A) effort    B) plot   C) wish     D) slogan
  56. A) ask      B) measure C) require   D) demand
  57. A) small     B) little  C) broad     D) large
  58. A) conducted  B) held   C) managed   D) administered
  59. A) between   B) upon   C) by       D) with
  60, A) writing   B) copying C) typing    D) moving
  61. A) pull     B) push   C) beat     D) strike
  62. A) whatever   B) whoever C) whichever  D) however
  63. A) look at   B) take up C) cope with  D) serve as
  64. A) out      B) from   C) on       D) off
  65. A) added     B) adds   C) adding    D) add



  第二部分 BAACA AB

  第三部分 BFDE AECF


  第五部分 BCFEA


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學員:王仁芝 我去年7月開始差不多從零學起,堅持到考試,考了72分,十分感謝老師及網(wǎng)校的輔導!

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