
財(cái)稅實(shí)務(wù) 高薪就業(yè) 學(xué)歷教育

安卓版本:8.7.11 蘋果版本:8.7.11






來(lái)源: 正保會(huì)計(jì)網(wǎng)校 編輯: 2014/08/25 18:13:38 字體:


  Governmental accounting(Part B)

  GASB 34 is the governmental reporting standards

  Governmental reporting = Basic financial statements(F/S)+Required supplementary information(RSI)

  F/S=government-wide financial statements+fund financial statements+notes

  RSI=Management‘s discussion and analysis(MD&A)etc.

  Two types of accountability focused by governmental reporting.

  Operational accountability focus is to report the extent to which the government has met its operating objectives efficiently and effectively,using all resources available for that purpose,and the extent to which it can continue to meet its objectives for the future.

  Fiscal accountability focus is to demonstrate that government entity‘s actions in the current period has complied with public decisions concerning the raising and spending of public funds in the shouirt-term.

  The integrated approach requires financial accounting and disclosure to show operational(government-wide F/S)and fiscal(fund F/S)accountability individually and to show the relationship between operational and fiscal accountability through a reconciliation.

  Required reporting for general purpose government units include:

  Management‘s Discussion and Analysis(MD&A)

  Government-wide F/S(Statement of Net Position+Statement of Activities)

  Fund Financial Statements

  Notes to Financial Statements

  Required Supplementary Information(RSI)other than MD&A

  Other supplementary Information

  Government-wide F/S include “Statement of Net Position” +“Statement of Activities”

  Governmental Funds F/S include “Balance Sheet”+“Statement of Revenues,Expenditures,and Changes in Fund Balances”

  Proprietary Funds F/S include “Statement of Net Position”+“Statement of Revenues,Expenses,and Changes in Fund Net Position”+“Statement of Cash Flows”

  Fiduciary Funds F/S include “Statement of Fiduciary Net Position”+“Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Position”

  RSI include “Pension”+“Budgetary comparison schedules”+“Infrastructure information and assets using the modified approach”

  Optional reporting-Comprehensive Annual Financial Report(CAFR)

  CAFR=Introductory section+Required reporting+Statistical section.

  Introductory section=letter of transmittal+Organizational chart+List of principal officers

  Statistical section=10 years of selected financial data+10 years of economic data+other data

  The financial reporting entity classification

  1st tier Primary government Vs.Component(“SELF” test)

  2nd tier Component unit‘s Blended presentation Vs. Discrete presentation(“SON” test)

  A primary government consists of all organizations that make up the legal government entity.The primary government is considered the nucleus of the financial reporting entity.(聯(lián)邦政府,州政府,縣政府)

  A component unit of a primary government is a legally separate organization for which the elected officials of the primary government are financially accountable.It may also be a separate organization,but its nature and the significance of its relationship with the primary government are such that exclusion of the unit‘s information would cause the primary government’s financial statements to be misleading or incomplete.(縣教委, 縣公安局)

  If an unit meet ALL the three criteria(“Self”),then it is a primary government.

  “Self”:Has a separately-elected governing body?

  “Self”:Is legal separate?

  “Self”:Is fiscally independent of other state and local governments?

  If an unit NOT meet ALL the three criteria(“Self”),then it is a component unit.

  If a component unit meet ANY the three criteria(“Son”),then it should use blended presentation(rare)??h辦的信息披露

  “Son”:The board of the primary government is same as the component unit?

  “Son”:The component unit only serve the primary government(exclusively service)

  “Son”:The organization does not qualify as a legal entity.

  If an unit NOT meet Any the three criteria(“Son”),then it should use discrete presentation(most often)。縣教委的信息披露

  Blended presentation is preferred

  Combines financial information with the primary government

  Financial information of the component unit is not presented in separate columns.

  Discrete presentation is preferred

  Displays component units in separate columns

  F/S of the reporting entity should provide an overview of the entity based on financial accountability.

  Most component units should use discrete presentation.

  Reporting Not-for-Profit entities as a Component Unit of Government

  Not-for-Profit organizations that provide ongoing support to a primary government or to a component unit of that primary government may also be a component unit of the primary government. E.g. private foundations associated with state universities or public health care facilities.

  Criteria for Discrete Presentation–meet ALL of ABS(防鎖死剎車系統(tǒng)/樹(shù)脂)

  Access:The primary government must have access to the resources of the private not-for-profit organization

  Benefit:The private organization must be for the near exclusive benefit of the primary government.

  Significance:Resources of the private not-for-profit organization must be significant to the primary government.

  If a legally separate and tax-exempt organizations meet ALL of the “ABS”,it should be reported as a discrete component.

  Governmental reporting summary(F9-10)is very important.Please scrutinize it.

  Required reporting for general purpose government units include:

  Management‘s Discussion and Analysis(MD&A)

  Government-wide F/S(Statement of Net Position+Statement of Activities)

  Fund Financial Statements

  Notes to Financial Statements

  Required Supplementary Information(RSI)other than MD&A

  Other supplementary Information

  Management‘s Discussion and Analysis(MD&A)is a narrative that provides a brief,objective,and easily readable analysis of the government’s financial activities based upon currently known facts,decisions,and conditions.The following should be included(F9-11):

  Description of the F/S

  Identity of the primary government and discrete component units

  Economic conditions and outlook

  Major initiatives

  Government-wide Financial Statement(GW F/S)use the economic resources measurement focus and the full accrual basis of accounting.

  GW F/S includes all assets and liabilities over which a government has control or responsibility.

  Therefore,fiduciary funds are excluded,but governmental funds,proprietary funds,and the component units are included.

  GW F/S include “Statement of Net Position” and “Statement of Activities”

  Statement of Net Position–a consolidated statement

  Net Position=Assets–Liabilities

  Net Position=Net investment in capital assets+Restricted+Unrestricted

  GASB 34 reporting model requires that capital assets,including infrastructure assets,be included in the government-wide F/S.

  Infrastructure asset refers to streets,bridges,gutters,and other assets of the government.

  Infrastructure asset are recorded as general capital asset.They are only reported on the government-wide F/S.

  Capitalization of construction period interest is not required for capital assets used in the governmental activities.

  Required Vs. Modified Approach(subsequent measurement)

  Required approach(for GASB 34 Depreciation of Capitalized Assets)。Depreciation expense that can be specifically identified with a functional category should be included in the direct expenses of that function.

  Modified Approach (for GASB 34 Depreciation of Capitalized Assets)。Infrastructure assets that are part of a network or subsystem of a network are not required to be depreciated provided two requirements are met. Under the modified approach, infrastructure expenditures are typically reported as expenses, unless the outlays result in additions or improvements,in which case they would be capitalized.

  Two requirements=Qualified Asset Management System+Disclosed Asset Preservation.

  Qualified Asset Management System means




  Disclosed Asset Preservation



  例子:X市考慮對(duì)排水管網(wǎng)采用modified approach. X市設(shè)定的排水標(biāo)準(zhǔn)為五年一遇。如果符合上述兩標(biāo)準(zhǔn),則可采用此方法。

  RSI includes 1)reporting of the condition of the government‘s infrastructure;2)a comparison schedule of needed and actual expenditures to maintain the government’s infrastructure.

  Change from required approach to modified approach or reverse,is accounting estimation change.

  Impairment assessment are required.

  Artwork and historical treasures

  GR:Collection is capitalized on historical cost or fair value

  SR:Not Capitalize. Need meet three conditions:

  The collection is held for public exhibition

  The collection is protected

  The proceeds from sales of collection items to be used to acquire other items for collections

  Interfund Activity

  Within Government funds or Enterprise Fund,eliminated

  Between Government fund and Enterprise Fund,reported as “Internal balances”

  Between Government / Enterprise Funds and Fiduciary Funds reported as if external parties.

  Statement of Activities is a consolidated statement of all governmental and business-type activities.It uses program approach.

  The program approach provides cost information about the primary functions of the government and indicates each program‘s dependence on the general revenues of the government.

  “BASE”of net position–Subtract(F9-19 上半部分)

  In row direction,functions and programs are classified into three categories:

  Primary government governmental activities

  Primary government business-type activities

  Component units

  In column direction,there are expenses,indirect expenses allocation,and program revenue which is contain three 2nd tier revenues(“SOC”)

  Charges for Services

  Operating grants and contributions

  Capital grants and contributions

  Charges for services are revenues based on exchange or exchange-like transactions. E.g.water and sewer fee,building permits,housing prisoners, fines,and forfeitures,etc.

  Operating / Capital grants and contributions are mandatory and voluntary NON-Exchange transactions,restricted for use in a particular program.

  “BASE”of net position-Add(F9-19下半部分)

  General revenues=taxes+interest earnings+other revenue

  Special items and unusual OR infrequent and are within the control of management.

  Internal service fund activity should generally be reported in the governmental activities column.

  Fund F/S are required for the governmental,proprietary,and fiduciary funds.

  GASB34 emphasize reporting by major fund.

  Major fund must meet the 10% criteria within its category and also meet the 5% criteria associated with both categories.

  Major fund criteria–Individual fund‘s total assets/liabilities/revenues/expenditures/expenses/deferred outflows of resources/deferred inflows of resources(類似Segment)

  >=10% all Government Funds OR Enterprise Funds,And
  >=5% all Government Funds AND Enterprise Funds,

  The general fund will always be a major fund

  Internal service funds are not considered in the evaluation of major and nonmajor funds.

  Reconciliation of Governmental Fund F/S to Government-wide F/S

  Reconcile from fund balance to net position(GLAS + BARE)

  Reconcile from net change in fund balances to the change in net position(GOES+BARE)


  Governmental funds balance

  Less:non-current Liability

  Add:non-current Assets

  Service(internal)fund net position

  Basis of accounting


  Revenues and Expenses


  Governmental funds net change

  Other financing sources

  Expenditure–capital outlay(net of depreciation)

  Service(internal)fund net position

  Basis of accounting


  Revenues and Expenses







  Proprietary Funds require “Statement of Net Position”,“Statement of Revenues,Expenses,and Changes in Fund Net Position”,“Statement of Cash Flows”

  The Cash flows similar to commercial enterprise,with seven difference.

  There are four categories.The financing activities are classified as “Capital and related financing activities”+“Noncapital financing activities”

  Interest income/cash receipts are reported as “investing activities”

  Interest expense/cash payments are either “Capital and related financing” or “Noncapital financing”

  Capital asset purchases are reported as “financing activities”。

  For other 3 points,please refer to F9-29

  Fiduciary Funds require “Statement of Fiduciary Net Position” and “Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Position”

  Refer to F9-32

  Notes to the Financial Statements considered integral to the F/S.Notes should focus on the primary government. The main discloses:

  A description of government-wide activities.

  Policies relating to elimination of internal activity.

  Description of the modified approach for reporting infrastructure.

  The length of time used to define“available”in determining revenue recognition under the modified accrual basis(60 days)

  Required Supplementary Information

  Budgetary Information–original budget,final amended budget,and actual amounts.

  Infrastructure Information–assessed condition of infrastructure,and estimated annual amount to maintain the preserve infrastructure for each of the past five years.

  Pension Information for 10 most recent fiscal years

  Sources of changes

  Information about the components

  Significant methods and assumptions

  Annual money-weighted rate of return

  Explanation of trends in changes in benefit terms/in the population/in assumptions.

  Other Supplementary Information

  Combining statements for nonmajor funds

  Variance between originally adopted budget and final amended budget

  Variance between final amended budget and actual.

  Interfund activity represents the flow of resources between funds and between the primary government and its component units.It can be classified as “Reciprocal” and“Non-reciprocal”interfund activity.

  Reciprocal interfund activity include“interfund loans”and“interfund services provided and used”。

  Non-reciprocal interfund activity include“interfund transfers”and“interfund reimbursement”。

  Interfund transfers are normally displayed as other financing sources and uses after non-operating revenues and expenses.

  Interfund reimbursements are not displayed as interfund transactions.

  F/S elimination and display

  Eliminate activity within governmental activities

  Eliminate activity within business-type activities

  Eliminate activity between governmental activities and business-type activities.

  Report the transaction between the primary government and its fiduciary funds,as if between external parties.



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